Action.Picker 返回无效/错误的 Uri(如何从多个选取的图库 img 中获取路径或字节 [])



【中文标题】Action.Picker 返回无效/错误的 Uri(如何从多个选取的图库 img 中获取路径或字节 [])【英文标题】:Action.Picker returns invalid/wrong Uri (How to get path or byte[] from multiple picked gallery img) 【发布时间】:2019-02-15 18:20:57 【问题描述】:

我有一个表单应用程序,我需要从手机存储中选择“一对多”图像。 为此,我使用依赖注入系统。

我的问题是我得到一个 android.netUri 的地方,它解析为一个不存在的文件......以及一个我以前从未见过的文件名。 更重要的是,如果我选择在过去几个小时内拍摄的照片,这个代码就可以工作......


我用以下方式启动 Picker 活动:

[assembly: Dependency(typeof(ImagePickerService))]
namespace MyApp.Droid

    public class ImagePickerService : Java.Lang.Object, IImagePickerService
        public async Task OpenGallery()
                var status = await CrossPermissions.Current.CheckPermissionStatusAsync(Permission.Storage);
                if (status != PermissionStatus.Granted)
                    if (await CrossPermissions.Current.ShouldShowRequestPermissionRationaleAsync(Permission.Storage))
                        Toast.MakeText(CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity, "Need Storage permission to access to your photos.", ToastLength.Long).Show();

                    var results = await CrossPermissions.Current.RequestPermissionsAsync(new[]  Permission.Storage );
                    status = results[Permission.Storage];

                if (status == PermissionStatus.Granted)
                    Toast.MakeText(CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity, "Pick max 20 images", ToastLength.Long).Show();
                    var imageIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionPick);
                    imageIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraAllowMultiple, true);
                    CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity.StartActivityForResult(Intent.CreateChooser(imageIntent, "Pick pictures"), 100);

                else if (status != PermissionStatus.Unknown)
                    Toast.MakeText(CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity, "Permission Denied. Can not continue, try again.", ToastLength.Long).Show();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Toast.MakeText(CrossCurrentActivity.Current.Activity, "Error. Can not continue, try again.", ToastLength.Long).Show();


然后在我的 MainActivity.cs 我有 OnActivityResult 我尝试使用 ContentResolver.OpenInputStream 来获取图像字节,但没有成功,因此将其注释掉 atm。

        protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
            base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

            if (requestCode == OPENGALLERYCODE && resultCode == Result.Ok)
                List<string> images = new List<string>();

                if (data != null)
                    ClipData clipData = data.ClipData;
                    if (clipData != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < clipData.ItemCount; i++)
                            ClipData.Item item = clipData.GetItemAt(i);
                            var stream = ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(item.Uri); //This throws "FileNotFound"
                            byte[] byteArray;
                            using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                                byteArray = memoryStream.ToArray();
                                stream = null;
                            stream = ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(item.Uri);
                            var exif = new ExifInterface(stream);

                            Android.Net.Uri uri = item.Uri;
                            var path = GetActualPathFromFile(uri);

                            if (path != null)
                                var tmpImgPath = RotateToOriginalDimention(path);
                        Android.Net.Uri uri = data.Data;
                        var path = GetActualPathFromFile(uri);

                        if (path != null)
                            var tmpImgPath = RotateToOriginalDimention(path);
                    MessagingCenter.Send<App, List<string>>((App)Xamarin.Forms.Application.Current, "ImagesSelected", images);

还有 GetActualPathFromFile(也在我的 MainActivity.cs 中) 孔函数在下面,但我点击了这部分代码并进入“FileNotFound”

                else if ("content".Equals(uri.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    var retval2 = getDataColumn(this, uri, null, null);
                    if (File.Exists(retval2)) //<----------------------- This returns "false"
                        return retval2;
                        throw new Exception("file not found " + retval2);

