拖放 API 和表格行(仅限 vanilla JS)
【中文标题】拖放 API 和表格行(仅限 vanilla JS)【英文标题】:Drag & Drop API and table rows (vanilla JS only) 【发布时间】:2020-09-20 03:36:52 【问题描述】:在我的一列n行的html表格中,例如:
<table id="my-table">
我想让每一行都可以拖放到另一行。如果将 A 行放到另一行 B 中,则应交换这些相应行的 HTML 内容。
为此,我阅读了相当多的文档和教程,但似乎缺少一些我无法弄清楚的东西。到目前为止,我所做的是将以下代码附加到每个 <td>
tag 中:
draggable="true" ondragstart="dragCell(event)" ondragover="allowDrop(event)" ondrop="dropCell(event)" ondragenter="handleDragEnter(event)" ondragleave="handleDragLeave(event)" ondragend="handleDragEnd(event)"
我的 javascript 是:
## 1. Dragstart Handler ##
function dragCell(ev)
let draggedRow = ev.target.closest("tr");
let rowNumber = draggedRow.rowIndex;
let tableId = draggedRow.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
let data = "id":tableId,"rowNumber":rowNumber;
let cellsdragged = draggedRow.children;
let amountOfCells = cellsdragged.length;
let dataToTransfer = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
let currentCell = cellsdragged[i];
data["cellContents"] = dataToTransfer;
data = JSON.stringify(data);
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.cursor = "grabbing";
## 2. Dragover Handler ##
function allowDrop(ev)
## 3. Drop Handler ##
function dropCell(ev)
if (ev.stopPropagation)
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.cursor = "default";
let data = ev.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
data = JSON.parse(data);
let rowToDrop = ev.target.closest('tr');
let targetIndex = rowToDrop.rowIndex;
let targetId = rowToDrop.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
if (data.id == targetId && data.rowNumber != targetIndex)
let targetContents = [];
let cellsForDrop = rowToDrop.children;
let amountOfCells = cellsForDrop.length;
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
let draggedRow = document.getElementById(data.id).rows[data.rowNumber];
let cellsOfDrag = draggedRow.children;
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
cellsForDrop[i].outerHTML = data.cellContents[i][0];
cellsOfDrag[i].outerHTML = targetContents[i][0];
## 4. Dragenter Handler ##
function handleDragEnter(ev)
## 5. Dragleave Handler ##
function handleDragLeave(ev)
## 6. Dragend Handler ##
function handleDragEnd(event)
let rows = ev.target.closest("table").rows;
let amount = rows.length;
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++)
if (rows[i].classList.contains('ready-for-drop'))
当我运行此程序并将一行拖入另一行时,控制台为我提供了有关 ev.target.closest
的错误,对于 Dragenter、Dragleave 和 Dragend Handler 函数,总是说 ev.target.closest is not a function
。尽管我在 dragstart 处理程序函数中使用完全相同的语法,但在该行的控制台中没有报告错误。完成拖拽后,拖拽行的内容都变为<
我在这里缺少什么?请考虑我不想使用任何 jQuery 解决方案,我想坚持使用 vanilla JavaScript。另请考虑我确实需要交换整个outerHTML
我遇到的最棘手的问题是,当我将被拖动的元素拖到绑定了 dragenter 和 dragleave 侦听器的元素的子元素上时,我的 dragleave 事件函数被触发。我在这个论坛上阅读了无数关于这个问题的文章和帖子,并且提出的解决方案似乎都不能轻松或简单地与我非常基本的 HTML 表格行和单元格一起工作,并且很快就使用函数来停止事件传播等,实际上并非如此甚至是必要的,正如您将在我的代码中看到的那样。此外,我在我的解决方案中完全省略了 dragleave
标签中只包含了draggable="true" class="table-cell"
## 1. Define Function which adds all the required event listeners ##
function addDragEvents(element)
## 2. Define Function which resets the drag state for the concerned table ##
function resetDragState(e)
let data = e.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
data = JSON.parse(data);
let rows = document.getElementById(data.id).rows;
for (let row of rows)
if (row.classList.contains('ready-for-drop'))
let cells = row.cells;
for (let cell of cells)
## 3. Add Required Event listeners to all table cells ##
let cells = document.getElementsByClassName('table-cell');
for (let cell of cells)
## 4. Dragstart Handler ##
// This function is created to define the action of a drag (which data will be
// taken for transfer to the HTML element into which the dragged element's
// content will be dropped)
function dragCell(e)
// Change the cursor to a grabbing hand on dragstart
let cells = document.getElementsByClassName('table-cell');
for (let cell of cells)
// Three pieces of information must be transferred for the drag & drop to work
// properly: the table id of the table having the row being dragged (to assure
// that D&D only works among rows of the same table), the row index of the row
// being dragged (to know which row needs to be replaced via the drop
// function), and finally the content of the row being dragged
let draggedRow = e.target.closest("tr");
// Get the row index of that row
