


【中文标题】eclipse运行后一直崩溃【英文标题】:eclipse crashes all the time after running 【发布时间】:2014-04-17 00:32:12 【问题描述】:

我打开项目的 Eclipse 在运行后一直崩溃。 (最近我安装了一个新版本)。我的印象是它与内存不足有关,但不确定。您能否尽快查看我的日志并向我推荐一些东西(由于此处的消息限制,我剪掉了似乎不太重要的部分)? (我使用 Eclipse 进行 android 编程)。

附加信息:Eclipse 构建:v22.3.0-887826 java 7 u 51 sdk adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030

    # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
    #  Internal Error (0xeedfade), pid=5884, tid=1840
    # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_51-b13) (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (24.51-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
    # Problematic frame:
    # C  [KERNELBASE.dll+0x812f]
    [error occurred during error reporting (printing problematic frame), id 0xeedfade]

    # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
    # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

    ---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

    Current thread (0x01b2c000):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=1840, stack(0x00030000,0x00130000)]

    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xeedfade, ExceptionInformation=0x62004ea3 0x0123042c 0x62004ea3 0x62004ea3 0x00000000 0x0012ecbc 0x0012e82c 


    Stack: [0x00030000,0x00130000],  sp=0x0012e7a8,  free space=1017k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    C  [KERNELBASE.dll+0x812f]
    [error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 0xeedfade]

    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.CoCreateInstance([BII[B[I)I+0
    j  org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextRenderer.setFont(Lorg/eclipse/swt/graphics/Font;I)V+8
    j  org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText.<init>(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;I)V+356
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.statushandlers.DefaultDetailsArea.createArea(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;)Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;+45
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.statushandlers.DefaultDetailsArea.createSupportArea(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;Lorg/eclipse/ui/statushandlers/StatusAdapter;)Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Control;+2
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.statushandlers.DetailsAreaManager.createDetailsArea(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;Lorg/eclipse/ui/statushandlers/StatusAdapter;)V+41
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.statushandlers.InternalDialog.toggleDetailsArea()Z+56
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.statushandlers.InternalDialog.buttonPressed(I)V+51
    j  org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog$2.widgetSelected(Lorg/eclipse/swt/events/SelectionEvent;)V+17
    J  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Event;)V
    J  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Event;)V
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Event;)V+25
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents()Z+92
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch()Z+69
    j  org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.WorkbenchErrorHandler.showStatusAdapter(Lorg/eclipse/ui/statushandlers/StatusAdapter;Z)V+34
    j  org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.WorkbenchErrorHandler.access$0(Lorg/eclipse/ui/statushandlers/WorkbenchErrorHandler;Lorg/eclipse/ui/statushandlers/StatusAdapter;Z)V+3
    j  org.eclipse.ui.statushandlers.WorkbenchErrorHandler$
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.UILockListener.doPendingWork()V+27
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.UISynchronizer$
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(Z)Z+29
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(Z)Z+5
    j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch()Z+91
    j  org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.PartRenderingEngine$
    j  org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(Lorg/eclipse/core/databinding/observable/Realm;Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+12
    j  org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.E4Workbench.createAndRunUI(Lorg/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/MApplicationElement;)V+20
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$
    j  org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(Lorg/eclipse/core/databinding/observable/Realm;Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V+12
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display;Lorg/eclipse/ui/application/WorkbenchAdvisor;)I+18
    j  org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display;Lorg/eclipse/ui/application/WorkbenchAdvisor;)I+2
    j  org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.application.IDEApplication.start(Lorg/eclipse/equinox/app/IApplicationContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+108
    j  org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+103
    j  org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+29
    v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
    j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+87
    j  sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+6
    j  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;+57
    j  org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework([Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/net/URL;)V+211
    j  org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun([Ljava/lang/String;)V+126
    v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

