


【中文标题】如何更新用户表单中的条目?【英文标题】:How to Update Entry In User Form? 【发布时间】:2021-04-13 14:14:23 【问题描述】:

我创建了一个用户输入表单,它获取表格中的数据并将其显示为 VBA 表单中的列表框。我有两个切换按钮,可以循环显示数据。我有文本框/组合框在表单上显示该数据。

我无法让表单更新数据。当表单中的数据发生更改时,我设法让第一列更新,但我无法让其他任何工作。所以主要是cmdUpdate_Click sub中的代码。

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

    Dim x As Integer

    For x = 0 To Me.lstMyData.ListCount - 1
        If Me.lstMyData.Selected(x) Then Me.lstMyData.Selected(x) = False
    Next x

End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
    microParaNameButt Me.ComboBox1
End Sub

'Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
'    microParaName Me.ComboBox1
'End Sub

Private Sub lstMyData_Click()

    Dim i As Integer

    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i) = True
    Me.TextBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i)
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i)
    Me.TextBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(1, i)
    Me.ComboBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(1, i)
    Me.TextBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(2, i)
    Me.ComboBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(2, i)
    Me.TextBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(3, i)
    Me.ComboBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(3, i)
    Me.TextBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(4, i)
    Me.ComboBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(4, i)
    Me.TextBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(5, i)
    Me.ComboBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(5, i)
    Me.TextBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(6, i)
    Me.ComboBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(6, i)
    Me.TextBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(7, i)
    Me.ComboBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(7, i)
    Me.TextBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(8, i)
    Me.ComboBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(8, i)
    Me.TextBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(9, i)
    Me.ComboBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(9, i)

End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

    Dim i As Integer

    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i) = True
    Me.TextBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)

    Me.TextBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.TextBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)
    Me.ComboBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i - 1)

    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i - 1) = True

End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton2_Click()

    Dim i As Integer

    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i) = True
    Me.TextBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox1.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox2.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)

    Me.TextBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox3.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox4.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox5.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox6.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox7.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox8.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox9.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.TextBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.ComboBox10.Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(0, i + 1)
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i + 1) = True

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Dim x As Integer

    For x = 0 To Me.lstMyData.ListCount - 1
        If Me.lstMyData.Selected(c) Then Me.lstMyData.Selected(x) = False
    Next x
End Sub

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()

Dim rowslect As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet3")
i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
rowselect = i + 1

With ws
    .Cells((i + 2), 1).Value = Me.TextBox1.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 2).Value = Me.TextBox2.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 3).Value = Me.TextBox3.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 4).Value = Me.TextBox4.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 5).Value = Me.TextBox5.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 6).Value = Me.TextBox6.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 7).Value = Me.TextBox7.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 8).Value = Me.TextBox8.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 9).Value = Me.TextBox9.Value
    .Cells((i + 2), 10).Value = Me.TextBox9.Value
End With

End Sub


在您的 cmdUpdate_Click 子程序中设置断点或 Debug.Print 语句,并仔细检查文本框中的值。有时,表单上可见的值不是代码中访问的值。查看this answer 进行有趣的讨论。 嘿@PeterT - 感谢您的信息!我已将 Debug.Print 语句添加到子程序中,并且我可以看到其他文本框值没有被彻底提取。我可以更改表格第一列中的数据,但其他一切似乎都不起作用。我将 .value 更改为 .text,但没有任何区别 为什么要为每个项目同时填充文本框和组合框?而且您的代码在某些地方看起来很奇怪:例如。 lstMyData_ClickToggleButton1_Click 大概使用不同的代码来访问相同的数据? lstMyData 最初是如何填充的? 【参考方案1】:

看起来对工作表的第一次更新会触发lstMyData_Click() 事件,该事件会使用其原始值刷新其他文本框。为了防止这种情况,您可以使用全局变量作为标志来指示何时进行更新。

Option Explicit
Dim bUpdate As Boolean

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()

    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long, n As Integer
    Set wb = ThisWorkbook
    Set ws = wb.Worksheets("Sheet3")
    iRow = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex + 1
    If iRow > 0 Then
        bUpdate = True
        For n = 1 To 10
            ws.Cells(iRow, n) = Me.Controls("TextBox" & n).Value
        bUpdate = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub lstMyData_Click()

    If bUpdate Then Exit Sub

    Dim i As Long, n As Integer
    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    For n = 1 To 10
        Me.Controls("TextBox" & n).Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(n - 1, i)
        Me.Controls("ComboBox" & n).Value = Me.lstMyData.Column(n - 1, i)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()

    Dim X As Long, n As Integer
    For X = 0 To Me.lstMyData.ListCount - 1
        If Me.lstMyData.Selected(X) Then Me.lstMyData.Selected(X) = False
    Next X
    For n = 1 To 10
        Me.Controls("TextBox" & n).Value = ""
        Me.Controls("ComboBox" & n).Value = ""

End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

    Dim i As Long, n As Integer
    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    If i < 0 Then
       i = 0
    ElseIf i > 0 Then
       i = i - 1
    End If
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i) = True
    Call lstMyData_Click

End Sub

Private Sub ToggleButton2_Click()

    Dim i As Long, n As Integer
    i = Me.lstMyData.ListIndex
    If i < Me.lstMyData.ListCount - 1 Then
       i = i + 1
    End If
    Me.lstMyData.Selected(i) = True
    Call lstMyData_Click

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Call cmdRefresh_Click
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub



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