PHP MYSQL 下一个和上一行



【中文标题】PHP MYSQL 下一个和上一行【英文标题】:PHP MYSQL Next AND Previous row 【发布时间】:2016-04-18 20:32:56 【问题描述】:


$sql="SELECT * FROM Emails where ID > 1 ORDER BY UserEmail LIMIT 1";

      if ($result=mysqli_query($connection,$sql))

      // Return the number of rows in result set

      while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result ) )
         $Email_Field         = $row['UserEmail'];         //primary key
         $Name_Field          = $row['UserName'];           
         $UserTel             = $row['UserTel'];         
         $Drop_Down           = $row['Drop_down'];      
         $MessageType         = $row['MessageType'];       
         $Comments            = $row['Comments'];        
         $SubjectOther        = $row['SubjectOther'];        
         $Check               = $row['Request'];         

 <form method="POST" action="Controller_leads.php">
    <p><strong>What kind of comment would you like to send?</strong></p>
    <input type="radio" <?php if ($MessageType == "Complaint")   echo "checked"; ?> name="MessageType" value="Complaint">Complaint 
    <input type="radio" <?php if ($MessageType == "Problem")   echo "checked"; ?>  name="MessageType" value="Problem">Problem
    <input type="radio" <?php if ($MessageType == "Suggestion")   echo "checked"; ?>  name="MessageType" value="Suggestion">Suggestion
    <p><strong>What about us do you want to comment on?</strong></p>

    <select name="Drop_Down" size="1">
        <option value ="Web Site" <?php if ($Drop_Down == "Web Site") echo selected ?>>Web Site</option>
        <option value ="Office Hours" <?php if ($Drop_Down == "Office hours") echo selected ?>>Office Hours</option>
        <option value ="Pamphlet" <?php if ($Drop_Down == "Pamphlet") echo selected ?>>Pamphlet</option>

    Other: <input type="text" size="26" maxlength="256" name="SubjectOther" value="<?php echo $SubjectOther ?>">

    <p><strong>Enter your comments in the space provided below:</strong></p>

    <textarea name="Comments" rows="5" cols="42"><?php echo $Comments;?></textarea><br><br>

    <strong>Tell us how to get in touch with you:</strong><br><br>

      <tr><td >&nbsp;Name     </td> <td><input type="text" size="35" maxlength="256" name="UserName" value="<?php echo $Name_Field ?> "></td></tr>
      <tr><td >&nbsp;E-mail   </td> <td><input type="text" size="35" maxlength="256" name="UserEmail" value="<?php echo $Email_Field ?>"></td></tr>
      <tr><td >&nbsp;Telephone</td> <td><input type="text" size="35" maxlength="256" name="UserTel" value="<?php echo $UserTel ?>"></td></tr>

    <input type="checkbox" name="Check" <?php if ($Check == "Contact Requested") echo checked; ?> value="Contact Requested">Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter
    <input type="submit" value="First" name="first"> 
    <input type="submit" value="Next" name="next"> 
    <input type="submit" value="Previous" name="previous"> 
    <input type="submit" value="Last" name="last"> code here


寻找php mysql分页 UserEmail 是一个数字?很棒 使用偏移量从数据库中获取下一条记录。 【参考方案1】:

尝试向查询添加偏移量。在每次下一次单击时,在 $offset 上加一,在上一次单击时,从偏移量中减一。然后,像这样在查询中包含偏移量:

# get the current offset

# initial value
$offset = 1;

# if we have an offset from a previous or next click, use that
if (isset($_POST['offset'])) 

    # validate this input to protect against sql injection
    if (is_int($_POST['offset'])) 
        $offset = $_POST['offset'];

    # now that we have our current value, see if we need to get the next or previous
    if ($_POST['submit']=="Next") 
        # next, add one offset
     else if ($_POST['submit']=="Previous") 
        # previous, go back one if we are greater than one
        if ($offset > 1) 

# query time, give me one result (LIMIT 1), staring at record $offset 
$sql = "select SELECT * FROM Emails where UserEmail > 1 
        ORDER BY UserEmail LIMIT 1, $offset";


<input type="hidden" name="offset" value="<?php echo $offset; ?>">

另一方面,UserEmail > 1 看起来很奇怪,但我不知道你的数据。


我不明白偏移量在这种情况下有何帮助。我添加了 html 部分以查看我想要做什么。如果我单击第一个按钮,它会给我第一个数据,这有效,当我单击下一步时,它会显示下一行,但如果我再次单击它,它就坐在那里。我应该使用输入类型作为提交吗? 是的,您需要使用用户输入来更改偏移量。我在答案中添加了一个示例。 nm,偏移量被完全忽略,只执行sql查询,然后只执行相同的查询而不增加偏移量。

以上是关于PHP MYSQL 下一个和上一行的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

PostgreSQL 中的 Lederboards 并获得 2 个下一行和上一行

php 下一个和上一个帖子链接

php 下一个和上一个帖子链接

php 下一个和上一个帖子链接

PHP 下一个和上一个链接/限制结果
