【中文标题】替换单词列表中的单词【英文标题】:Replace words from list of words 【发布时间】:2021-12-29 15:47:31 【问题描述】:我有这个数据框
df <- structure(list(ID = 1:3, Text = c("there was not clostridium", "clostridium difficile positive", "test was OK but there was clostridium")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))
ID Text
1 1 there was not clostridium
2 2 clostridium difficile positive
3 3 test was OK but there was clostridium
stop <- paste0(c("was", "but", "there"), collapse = "|")
我想浏览 ID 中的文本并从停止模式中删除单词 保持单词的顺序很重要。我不想使用合并函数。
df$Words <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(df$Text, lowercase = TRUE) ##I would like to make a list of single words
for (i in length(df$Words))
df$clean <- lapply(df$Words, function(y) lapply(1:length(df$Words[i]),
function(x) stringr::str_replace(unlist(y) == x, stop, "REPLACED")))
> df
ID Text Words clean
1 1 there was not clostridium there, was, not, clostridium FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
2 2 clostridium difficile positive clostridium, difficile, positive FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
3 3 test was OK but there was clostridium test, was, ok, but, there, was, clostridium FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE
> df
ID Text Words clean
1 1 there was not clostridium there, was, not, clostridium "REPLACED", "REPLACED", not, clostridium
2 2 clostridium difficile positive clostridium, difficile, positive clostridium, difficile, positive
3 3 test was OK but there was clostridium test, was, ok, but, there, was, clostridium test, "REPLACED", OK, "REPLACED", "REPLACED", "REPLACED", clostridium
我发现你在这里想要达到的目标还不清楚 是的,如果您展示所需输出的示例可能会有所帮助 我希望我的附加代码会有所帮助 您的代码问题出在这部分:unlist(y) == x
。您所做的是制作一个TRUE FALSE...
的向量,然后检查该向量中是否有任何停用词,如果是,请替换它。当然,在向量FALSE TRUE FALSE...
中不存在任何停用词,因此您只得到一个 TRUE/FALSE 向量,没有任何替换值
df = as.data.table(df)[, clean := lapply(Words, function(x) gsub(stop, "REPLACED", x))]
df$clean = lapply(strsplit(df$Text, " "), function(x) gsub(stop, "REPLACED", x))
谢谢我试过了。 Gsub 工作得很好,当在文本中没有包含停止字符串部分的单词时,例如“wasp”->“p”。 如果stop = "p|wasp"
是真的,但你可以这样写:stop = "^p$|^wasp$"
Tidyverse 解决方案:
首先,您需要修改停止向量,使 i 在停止词前后包含 \b。 \b = 单词边界,避免从单词中意外删除模式。
stop <- paste0(c("\\bwas\\b", "\\bbut\\b", "\\bther\\b"), collapse = "|")
然后使用 str_remove_all 删除。 但是,这会留下双空格,可以使用 str_replace_all 将其删除,并将两个空格更改为一个。
df %>% mutate(Words = str_remove_all(Text, stop)) %>%
mutate(Words = str_replace_all(Words, "\\s2", " "))
# A tibble: 4 x 3
ID Text Words
<int> <chr> <chr>
1 1 there was not clostridium there not clostridium
2 2 clostridium difficile positive clostridium difficile positive
3 3 test was OK but there was clostridium test OK there clostridium
4 4 I was bit by a wasp I bit by a wasp
谢谢,我试过了。但它甚至会删除一个单词中的一大段字符串。例如。由于停止字符串中的“was”,单词“wasp”变成了“p”。 更新了答案。现在应该可以工作了。以上是关于替换单词列表中的单词的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
纯 Javascript - 查找/替换 DOM 中的单词列表