C++11 多线程比单线程慢



【中文标题】C++11 多线程比单线程慢【英文标题】:C++11 Multithreading slower than Single Thread 【发布时间】:2014-12-07 15:36:05 【问题描述】:




#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include "ThreadInterface.h"
#include "../MemoryManagement/MemoryMgr.h"
#include "../Logging/LoggingDefines.h"

class CThreadFactory : public CThreadIntearface

        CThreadFactory(BYTE max_threads);

        void Init(BYTE max_threads);
        void Clear(void);

        //update waves
        virtual void UpdateWavesInternalPoints(CWaves& waves);
        virtual void UpdateWavesNormals(CWaves& waves);

        //update vertices
        virtual void TransformVertices(const CObject& object, const vector<TVertex>& input, vector<XMFLOAT3>& output, const CXNAMatrix& matrix);

        static const char* GetHeapName(void)  return "Thread factory"; 
#if (defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG))
        *   Return class name. This function is compiled only in debug mode.
        *   \return class name

        void Join(vector<std::thread>& threads);
        void ReleaseThreads(vector<std::thread>& threads);

        UINT muiNumberofThreads;



#include "ThreadFactory.h"


    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("Start of initialization of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));
    muiNumberofThreads = 1;
    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("End of initialization of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));

CThreadFactory::CThreadFactory(BYTE max_threads)

    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("Start of initialization of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));
    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("End of initialization of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));


    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("Start of releasing of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));
    TRACE(LOG_DEBUG, string("End of releasing of object \"") + GetName() + string("\""));

void CThreadFactory::Init(BYTE max_threads)

    muiNumberofThreads = max_threads;

void CThreadFactory::Clear(void)

void CThreadFactory::Join(vector<std::thread>& threads)

    for (auto& it : threads)
        if (it.joinable())

void CThreadFactory::ReleaseThreads(vector<std::thread>& threads)

    /*for (auto& it : threads)



void CThreadFactory::UpdateWavesInternalPoints(CWaves& waves)

    if (muiNumberofThreads <= 1)
        waves.UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(1, waves.RowCount() - 1);
        vector<std::thread> threads(muiNumberofThreads - 1);
        UINT dwWavePartDifference = waves.RowCount() / muiNumberofThreads;

        DWORD dwMinRow = 1, dwMaxRow = 1 + dwWavePartDifference;
        for (UINT i = 0; i < muiNumberofThreads - 1; i++)
            threads[i] = move(std::thread &CWaves::UpdateWaveInteriorPoints, &waves, dwMinRow, dwMaxRow );

            dwMinRow += dwWavePartDifference;
            dwMaxRow += dwWavePartDifference;

        waves.UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(dwMinRow, dwMaxRow);


void CThreadFactory::UpdateWavesNormals(CWaves& waves)

    if (muiNumberofThreads <= 1)
        waves.UpdateWaveNormals(1, waves.RowCount() - 1);
        vector<std::thread> threads(muiNumberofThreads - 1);
        UINT dwWavePartDifference = waves.RowCount() / muiNumberofThreads;

        DWORD dwMinRow = 1, dwMaxRow = 1 + dwWavePartDifference;
        for (UINT i = 0; i < muiNumberofThreads - 1; i++)
            threads[i] = move(std::thread &CWaves::UpdateWaveNormals, &waves, dwMinRow, dwMaxRow );

            dwMinRow += dwWavePartDifference;
            dwMaxRow += dwWavePartDifference;

        waves.UpdateWaveNormals(dwMinRow, dwMaxRow);


void CThreadFactory::TransformVertices(const CObject& object, const vector<TVertex>& input, vector<XMFLOAT3>& output, const CXNAMatrix& matrix)

    if (output.size() != input.size())

    if ((muiNumberofThreads <= 1) || (input.size() < 1000))
        object.TransformVerticesSet(input.begin(), output.begin(), input.size() - 1, matrix);
        vector<std::thread> threads(muiNumberofThreads - 1);
        UINT uiThreadVertexCount = input.size() / muiNumberofThreads;
        UINT uiStartVertexIndex = 0;

        for (UINT i = 0; i < muiNumberofThreads - 1; i++)
            if (uiStartVertexIndex >= input.size())
                uiStartVertexIndex = input.size() - 1;

            threads[i] = move(std::thread &CObject::TransformVerticesSet, &object, input.begin() + uiStartVertexIndex, output.begin() + uiStartVertexIndex, uiThreadVertexCount - 1, matrix );

            uiStartVertexIndex += uiThreadVertexCount;

        object.TransformVerticesSet(input.begin() + uiStartVertexIndex, output.begin() + uiStartVertexIndex, uiThreadVertexCount - 1, matrix);


