插入符号训练二进制 glm 通过 doParallel 在并行集群上失败



【中文标题】插入符号训练二进制 glm 通过 doParallel 在并行集群上失败【英文标题】:caret train binary glm fails on parallel cluster via doParallel 【发布时间】:2018-02-17 12:42:59 【问题描述】:

我已经看到有很多关于这个主题的问题,但似乎没有一个对我的问题给出令人满意的答案。我打算在 Windows 机器上将 caret::train() 与库 doParallel 结合使用。文档 (The caret package: 9 Parallel Processing) 告诉我,如果找到已注册的集群,它将默认并行运行(尽管它使用库 doMC)。当我尝试使用 doParallel 设置集群并按照其文档 (Getting Started with doParallel and foreach) 中的示例计算进行操作时,一切正常。当我取消注册集群并运行caret::train() 时,一切正常。但是当我创建一个新集群并尝试运行caret::train() 时,它会产生错误Error in serialize(data, node$con) : error writing to connection。我还包括下面的日志。我不明白caret::train() 在非并行模式下是如何工作的,但在并行模式下却不是,尽管集群似乎设置正确。




R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] doParallel_1.0.10      iterators_1.0.8        foreach_1.4.3          microbenchmark_1.4-2.1
[5] caret_6.0-76           ggplot2_2.2.1          lattice_0.20-35       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.11       compiler_3.4.1     nloptr_1.0.4       plyr_1.8.4         tools_3.4.1       
 [6] lme4_1.1-13        tibble_1.3.3       nlme_3.1-131       gtable_0.2.0       mgcv_1.8-17       
[11] rlang_0.1.1        Matrix_1.2-10      SparseM_1.77       mvtnorm_1.0-6      stringr_1.2.0     
[16] hms_0.3            MatrixModels_0.4-1 stats4_3.4.1       grid_3.4.1         nnet_7.3-12       
[21] R6_2.2.2           survival_2.41-3    multcomp_1.4-6     TH.data_1.0-8      minqa_1.2.4       
[26] readr_1.1.1        reshape2_1.4.2     car_2.1-5          magrittr_1.5       scales_0.4.1      
[31] codetools_0.2-15   ModelMetrics_1.1.0 MASS_7.3-47        splines_3.4.1      pbkrtest_0.4-7    
[36] colorspace_1.3-2   quantreg_5.33      sandwich_2.4-0     stringi_1.1.5      lazyeval_0.2.0    
[41] munsell_0.4.3      zoo_1.8-0

doParallel 文档中的运行示例(无错误)

cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * detectCores())
cl <- makeCluster(cores_2_use, outfile = "parallel_log1.txt")

x <- iris[which(iris[,5] != "setosa"), c(1,5)]
trials <- 100
temp <- microbenchmark(
  r <- foreach(icount(trials), .combine=cbind) %dopar% 
    ind <- sample(100, 100, replace=TRUE)
    result1 <- glm(x[ind,2]~x[ind,1], family=binomial(logit))



x1 = rnorm(100)           # some continuous variables 
x2 = rnorm(100)
z = 1 + 2 * x1 + 3 * x2        # linear combination with a bias
pr = 1 / (1 + exp(-z))         # pass through an inv-logit function
y = rbinom(100, 1, pr)      # bernoulli response variable
df = data.frame(y = as.factor(ifelse(y == 0, "no", "yes")), x1 = x1, x2 = x2)

运行 caret::train() 非并行(无错误)

# train control function
ctrl <- 
    method = "repeatedcv", 
    number = 10,
    repeats = 5,
    classProbs = TRUE,
    summaryFunction = twoClassSummary)

# train function
  glm_nopar =
    train(y ~ .,
          data = df,
          method = "glm",
          family = "binomial",
          metric = "ROC",
          trControl = ctrl),
  times = 5)

#Unit: milliseconds
 #expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
 #glm_nopar 691.9643 805.1762 977.1054 895.9903 1018.112 1474.284     5