let rowNumber = draggedRow.rowIndex;
// Get the id name of the table having that row
let tableId = draggedRow.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
// Initiate JSON object which will be transferred to the drop row
let data = "id":tableId,"rowNumber":rowNumber;
// Append all the cells as second element onto this same object
let cellsdragged = draggedRow.children;
let amountOfCells = cellsdragged.length;
let dataToTransfer = [];
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
let currentCell = cellsdragged[i];
data["cellContents"] = dataToTransfer;
data = JSON.stringify(data);
## 5. Dragover Handler ##
// This function is used to allow for drops into the corresponding HTML elements
// (the default behavior doesn't allow this)
function allowDrop(e)
## 6. Drop Handler ##
function dropCell(e)
// First, prevent default behavior once again
// Second, access data coming from dragged element (which is the index of the
// row from which data is being dragged)
let data = e.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
data = JSON.parse(data);
// Next, get the index of the row into which content shall be dropped
let rowToDrop = e.target.closest('tr');
let targetIndex = rowToDrop.rowIndex;
// Next, get the id of the table of that retrieved row
let targetId = rowToDrop.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
// Next, only proceed if the dragged row comes from the same table as the
// target row, and if the dragged and the target rows are two different rows
if (data.id == targetId && data.rowNumber != targetIndex)
// Store the contents of the target row in the same array structure as the
// one coming from the dragged row
let targetContents = [];
// Exchange the contents of the two rows
let cellsForDrop = rowToDrop.children;
let amountOfCells = cellsForDrop.length;
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
// Exchange the contents of the two rows
let draggedRow = document.getElementById(data.id).rows[data.rowNumber];
let cellsOfDrag = draggedRow.children;
for (let i = 0; i < amountOfCells; i++)
// Replace the content of the row into which the drag is being dropped
// with the content of the dragged row
cellsForDrop[i].outerHTML = data.cellContents[i];
// Replacement of the outerHTML deletes all bound event listeners, so:
// And now, replace the content of the dragged row with the content of the
// target row. Then, do the same for the value.
cellsOfDrag[i].outerHTML = targetContents[i];
## 7. Dragenter Handler ##
// When dragging over the text node of a table cell (the text in a table cell),
// while previously being over the table cell element, the dragleave event gets
// fired, which stops the highlighting of the currently dragged cell. To avoid
// this problem and any coding around to fight it, everything has been
// programmed with the dragenter event handler only; no more dragleave needed
// For the dragenter event, e.target corresponds to the element into which the
// drag enters. This fact has been used to program the code as follows:
var previousRow = null;
function handleDragEnter(e)
// Assure that dragenter code is only executed when entering an element (and
// for example not when entering a text node)
if (e.target.nodeType === 1)
// Get the currently entered row
let currentRow = this.closest('tr');
// Check if the currently entered row is different from the row entered via
// the last drag
if (previousRow !== null)
if (currentRow !== previousRow)
// If so, remove the class responsible for highlighting it via CSS from
// it
previousRow.className = "";
// Each time an HTML element is entered, add the class responsible for
// highlighting it via CSS onto its containing row (or onto itself, if row)
currentRow.className = "ready-for-drop";
// To know which row has been the last one entered when this function will
// be called again, assign the previousRow variable of the global scope onto
// the currentRow from this function run
previousRow = currentRow;
## 8. Dragend Handler ##
// This function is required for cases where the dragged has been dropped on a
// non-valid drop target.
function handleDragEnd(e)
我将 cmets 留在了里面,因为我在网上苦苦挣扎(但没有成功)如何尽可能简单地使用拖放 API 使 HTML 表格的行/单元格可拖放,所以我希望这个回答会帮助别人!
以上是关于拖放 API 和表格行(仅限 vanilla JS)的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
在 Vanilla JS 和 Django 中保护 API 密钥的最佳方法
如何通过 Protractor 使用 vanilla JS 从 API 获取 json