需要使用 group by 和 having 子句验证一致的结果集



【中文标题】需要使用 group by 和 having 子句验证一致的结果集【英文标题】:Need validation of consistent result set with group by and having clause 【发布时间】:2021-11-22 16:31:36 【问题描述】:


CREATE TABLE `zpost` (
  `post_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  `topic_id` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `post_subject` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT ''


INSERT INTO `zpost` (`post_id`, `topic_id`, `post_subject`) VALUES
(44, 33, 'New topic by new user'),
(45, 33, 'Re: New topic by new user'),
(47, 33, 'Re: New topic by new user'),
(46, 34, 'New Topic by James on 1/2'),
(48, 35, 'Sep 29th new topic'),
(49, 35, 'Re: Sep 29th new topic'),
(50, 35, 'Re: Sep 29th new topic'),
(51, 36, 'Another Sep topic');


  ADD PRIMARY KEY (`post_id`),
  ADD KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`);

最后是 SQL

SELECT * FROM `zpost` group by `topic_id` having min(`topic_id`);


|post_id|topic_id|post_subject              |
|     44|      33|New topic by new user     |
|     46|      34|New Topic by James on 1/2 |
|     48|      35|Sep 29th new topic        |
|     51|      36|Another Sep topic         |

我只想要给定 topic_id 的最小 post_id - 第一个主题记录。我似乎默认情况下得到了这一点。不确定这是否只是数据库决定提供行的方式,或者这是否是一致的顺序。有问题的数据库是 MariaDB。我也尝试在数据库中以相反的顺序插入数据,如下所示

INSERT INTO `zpost` (`post_id`, `topic_id`, `post_subject`) VALUES
(51, 36, 'Another Sep topic'),
(50, 35, 'Re: Sep 29th new topic'),
(49, 35, 'Re: Sep 29th new topic'),
(48, 35, 'Sep 29th new topic'),
(46, 34, 'New Topic by James on 1/2'),
(47, 33, 'Re: New topic by new user'),
(45, 33, 'Re: New topic by new user'),
(44, 33, 'New topic by new user');

而且我仍然得到了我想要的结果,这是个好消息,不需要采取进一步的行动。但不确定为什么以及为了完整起见,如果我想要最后一行(最大 post_id),我将如何更改 SQL 以使该行与每个 topic_id 相关联?有人会认为将 min 更改为 max 会解决这个问题,但不是!对于这个查询,我也得到了相同的结果。

SELECT * FROM `zpost` group by `topic_id` having max(`topic_id`);




您可以使用ROW_NUMBER() 来识别您想要的行。

要为每个topic_id 获取旧的post_id,您可以这样做:

select post_id, topic_id, post_subject
from (
  select *, row_number() over(partition by topic_id order by post_id) as rn
  from zpost
) x
where rn = 1


 post_id  topic_id  post_subject              
 -------- --------- ------------------------- 
 44       33        New topic by new user     
 46       34        New Topic by James on 1/2 
 48       35        Sep 29th new topic        
 51       36        Another Sep topic         

请参阅DB Fiddle - ASC 的运行示例。

要为每个topic_id 获取最新的post_id,您可以这样做:

select post_id, topic_id, post_subject
from (
  select *, row_number() over(partition by topic_id order by post_id desc) as rn
  from zpost
) x
where rn = 1


 post_id  topic_id  post_subject              
 -------- --------- ------------------------- 
 47       33        Re: New topic by new user 
 46       34        New Topic by James on 1/2 
 50       35        Re: Sep 29th new topic    
 51       36        Another Sep topic         

在DB Fiddle - DESC查看运行示例。


关于 RDBMS 没有固有的排序,您是绝对正确的。然而,这并不是真正的(输出)排序,而是关于它如何始终如一地选择第一个主题行。它所做的事实很有趣。当然,子查询可以做到这一点,但我想保持简单,因为简单已经有效。我写的另一个子查询是: select post_id, topic_id, post_subject from zpost where post_id in ( select max(post_id) from zpost group by topic_id ) @Senthil 我不明白你的查询版本是如何工作的,所以我看不出这个解决方案有多稳定。有时当表很小时,所有数据都驻留在磁盘上的单个 I/O 块中,或者整个主索引不跨越多个树节点;通常,您会在这些小情况下看到特殊行为,一旦引擎开始使用更多块或节点,您就不会看到这种行为。我会小心这个解决方案,我会用更多的行来测试它,特别是在插入和删除许多随机行之后。 同意。非常感谢。

以上是关于需要使用 group by 和 having 子句验证一致的结果集的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

having是否依赖于group by

group by 和 having子句

加入4个表with group by,2 having和where子句

Group By 和 Have 子句描述

SQL Group By and Have 子句和 exists 子句

sql语句有关where,group by,having的问题