并行运行 caret::train()(错误)

cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * detectCores())
cl <- makeCluster(cores_2_use, outfile = "parallel_log2.txt")

  glm_par =
    train(y ~ .,
          data = df,
          method = "glm",
          family = "binomial",
          metric = "ROC",
          trControl = ctrl),
  times = 5)

#Error in serialize(data, node$con) : error writing to connection


在 Linux 设置中(见下文)也尝试不调用 parallel::makeCluster(),即如下所示,但结果相同。

cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * detectCores())


starting worker pid=3880 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:52.764
starting worker pid=3388 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:53.405
starting worker pid=9920 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:53.789
starting worker pid=4248 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:54.229
starting worker pid=3548 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:54.572
starting worker pid=5704 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:54.932
starting worker pid=7740 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:55.291
starting worker pid=2164 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:55.653
starting worker pid=7428 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:56.011
starting worker pid=6116 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:56.372
starting worker pid=1632 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:56.731
starting worker pid=9160 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:57.092
starting worker pid=2956 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:57.435
starting worker pid=7060 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:57.811
starting worker pid=7344 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:58.170
starting worker pid=6688 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:58.561
starting worker pid=9308 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:58.920
starting worker pid=9260 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:59.281
starting worker pid=6212 on localhost:11442 at 16:00:59.641


starting worker pid=17640 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:21.118
starting worker pid=7776 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:21.494
starting worker pid=15128 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:21.961
starting worker pid=13724 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:22.345
starting worker pid=17384 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:22.714
starting worker pid=8472 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:23.228
starting worker pid=8392 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:23.597
starting worker pid=17412 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:23.979
starting worker pid=15996 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:24.364
starting worker pid=16772 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:24.743
starting worker pid=18268 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:25.120
starting worker pid=13504 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:25.500
starting worker pid=5156 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:25.899
starting worker pid=13544 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:26.275
starting worker pid=1764 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:26.647
starting worker pid=8076 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:27.028
starting worker pid=13716 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:27.414
starting worker pid=14596 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:27.791
starting worker pid=15664 on localhost:11074 at 15:12:28.170
Loading required package: caret
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: ggplot2
loaded caret and set parent environment
starting worker pid=3932 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:44.384
starting worker pid=6848 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:44.731
starting worker pid=5400 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:45.098
starting worker pid=9832 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:45.475
starting worker pid=8448 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:45.928
starting worker pid=1284 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:46.289
starting worker pid=9892 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:46.632
starting worker pid=8312 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:46.991
starting worker pid=3696 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:47.349
starting worker pid=9108 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:47.708
starting worker pid=8548 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:48.083
starting worker pid=7288 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:48.442
starting worker pid=6872 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:48.801
starting worker pid=3760 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:49.145
starting worker pid=3468 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:49.503
starting worker pid=2500 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:49.862
starting worker pid=7200 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:50.205
starting worker pid=7820 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:50.564
starting worker pid=8852 on localhost:11442 at 16:01:50.923
Error in unserialize(node$con) : 
  ReadItem: unknown type 0, perhaps written by later version of R
Calls: <Anonymous> ... doTryCatch -> recvData -> recvData.SOCKnode -> unserialize
Execution halted

编辑(在 Ubuntu 上尝试)



R version 3.4.1 (2017-06-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /usr/lib/libblas/libblas.so.3.6.0
LAPACK: /usr/lib/lapack/liblapack.so.3.6.0

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C               LC_TIME=de_DE.UTF-8       
 [7] LC_PAPER=de_DE.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                  LC_ADDRESS=C              

