NLTK 关系提取不返回任何内容



【中文标题】NLTK 关系提取不返回任何内容【英文标题】:NLTK relation extraction returns nothing 【发布时间】:2017-03-21 17:18:07 【问题描述】:

我最近正在研究使用 nltk 从文本中提取关系。所以我建立了一个示例文本:“汤姆是微软的联合创始人。”并使用以下程序测试并返回任何内容。我不知道为什么。

我使用的是 NLTK 版本:3.2.1,python 版本:3.5.2。


import re
import nltk
from nltk.sem.relextract import extract_rels, rtuple
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

def test():
    with open('sample.txt', 'r') as f:
        sample =   # "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft"

    sentences = sent_tokenize(sample)
    tokenized_sentences = [word_tokenize(sentence) for sentence in sentences]
    tagged_sentences = [nltk.tag.pos_tag(sentence) for sentence in tokenized_sentences]

    OF = re.compile(r'.*\bof\b.*')

    for i, sent in enumerate(tagged_sentences):
        sent = nltk.chunk.ne_chunk(sent) # ne_chunk method expects one tagged sentence
        rels = extract_rels('PER', 'GPE', sent, corpus='ace', pattern=OF, window=10) 
        for rel in rels:
            print('0:<51'.format(i, rtuple(rel)))

if __name__ == '__main__':


“盖茨于 1955 年 10 月 28 日出生于华盛顿州西雅图。”

nltk.chunk.ne_chunk() 输出为:

(S (人门/NNS) 是/VBD 出生/VBN 输入/输入 (GPE 西雅图/NNP) ,/, (GPE华盛顿/NNP) 开/IN 十月/NNP 28张/CD ,/, 1955/CD ./.)

test() 返回:

[PER: 'Gates/NNS'] '是/VBD 出生/VBN 在/IN' [GPE: 'Seattle/NNP']


“盖茨于 1955 年 10 月 28 日出生在西雅图。”

test() 没有返回任何内容。

3。我深入研究了 nltk/sem/ 发现这很奇怪

输出是由函数引起的: semi_rel2reldict(pairs, window=5, trace=False),它只在len(pairs) > 2时返回结果,这就是为什么当一个句子少于三个NE时会返回None。

这是一个错误还是我以错误的方式使用了 NLTK?


"pairs" in semi_rel2reldict 不一定是网元。检查 tree2semi_rel 也在 relextract 中。深入挖掘,你会发现原因 =) 顺便说一句,你的 NE 类使用 'PERSON''ORGANIZATION' 而不是“PER”和“ORG”,因为 ACE 类是 另外,您的句子在 NE 标记时没有 ORGANZATION,因此您的模式将不匹配。 @alvas,对不起,“ORG”应该改为“GPE”,但问题是存在。如果句子包含的 NE 少于三个,extract_rels() 将不会返回任何结果。 是的,是的,您走在正确的轨道上。深入挖掘。查看 tree2semi_rel 并尝试了解它的作用 =) 此外,“PER”可能不匹配,因为使用 ACE 标签训练的 ne_chunk 是“PERSON”,请参阅 【参考方案1】:

首先,用ne_chunk 分块NE,成语看起来像这样

>>> from nltk import ne_chunk, pos_tag, word_tokenize
>>> text = "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft"
>>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
>>> chunked
Tree('S', [Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')]), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])])


接下来我们看看extract_rels function。

def extract_rels(subjclass, objclass, doc, corpus='ace', pattern=None, window=10):
    Filter the output of ``semi_rel2reldict`` according to specified NE classes and a filler pattern.
    The parameters ``subjclass`` and ``objclass`` can be used to restrict the
    Named Entities to particular types (any of 'LOCATION', 'ORGANIZATION',


extract_rels('PER', 'GPE', sent, corpus='ace', pattern=OF, window=10)

它依次执行 4 个进程。

1。它会检查您的 subjclassobjclass 是否有效


if subjclass and subjclass not in NE_CLASSES[corpus]:
    if _expand(subjclass) in NE_CLASSES[corpus]:
        subjclass = _expand(subjclass)
        raise ValueError("your value for the subject type has not been recognized: %s" % subjclass)
if objclass and objclass not in NE_CLASSES[corpus]:
    if _expand(objclass) in NE_CLASSES[corpus]:
        objclass = _expand(objclass)
        raise ValueError("your value for the object type has not been recognized: %s" % objclass)

2。它从您的 NE 标记输入中提取“对”:

if corpus == 'ace' or corpus == 'conll2002':
    pairs = tree2semi_rel(doc)
elif corpus == 'ieer':
    pairs = tree2semi_rel(doc.text) + tree2semi_rel(doc.headline)
    raise ValueError("corpus type not recognized")