#if (defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG))

NAME_BODY(CThreadFactory, "Threads");


DEFINE_HEAP(CThreadFactory, GetHeapName());


我正在使用名为 Wave 的对象。该对象隐含大约 40 000 个顶点。我正在使用这些函数为每一帧更新它:

void CWaves::UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(DWORD min_row, DWORD max_row)

    if (min_row < 1)
        min_row = 1;

    if (max_row > (RowCount() - 1))
        max_row = (RowCount() - 1);

    for (DWORD i = min_row; i < max_row; ++i)
        for (DWORD j = 1; j < ColumnCount() - 1; ++j)
            // After this update we will be discarding the old previous
            // buffer, so overwrite that buffer with the new update.
            // Note how we can do this inplace (read/write to same element) 
            // because we won't need prev_ij again and the assignment happens last.

            // Note j indexes x and i indexes z: h(x_j, z_i, t_k)
            // Moreover, our +z axis goes "down"; this is just to 
            // keep consistent with our row indices going down.

            GetPrevSolutionVertices()[i*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y =
                GetK1()*GetPrevSolutionVertices()[i*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y +
                GetK2()*mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y +
                GetK3()*(mpObjectMesh->mVertices[(i + 1)*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y +
                mpObjectMesh->mVertices[(i - 1)*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y +
                mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j + 1].Position.y +
                mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j - 1].Position.y);

void CWaves::UpdateWaveNormals(DWORD min_row, DWORD max_row)

    if (min_row < 1)
        min_row = 1;

    if (max_row >(RowCount() - 1))
        max_row = (RowCount() - 1);

    for (UINT i = min_row; i < max_row; ++i)
        for (UINT j = 1; j < ColumnCount() - 1; ++j)
            float l = mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j - 1].Position.y;
            float r = mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j + 1].Position.y;
            float t = mpObjectMesh->mVertices[(i - 1)*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y;
            float b = mpObjectMesh->mVertices[(i + 1)*ColumnCount() + j].Position.y;
            mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Normal.x = -r + l;
            mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Normal.y = 2.0f*GetSpatialStep();
            mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Normal.z = b - t;

            XMVECTOR n = XMVector3Normalize(XMLoadFloat3(&mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Normal));
            XMStoreFloat3(&mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].Normal, n);

            mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].TangentU = XMFLOAT3(2.0f*GetSpatialStep(), r - l, 0.0f);
            XMVECTOR T = XMVector3Normalize(XMLoadFloat3(&mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].TangentU));
            XMStoreFloat3(&mpObjectMesh->mVertices[i*ColumnCount() + j].TangentU, T);

void CWaves::UpdateWave(float dt)

    static float t_base = 0.0f;
    if ((g_Timer->TotalTime() - t_base) >= 0.25f)
        t_base += 0.25f;

        DWORD i, j;

            i = 5 + rand() % (RowCount() - 5);
            j = 5 + rand() % (ColumnCount() - 5);
         while (!((i > 1) && (i < (RowCount() - 2)) &&
            (j > 1) && (j < (ColumnCount() - 2))));

        float r = MathHelper::RandF(1.0f, 2.0f);

        Disturb(i, j, r);

    static float t = 0;

    // Accumulate time.
    t += dt;

    // Only update the simulation at the specified time step.
    if (t >= TimeStep())
        // Only update interior points; we use zero boundary conditions.
        if (g_ThreadFactory)
            UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(1, RowCount() - 1);

        // We just overwrote the previous buffer with the new data, so
        // this data needs to become the current solution and the old
        // current solution becomes the new previous solution.
        std::swap(GetPrevSolutionVertices(), mpObjectMesh->mVertices);

        t = 0.0f; // reset time

        if (mShapeDescription.mShapeProperties.bLightedObject)
            // Compute normals using finite difference scheme.
            if (g_ThreadFactory)
                UpdateWaveNormals(1, RowCount() - 1);