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] doMC_1.3.4             iterators_1.0.8        foreach_1.4.3         
[4] microbenchmark_1.4-2.1 caret_6.0-77           ggplot2_2.2.1         
[7] lattice_0.20-35       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_0.12.11       ddalpha_1.2.1      compiler_3.4.1     DEoptimR_1.0-8    
 [5] gower_0.1.2        plyr_1.8.4         bindr_0.1          class_7.3-14      
 [9] tools_3.4.1        rpart_4.1-11       ipred_0.9-6        lubridate_1.6.0   
[13] tibble_1.3.3       nlme_3.1-131       gtable_0.2.0       pkgconfig_2.0.1   
[17] rlang_0.1.1        Matrix_1.2-11      RcppRoll_0.2.2     prodlim_1.6.1     
[21] bindrcpp_0.2       withr_2.0.0        stringr_1.2.0      dplyr_0.7.1       
[25] recipes_0.1.0      stats4_3.4.1       nnet_7.3-12        CVST_0.2-1        
[29] grid_3.4.1         robustbase_0.92-7  glue_1.1.1         R6_2.2.2          
[33] survival_2.41-3    lava_1.5           purrr_0.2.2.2      reshape2_1.4.2    
[37] kernlab_0.9-25     magrittr_1.5       DRR_0.0.2          splines_3.4.1     
[41] scales_0.4.1       codetools_0.2-15   ModelMetrics_1.1.0 MASS_7.3-47       
[45] assertthat_0.2.0   dimRed_0.1.0       timeDate_3012.100  colorspace_1.3-2  
[49] stringi_1.1.5      lazyeval_0.2.0     munsell_0.4.3  

来自Getting Started with doMC and foreach 的示例



  glm_nopar =
    train(y ~ .,
          data = df,
          method = "glm",
          family = "binomial",
          metric = "ROC",
          trControl = ctrl),
  times = 5)

#Unit: seconds
#     expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
#glm_nopar 1.093237 1.098342 1.481444 1.102867 2.001443 2.111333     5

插入符号与 Windows 等设置平行(给出错误)

cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * parallel::detectCores())
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores_2_use, outfile = "parallel_log2_linux.txt")

  glm_par =
    train(y ~ .,
          data = df,
          method = "glm",
          family = "binomial",
          metric = "ROC",
          trControl = ctrl),
  times = 5)

# Error in getOper(ctrl$allowParallel && getDoParWorkers() > 1) :(list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'


starting worker pid=6343 on localhost:11836 at 16:05:17.781
starting worker pid=6353 on localhost:11836 at 16:05:18.025
starting worker pid=6362 on localhost:11836 at 16:05:18.266

没有parallel::makeCluster() 调用的插入符并行(无错误)


cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * parallel::detectCores())

  glm_par =
    train(y ~ .,
          data = df,
          method = "glm",
          family = "binomial",
          metric = "ROC",
          trControl = ctrl),
  times = 5)

#Unit: milliseconds
#    expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
# glm_par 991.8075 997.4397 1013.686 998.8241 1004.381 1075.978     5


编辑添加 Ubuntu 测试。 parallel::makeCluster() 调用似乎会产生错误,但没有它也可以正常工作。 已编辑添加 Windows 设置,但不调用 parallel::makeCluster(),但会导致相同的错误。 我建议将更新作为一个新问题发布,因为它通常会使您的问题“过于宽泛”,并改变旧答案与您的问题的关系。 总的来说,我同意,但所有编辑都参考原始问题并添加到它而不是改变它的范围。而且我相信,未来的读者在看到已经尝试过的东西时会更加了解。 从一些错误消息(提到node$con)看来,您的一些工作人员(R 进程)可能已经死亡,导致与主进程的相应连接失败。他们可能因各种原因死亡,但请查看您的内存消耗,这通常会随着工人的数量线性增长。从少量工人 (=2) 开始,看看是否可行。 【参考方案1】:

看起来因为你在 Windows 上,所以你搞砸了

doMC 包充当 foreach 和 parallel 包的多核功能之间的接口,最初由 Simon Urbanek 编写并合并到 R2.14.0 的并行中。多核功能目前仅适用于支持 fork 系统调用的操作系统(这意味着不支持 Windows)


registerDoMC(cores = 5)
model <- train(y ~ ., data = training, method = "rf")

注意 OP 已编辑他的原始帖子。 OP 一开始就在 Windows 上运行。

编辑 - 一条评论太长

doParallel 不能拯救 caret 并行化。(但我可能是错的...请让我知道更多的反对票和 cmets)