    ---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
      0x5a0b9800 JavaThread "Compiler Source File Reader" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5204, stack(0x5cba0000,0x5cca0000)]
      0x5a0b8c00 JavaThread "Compiler Source File Reader" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=500, stack(0x5caa0000,0x5cba0000)]
      0x5a0b9000 JavaThread "Compiler Source File Reader" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4188, stack(0x5c9a0000,0x5caa0000)]
      0x5a0b8400 JavaThread "[ThreadPool Manager] - Idle Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5580, stack(0x5c8a0000,0x5c9a0000)]
      0x5a0b7000 JavaThread "Worker-7" [_thread_blocked, id=6008, stack(0x5c280000,0x5c380000)]
      0x5a0b6c00 JavaThread "Worker-6" [_thread_blocked, id=5544, stack(0x5c180000,0x5c280000)]
      0x5729dc00 JavaThread "LogCat output receiver for MSM8225QRD5" [_thread_blocked, id=2580, stack(0x5c080000,0x5c180000)]
      0x5729d800 JavaThread "Device Client Monitor" [_thread_in_native, id=3880, stack(0x5b270000,0x5b370000)]
      0x5729f000 JavaThread "Device List Monitor" [_thread_in_native, id=408, stack(0x5bd50000,0x5be50000)]
      0x5729e800 JavaThread "Worker-5" [_thread_blocked, id=4936, stack(0x5b700000,0x5b800000)]
      0x5729e400 JavaThread "Worker-4" [_thread_blocked, id=5612, stack(0x5b400000,0x5b500000)]
      0x5729d000 JavaThread "Monitor" [_thread_in_native, id=5820, stack(0x5b0c0000,0x5b1c0000)]
      0x5729cc00 JavaThread "org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaReconciler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6088, stack(0x5afc0000,0x5b0c0000)]
      0x5729c400 JavaThread "Worker-3" [_thread_blocked, id=3792, stack(0x5aec0000,0x5afc0000)]
      0x5729bc00 JavaThread "Worker-2" [_thread_blocked, id=2780, stack(0x5acc0000,0x5adc0000)]
      0x5729b800 JavaThread "Java indexing" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2596, stack(0x598f0000,0x599f0000)]
      0x5729ac00 JavaThread "Bundle File Closer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5448, stack(0x597f0000,0x598f0000)]
      0x57299000 JavaThread "Worker-1" [_thread_blocked, id=5952, stack(0x59440000,0x59540000)]
      0x5729a400 JavaThread "Worker-0" [_thread_blocked, id=4132, stack(0x58850000,0x58950000)]
      0x5729a000 JavaThread "Worker-JM" [_thread_blocked, id=4288, stack(0x57c50000,0x57d50000)]
      0x57299800 JavaThread "[Timer] - Main Queue Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5376, stack(0x57a80000,0x57b80000)]
      0x57298c00 JavaThread "Framework Event Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4176, stack(0x57880000,0x57980000)]
      0x57298400 JavaThread "Start Level Event Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4920, stack(0x57780000,0x57880000)]
      0x57298000 JavaThread "State Data Manager" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2624, stack(0x57680000,0x57780000)]
      0x57297800 JavaThread "Framework Active Thread" [_thread_blocked, id=5736, stack(0x56c70000,0x56d70000)]
      0x55fa0400 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1484, stack(0x56760000,0x56860000)]
      0x55f9b000 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5660, stack(0x56660000,0x56760000)]
      0x55f9a000 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2636, stack(0x56560000,0x56660000)]
      0x55f97000 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2684, stack(0x56460000,0x56560000)]
      0x55f68000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3900, stack(0x56360000,0x56460000)]
      0x55f62c00 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2364, stack(0x56260000,0x56360000)]
    =>0x01b2c000 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=1840, stack(0x00030000,0x00130000)]

    Other Threads:
      0x55f61800 VMThread [stack: 0x56160000,0x56260000] [id=4236]
      0x55fb9c00 WatcherThread [stack: 0x56860000,0x56960000] [id=2608]

    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

     def new generation   total 30976K, used 10675K [0x03cb0000, 0x05e40000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 27584K,  38% used [0x03cb0000, 0x0471ce60, 0x057a0000)
      from space 3392K,   0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05e40000)
      to   space 3392K,   0% used [0x057a0000, 0x057a0000, 0x05af0000)
     tenured generation   total 68604K, used 68604K [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 68604K, 100% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52736K, used 52679K [0x33cb0000, 0x37030000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52736K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x37021e60, 0x37022000, 0x37030000)
    No shared spaces configured.