现在让我们看看给定你输入的句子Tom is the cofounder of Microsofttree2semi_rel() 返回什么:

>>> from nltk.sem.relextract import tree2semi_rel, semi_rel2reldict
>>> from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag, ne_chunk
>>> text = "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft"
>>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])]]

所以它返回一个包含 2 个列表的列表,第一个内部列表由一个空白列表和包含“PERSON”标签的 Tree 组成。

[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])] 

第二个列表由短语is the cofounder of 和包含“ORGANIZATION”的Tree 组成。


3。 extract_rel 然后尝试将这些对更改为某种关系字典

reldicts = semi_rel2reldict(pairs)

如果我们查看 semi_rel2reldict 函数与您的例句返回的内容,我们会看到这是空列表返回的地方:

>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])]]
>>> semi_rel2reldict(tree2semi_rel(chunked))


def semi_rel2reldict(pairs, window=5, trace=False):
    Converts the pairs generated by ``tree2semi_rel`` into a 'reldict': a dictionary which
    stores information about the subject and object NEs plus the filler between them.
    Additionally, a left and right context of length =< window are captured (within
    a given input sentence).
    :param pairs: a pair of list(str) and ``Tree``, as generated by
    :param window: a threshold for the number of items to include in the left and right context
    :type window: int
    :return: 'relation' dictionaries whose keys are 'lcon', 'subjclass', 'subjtext', 'subjsym', 'filler', objclass', objtext', 'objsym' and 'rcon'
    :rtype: list(defaultdict)
    result = []
    while len(pairs) > 2:
        reldict = defaultdict(str)
        reldict['lcon'] = _join(pairs[0][0][-window:])
        reldict['subjclass'] = pairs[0][1].label()
        reldict['subjtext'] = _join(pairs[0][1].leaves())
        reldict['subjsym'] = list2sym(pairs[0][1].leaves())
        reldict['filler'] = _join(pairs[1][0])
        reldict['untagged_filler'] = _join(pairs[1][0], untag=True)
        reldict['objclass'] = pairs[1][1].label()
        reldict['objtext'] = _join(pairs[1][1].leaves())
        reldict['objsym'] = list2sym(pairs[1][1].leaves())
        reldict['rcon'] = _join(pairs[2][0][:window])
        if trace:
            print("(%s(%s, %s)" % (reldict['untagged_filler'], reldict['subjclass'], reldict['objclass']))
        pairs = pairs[1:]
    return result

semi_rel2reldict() 做的第一件事是检查tree2semi_rel() 的输出中哪里有两个以上的元素,而你的例句没有:

>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])]]
>>> len(tree2semi_rel(chunked))
>>> len(tree2semi_rel(chunked)) > 2

啊哈,这就是extract_rel 什么都不返回的原因。

现在的问题是如何让extract_rel() 即使有来自tree2semi_rel() 的两个元素也能返回一些东西?这可能吗?


>>> text = "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft and now he is the founder of Marcohard"
>>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
>>> chunked
Tree('S', [Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')]), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')]), ('and', 'CC'), ('now', 'RB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('founder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN'), Tree('PERSON', [('Marcohard', 'NNP')])])
>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])], [[('and', 'CC'), ('now', 'RB'), ('he', 'PRP'), ('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('founder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('PERSON', [('Marcohard', 'NNP')])]]
>>> len(tree2semi_rel(chunked)) > 2
>>> semi_rel2reldict(tree2semi_rel(chunked))
[defaultdict(<type 'str'>, 'lcon': '', 'untagged_filler': 'is the cofounder of', 'filler': 'is/VBZ the/DT cofounder/NN of/IN', 'objsym': 'microsoft', 'objclass': 'ORGANIZATION', 'objtext': 'Microsoft/NNP', 'subjsym': 'tom', 'subjclass': 'PERSON', 'rcon': 'and/CC now/RB he/PRP is/VBZ the/DT', 'subjtext': 'Tom/NNP')]

但这只能确认extract_reltree2semi_rel 返回while len(pairs) > 2 的条件会怎样?

为什么我们不能while len(pairs) &gt; 1

如果我们仔细查看代码,我们会看到填充 reldict 的最后一行

reldict['rcon'] = _join(pairs[2][0][:window])

它尝试访问pairs 的第三个元素,如果pairs 的长度为2,您将获得IndexError

那么如果我们删除 rcon 键并简单地将其更改为 while len(pairs) &gt;= 2 会发生什么?