GetActualPathFromFile 漏洞

        private string GetActualPathFromFile(Android.Net.Uri uri)
            bool isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Android.OS.BuildVersionCodes.Kitkat;

            if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.IsDocumentUri(this, uri))
                // ExternalStorageProvider
                if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri))
                    string docId = DocumentsContract.GetDocumentId(uri);

                    char[] chars =  ':' ;
                    string[] split = docId.Split(chars);
                    string type = split[0];

                    if ("primary".Equals(type, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var retval = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/" + split[1];
                        if (File.Exists(retval))
                            return retval;
                            throw new Exception("file not found " + retval);
                // DownloadsProvider
                else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri))
                    string id = DocumentsContract.GetDocumentId(uri);

                    Android.Net.Uri contentUri = ContentUris.WithAppendedId(
                                    Android.Net.Uri.Parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), long.Parse(id));


                    var retval = getDataColumn(this, contentUri, null, null);
                    if (File.Exists(retval))
                        return retval;
                        throw new Exception("file not found " + retval);
                // MediaProvider
                else if (isMediaDocument(uri))
                    String docId = DocumentsContract.GetDocumentId(uri);

                    char[] chars =  ':' ;
                    String[] split = docId.Split(chars);

                    String type = split[0];

                    Android.Net.Uri contentUri = null;
                    if ("image".Equals(type))
                        contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.ExternalContentUri;
                    else if ("video".Equals(type))
                        contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.ExternalContentUri;
                    else if ("audio".Equals(type))
                        contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri;

                    String selection = "_id=?";
                    String[] selectionArgs = new String[]

                    var retval = getDataColumn(this, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
                    if (File.Exists(retval))
                        return retval;
                        throw new Exception("file not found " + retval);
            // MediaStore (and general)
            else if ("content".Equals(uri.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                // Return the remote address
                if (isGooglePhotosUri(uri))
                    var retval = uri.LastPathSegment;
                    if (File.Exists(retval))
                        return retval;
                        throw new Exception("file not found " + retval);

                var retval2 = getDataColumn(this, uri, null, null);
                if (File.Exists(retval2))
                    return retval2;
                    throw new Exception("file not found " + retval2);
            // File
            else if ("file".Equals(uri.Scheme, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                var retval = uri.Path;
                if (File.Exists(retval))
                    return retval;
                    throw new Exception("file not found " + retval);

            throw new Exception("file not found ");

        public static String getDataColumn(Context context, Android.Net.Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)
            ICursor cursor = null;
            String column = "_data";
            String[] projection =

                cursor = context.ContentResolver.Query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null);
                if (cursor != null && cursor.MoveToFirst())
                    int index = cursor.GetColumnIndexOrThrow(column);
                    return cursor.GetString(index);
                if (cursor != null)
            return null;

        //Whether the Uri authority is ExternalStorageProvider.
        public static bool isExternalStorageDocument(Android.Net.Uri uri)
            return "".Equals(uri.Authority);

        //Whether the Uri authority is DownloadsProvider.
        public static bool isDownloadsDocument(Android.Net.Uri uri)
            return "".Equals(uri.Authority);

        //Whether the Uri authority is MediaProvider.
        public static bool isMediaDocument(Android.Net.Uri uri)
            return "".Equals(uri.Authority);

        //Whether the Uri authority is Google Photos.
        public static bool isGooglePhotosUri(Android.Net.Uri uri)
            return "".Equals(uri.Authority);



发现真正的问题是 Google 相册应用没有更新,并且仍在显示已删除的图像。

在手机重启 2 次后,Google 相册应用终于更新了。 所以这看起来更像是 Google Foto 的缓存问题,而不是 xamarin 问题。


以上是关于Action.Picker 返回无效/错误的 Uri(如何从多个选取的图库 img 中获取路径或字节 [])的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Flutter 错误:无效参数:URI 文件中未指定主机:///null

如何从 URL 中获取字符串

ExecuteSqlCommand 返回“无效的对象名称”错误

Facebook 发送按钮返回“无效来源”错误

未捕获的错误:返回的值无效,是不是耗尽了 Gas?