在那种情况下,我认为问题出在我给所有线程的 CWaves 对象中,我认为这会导致持续锁定。所以我改变了另一种情况的方法,我尝试使用给定的变换矩阵来变换顶点。我使用的是容器迭代器,而不是整个对象。



void CObject::TransformVerticesSet(vector<TVertex>::const_iterator input, vector<XMFLOAT3>::iterator output, UINT number_of_vertices, const CXNAMatrix& matrix) const

    for (UINT i = 0; i <= number_of_vertices; i++)
        CMatrixTransformations::TransformPoint(input[i].Position, matrix, output[i]);




TRACE - 用于日志系统,在发布模式下为空

NAME_FUNC, NAME_BODY - 用于声明和定义返回类名的类方法的宏

DECLARE_HEAP、DEFINE_HEAP - 为重载的 new 和 delete 运算符创建声明和定义


这是我关闭应用程序后 VS 2013 的输出(请注意,在这种情况下,以前的情况我不使用多线程):

The thread 0x229c has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x22dc has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x11ac has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x328c has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x205c has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0xf4c has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x894 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x3094 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x2eb4 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x2ef8 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x22f4 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x2810 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x29e0 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
The thread 0x2e54 has exited with code 27 (0x1b).
D3D11 WARNING: Process is terminating. Using simple reporting. Please call ReportLiveObjects() at runtime for standard reporting. [ STATE_CREATION WARNING #0: UNKNOWN]
D3D11 WARNING: Live Producer at 0x012F05A0, Refcount: 8. [ STATE_CREATION WARNING #0: UNKNOWN]
D3D11 WARNING:  Live Object at 0x012F1D38, Refcount: 0. [ STATE_CREATION WARNING #0: UNKNOWN]
D3D11 WARNING:  Live Object at 0x013BA3F8, Refcount: 0. [ STATE_CREATION WARNING #0: UNKNOWN]

The program '[13272] EngineDX.exe' has exited with code 27 (0x1b).

似乎第三方 API(可能是 DX)正在创建线程,但在进程管理器中我只看到一个线程的使用情况。这可能是个问题...


    是我的线程工厂实现错了还是更新 40 000 个顶点不必分成更多线程? 如果我被锁定了,我想知道为什么。顶点转换的解决方案是使用迭代器和顶点向量容器被划分,所以我不应该有锁定。 出于一个原因,我决定为每个函数调用创建线程。起初我将线程向量容器作为线程工厂的成员类。但这导致调试模式下的内存泄漏(释放模式没有这个问题)。只是纯粹的声明,没有做任何事情。我从来不知道为什么。要正确释放线程,还有什么其他必要的吗? 现在我的应用程序以代码 27 结束,因为所有线程都返回了此错误代码。这是什么意思? 奇怪的想法是,当我使用 8 个线程(7 + 8 线程 CPU 上的主线程)时,在调试模式下我看到所有 8 个线程都在做某事。但是在发布模式下,根据只使用一个线程(主线程)没有任何变化。它是错误的行为还是出于某些原因可能是预期的?


编辑 17.12.2014:

我重新实现了线程使用的函数(并使其独立于 Wave 类),没有共享对象引用或变量,但它仍然不起作用。我不明白为什么....有趣的是,当我设置 8 个线程使用时,在调试可执行文件中我看到我的 Core i7 以 100% 运行,但帧速率没有任何好处。使用发布可执行文件,我看到只有 4 个线程运行,CPU 占 25%。


void UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(TVertexFieldIterator previous_vertex_field, TVertexFieldIterator actual_vertex_field, DWORD min_row, DWORD max_row, float k1, float k2, float k3, UINT column_count)

    if (min_row < 1)
        min_row = 1;

    /*if (max_row >(RowCount() - 1))
        max_row = (RowCount() - 1);*/

    for (DWORD i = min_row; i < max_row; ++i)
        for (DWORD j = 1; j < column_count - 1; ++j)
            // After this update we will be discarding the old previous
            // buffer, so overwrite that buffer with the new update.
            // Note how we can do this inplace (read/write to same element) 
            // because we won't need prev_ij again and the assignment happens last.