1) 请在 Windows 上自己尝试一下...当我尝试使用 doParalell 时,它默认为顺序。 (我想知道它是否可以在其他人的 Windows 机器上运行)。


2) caret 使用 doMC。见here,

caret 利用 R 中的一种并行处理框架来做到这一点。 foreach 包允许使用多种不同的技术顺序或并行运行 R 代码,例如多核或 Rmpi​​ 包(有关可用选项的摘要和描述,请参见 Schmidberger 等人,2009 年)。有几个 R 包可以与 foreach 一起使用来实现这些技术,例如 doMC(用于多核)或 doMPI(用于 Rmpi​​)。

3) doParallel 简单地结合了doMCdoSNOW。见here。

doParallel 包是 doSNOW 和 doMC 的合并,就像并行是雪和多核的合并一样。

请注意,链接中接受答案的作者是 Steve Weston,他是 doParallel 包的作者之一。

4) doMC 派生 Windows 不支持的进程(Windows 仅支持 SNOW 和 SOCK 进程)参见here,再次Steve Weston

多核功能目前仅适用于支持 fork 系统调用(这意味着不支持 Windows)


我也这么认为,但caret ml parallel 建议不这样做,即他正在做同样的事情,而且它似乎在 Windows 上工作。 嗯...不确定。可能是该人在 Windows 10 see here 内安装的 Ubuntu 上运行。我也在我的系统上试过,但 train::caret 默认为顺序 好的。稍后我将通过doMC 在 Ubuntu 上运行它,以排除这是另一个问题。 这是错误的。 caret 完全能够使用其他 foreach 后端。 嗨@HongOoi,请看我编辑的答案(评论太长了)【参考方案2】:

您必须使用与您的集群类型相对应的 foreach 后端。如果您使用parallel::makeCluster 创建集群,则使用doParallel::registerDoParallel 注册它。

cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores_2_use, outfile = "parallel_log2_linux.txt")


不确定我是否关注。这可能解释了我在 Linux 上遇到的第一个错误,然后我证明该错误已解决,但您显示的设置正是我显示的在 Windows 上产生序列化错误的设置。【参考方案3】:

我在另一台内核较少但代码设置相同的 Windows 10 机器上进行了尝试。但是,我使用了来自 Github 的 caret 的开发版本(通过 devtools::install_github('topepo/caret/pkg/caret') 安装)以及 R 3.4.1,问题无法重现。并行集群运行时没有出现以下代码问题。不幸的是,我无法访问原始的 Windows 7 工作站,以查看caret dev 版本和/或更新的 R 版本是否仍然存在问题。

cores_2_use <- floor(0.8 * detectCores())
cl <- makeCluster(cores_2_use, outfile = "parallel_log.txt")

glm_par <-
  microbenchmark(glm_par =
    train(default ~ .,
            data = benchmark_train_data,
            method = "glm",
            family = "binomial",
            metric = "ROC",
            trControl = ctrl),
    times = 5


#Unit: seconds
#    expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
# glm_par 13.14082 13.25298 16.77678 13.64924 13.78132 30.05955     5


这是在一个内核上运行的相同代码(与上面的六个内核并行运行相反)- 本来预计并行设置的性能会更好。

#Unit: seconds
#      expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
# glm_nopar 25.44122 25.52031 25.64818 25.53692 25.56496 26.17751     5


是的,尽管使用 6 个内核而不是 1 个内核,但它比非并行更快,尽管不是 6 倍。我还通过资源监视器检查了执行期间的 CPU 使用率,您可以看到所有 CPU 的使用率几乎达到峰值。我可以发布非并行时间tmr。

以上是关于插入符号训练二进制 glm 通过 doParallel 在并行集群上失败的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

R 插入符号保留样本和测试集 ROC

在 R 中使用插入符号训练模型的时机

在使用插入符号的 train() 使用公式训练的 randomForest 对象上使用 predict() 时出错

在 R 中使用插入符号进行训练后,如何在 ROC 下计算 ROC 和 AUC?

提高插入符号 (R) 中的模型训练速度