为此,我们必须重写 semi_rel2redict() 函数:

>>> from nltk.sem.relextract import _join, list2sym
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> def semi_rel2reldict(pairs, window=5, trace=False):
...     """
...     Converts the pairs generated by ``tree2semi_rel`` into a 'reldict': a dictionary which
...     stores information about the subject and object NEs plus the filler between them.
...     Additionally, a left and right context of length =< window are captured (within
...     a given input sentence).
...     :param pairs: a pair of list(str) and ``Tree``, as generated by
...     :param window: a threshold for the number of items to include in the left and right context
...     :type window: int
...     :return: 'relation' dictionaries whose keys are 'lcon', 'subjclass', 'subjtext', 'subjsym', 'filler', objclass', objtext', 'objsym' and 'rcon'
...     :rtype: list(defaultdict)
...     """
...     result = []
...     while len(pairs) >= 2:
...         reldict = defaultdict(str)
...         reldict['lcon'] = _join(pairs[0][0][-window:])
...         reldict['subjclass'] = pairs[0][1].label()
...         reldict['subjtext'] = _join(pairs[0][1].leaves())
...         reldict['subjsym'] = list2sym(pairs[0][1].leaves())
...         reldict['filler'] = _join(pairs[1][0])
...         reldict['untagged_filler'] = _join(pairs[1][0], untag=True)
...         reldict['objclass'] = pairs[1][1].label()
...         reldict['objtext'] = _join(pairs[1][1].leaves())
...         reldict['objsym'] = list2sym(pairs[1][1].leaves())
...         reldict['rcon'] = []
...         if trace:
...             print("(%s(%s, %s)" % (reldict['untagged_filler'], reldict['subjclass'], reldict['objclass']))
...         result.append(reldict)
...         pairs = pairs[1:]
...     return result
>>> text = "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft"
>>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])]]
>>> semi_rel2reldict(tree2semi_rel(chunked))
[defaultdict(<type 'str'>, 'lcon': '', 'untagged_filler': 'is the cofounder of', 'filler': 'is/VBZ the/DT cofounder/NN of/IN', 'objsym': 'microsoft', 'objclass': 'ORGANIZATION', 'objtext': 'Microsoft/NNP', 'subjsym': 'tom', 'subjclass': 'PERSON', 'rcon': [], 'subjtext': 'Tom/NNP')]

啊!它有效,但extract_rels() 中还有第四步。

4。给定您提供给pattern 参数 的正则表达式,它会执行一个过滤器:

relfilter = lambda x: (x['subjclass'] == subjclass and
                       len(x['filler'].split()) <= window and
                       pattern.match(x['filler']) and
                       x['objclass'] == objclass)


>>> text = "Tom is the cofounder of Microsoft"
>>> chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
>>> tree2semi_rel(chunked)
[[[], Tree('PERSON', [('Tom', 'NNP')])], [[('is', 'VBZ'), ('the', 'DT'), ('cofounder', 'NN'), ('of', 'IN')], Tree('ORGANIZATION', [('Microsoft', 'NNP')])]]
>>> semi_rel2reldict(tree2semi_rel(chunked))
[defaultdict(<type 'str'>, 'lcon': '', 'untagged_filler': 'is the cofounder of', 'filler': 'is/VBZ the/DT cofounder/NN of/IN', 'objsym': 'microsoft', 'objclass': 'ORGANIZATION', 'objtext': 'Microsoft/NNP', 'subjsym': 'tom', 'subjclass': 'PERSON', 'rcon': [], 'subjtext': 'Tom/NNP')]
>>> pattern = re.compile(r'.*\bof\b.*')
>>> reldicts = semi_rel2reldict(tree2semi_rel(chunked))
>>> relfilter = lambda x: (x['subjclass'] == subjclass and
...                            len(x['filler'].split()) <= window and
...                            pattern.match(x['filler']) and
...                            x['objclass'] == objclass)
>>> relfilter
<function <lambda> at 0x112e591b8>
>>> subjclass = 'PERSON'
>>> objclass = 'ORGANIZATION'
>>> window = 5
>>> list(filter(relfilter, reldicts))
[defaultdict(<type 'str'>, 'lcon': '', 'untagged_filler': 'is the cofounder of', 'filler': 'is/VBZ the/DT cofounder/NN of/IN', 'objsym': 'microsoft', 'objclass': 'ORGANIZATION', 'objtext': 'Microsoft/NNP', 'subjsym': 'tom', 'subjclass': 'PERSON', 'rcon': [], 'subjtext': 'Tom/NNP')]


>>> from nltk.sem.relextract import rtuple
>>> rels = list(filter(relfilter, reldicts))
>>> for rel in rels:
...     print rtuple(rel)
[PER: 'Tom/NNP'] 'is/VBZ the/DT cofounder/NN of/IN' [ORG: 'Microsoft/NNP']


感谢 alvas 的精彩回答! 如何获得包含多个子类和 objclasses 的结果?

以上是关于NLTK 关系提取不返回任何内容的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



从NLTK for Python中的同义词列表中提取单词

Python NLTK pos_tag 未返回正确的词性标记


StackMob iOS 关系查询