            // Note j indexes x and i indexes z: h(x_j, z_i, t_k)
            // Moreover, our +z axis goes "down"; this is just to 
            // keep consistent with our row indices going down.

            previous_vertex_field[i*column_count + j].Position.y =
                k1*previous_vertex_field[i*column_count + j].Position.y +
                k2*actual_vertex_field[i*column_count + j].Position.y +
                k3*(actual_vertex_field[(i + 1)*column_count + j].Position.y +
                actual_vertex_field[(i - 1)*column_count + j].Position.y +
                actual_vertex_field[i*column_count + j + 1].Position.y +
                actual_vertex_field[i*column_count + j - 1].Position.y);


TVertexFieldIterator tActualVertexIterator = waves.mpObjectMesh->mVertices.begin();
        TVertexFieldIterator tPreviousVertexIterator = waves.GetPrevSolutionVertices().begin();
        std::vector<std::thread> threads;
        //std::vector<std::future<void>> threads;
        UINT dwWavePartDifference = waves.RowCount() / muiNumberofThreads;

        DWORD dwMinRow = 1, dwMaxRow = dwWavePartDifference;
        DWORD dwVertexCount = dwWavePartDifference*waves.ColumnCount();

        for (UINT i = 0; i < muiNumberofThreads - 1; i++)
            //threads.emplace_back(std::async( std::launch::async, &CWaves::UpdateWaveInteriorPoints, &waves, tPreviousVertexIterator, tActualVertexIterator, dwMinRow, dwMaxRow, waves.GetK1(), waves.GetK2(), waves.GetK3(), waves.ColumnCount() ));
            threads.emplace_back(std::thread(&UpdateWaveInteriorPoints, tPreviousVertexIterator, tActualVertexIterator, dwMinRow, dwMaxRow, waves.GetK1(), waves.GetK2(), waves.GetK3(), waves.ColumnCount()));

            tActualVertexIterator += dwVertexCount;
            tPreviousVertexIterator += dwVertexCount;

        tPreviousVertexIterator -= waves.ColumnCount(); //row - 1
        tActualVertexIterator -= waves.ColumnCount(); //row - 1
        waves.UpdateWaveInteriorPoints(tPreviousVertexIterator, tActualVertexIterator, dwMinRow, dwMaxRow, waves.GetK1(), waves.GetK2(), waves.GetK3(), waves.ColumnCount());

        for (UINT i = 0; i < muiNumberofThreads -1; i++)



您需要将线程处理逻辑与“wave”逻辑分开。线程和实际工作是正交的(或者至少应该尽可能)。 其他问题:你的问题的标题太笼统了,想象一下如果每个人都这样称呼他们的问题,这对寻找与他们类似的问题的人有什么用?请尝试找到更准确的标题。 您提供的代码无法编译。我了解您不想分享太多代码,或者您觉得将所有内容都包含在问题正文中会太长。在这种情况下,请尝试将您的问题简化为可管理的实施 你创建了多少线程?对于计算任务,创建比可用 CPU 更多的线程通常会运行得更慢。 @didierc 我编辑标题以更具体地解决我想要解决的问题。给其他cmets。我尽量让 CWaves 类中的波逻辑。这就是为什么我在线程工厂类中调用 CWaves 类方法而不是单独的方法。或者你的意思是什么分离?第二。源代码要复杂得多,而且太长(一万行,包括 DX11 渲染器、日志机制、内存管理等)。我只插入了受线程工厂实现影响的部分。 【参考方案1】:

@mareknr 当我提出你的问题时,边栏中有 10 个相关问题的答案,所有这些都与为什么多线程实现比单线程慢有关。我认为其中一个或多个将解决您的问题。 以下是其中一些的链接:

Multi-threaded GEMM slower than single threaded one?

C++ Boost Multithread is slower than single thread because of CPU type?

Why is this OpenMP program slower than single-thread?

2 threads slower than 1?


我做了一些改变,但结果没有改变。请参阅问题描述末尾的 EDIT 部分。

以上是关于C++11 多线程比单线程慢的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

多线程 - 比单线程慢





java - 多线程中的简单计算比单线程中需要更长的时间