    Card table byte_map: [0x55ab0000,0x55d40000] byte_map_base: 0x55a91a80

    Polling page: 0x002c0000

    Code Cache  [0x01c30000, 0x024f8000, 0x03c30000)
     total_blobs=4092 nmethods=3852 adapters=171 free_code_cache=23782Kb largest_free_block=24346880

    Compilation events (10 events):
    Event: 60.435 Thread 0x55f9b000 3940             org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.MarkerManager$1MaxSeverityVisitor::visitElement (76 bytes)
    Event: 60.435 Thread 0x55f9b000 nmethod 3940 0x024f7388 code [0x024f7490, 0x024f75ec]
    Event: 60.453 Thread 0x55f9b000 3941             org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.AbstractDataTreeNode::assembleWith (177 bytes)
    Event: 60.458 Thread 0x55f9b000 

    Event: 60.465 Thread 0x55f9b000 3942             org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.NoDataDeltaNode::<init> (7 bytes)
    Event: 60.465 Thread 0x55f9b000 nmethod 3942 0x024f7708 code [0x024f7800, 0x024f78d0]
    Event: 60.466 Thread 0x55f9b000 3943             org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.AbstractDataTreeNode::hasData (2 bytes)
    Event: 60.466 Thread 0x55f9b000 nmethod 3943 0x024f7948 code [0x024f7a40, 0x024f7ac0]
    Event: 60.468 Thread 0x55f9b000 3944             org.eclipse.core.internal.dtree.AbstractDataTreeNode::assembleWith (124 bytes)
    Event: 60.474 Thread 0x55f9b000 

    GC Heap History (10 events):
    Event: 50.086 GC heap before
    Heap before GC invocations=49 (full 12):
     def new generation   total 29440K, used 26176K [0x03cb0000, 0x05ca0000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26176K, 100% used [0x03cb0000, 0x05640000, 0x05640000)
      from space 3264K,   0% used [0x05640000, 0x05640000, 0x05970000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x05970000, 0x05970000, 0x05ca0000)
     tenured generation   total 65276K, used 58186K [0x13cb0000, 0x17c6f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 65276K,  89% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17582970, 0x17582a00, 0x17c6f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d78, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 50.103 GC heap after
    Heap after GC invocations=50 (full 12):
     def new generation   total 29440K, used 2981K [0x03cb0000, 0x05ca0000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26176K,   0% used [0x03cb0000, 0x03cb0000, 0x05640000)
      from space 3264K,  91% used [0x05970000, 0x05c594c0, 0x05ca0000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x05640000, 0x05640000, 0x05970000)
     tenured generation   total 65276K, used 58186K [0x13cb0000, 0x17c6f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 65276K,  89% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17582970, 0x17582a00, 0x17c6f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d78, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 51.853 GC heap before
    Heap before GC invocations=50 (full 12):
     def new generation   total 29440K, used 29157K [0x03cb0000, 0x05ca0000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26176K, 100% used [0x03cb0000, 0x05640000, 0x05640000)
      from space 3264K,  91% used [0x05970000, 0x05c594c0, 0x05ca0000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x05640000, 0x05640000, 0x05970000)
     tenured generation   total 65276K, used 58186K [0x13cb0000, 0x17c6f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 65276K,  89% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17582970, 0x17582a00, 0x17c6f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d88, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 51.882 GC heap after
    Heap after GC invocations=51 (full 12):
     def new generation   total 29440K, used 3264K [0x03cb0000, 0x05ca0000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26176K,   0% used [0x03cb0000, 0x03cb0000, 0x05640000)
      from space 3264K, 100% used [0x05640000, 0x05970000, 0x05970000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x05970000, 0x05970000, 0x05ca0000)
     tenured generation   total 65276K, used 62413K [0x13cb0000, 0x17c6f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 65276K,  95% used [0x13cb0000, 0x179a35e8, 0x179a3600, 0x17c6f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d88, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 54.055 GC heap before
    Heap before GC invocations=51 (full 12):
     def new generation   total 29440K, used 29440K [0x03cb0000, 0x05ca0000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26176K, 100% used [0x03cb0000, 0x05640000, 0x05640000)
      from space 3264K, 100% used [0x05640000, 0x05970000, 0x05970000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x05970000, 0x05970000, 0x05ca0000)
     tenured generation   total 65276K, used 62413K [0x13cb0000, 0x17c6f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 65276K,  95% used [0x13cb0000, 0x179a35e8, 0x179a3600, 0x17c6f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d88, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 54.466 GC heap after
    Heap after GC invocations=52 (full 13):
     def new generation   total 29888K, used 3224K [0x03cb0000, 0x05d10000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26624K,  12% used [0x03cb0000, 0x03fd6290, 0x056b0000)
      from space 3264K,   0% used [0x056b0000, 0x056b0000, 0x059e0000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x059e0000, 0x059e0000, 0x05d10000)
     tenured generation   total 66172K, used 66171K [0x13cb0000, 0x17d4f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 66172K,  99% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17d4ec48, 0x17d4ee00, 0x17d4f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52480K, used 52315K [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52480K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36fc6d88, 0x36fc6e00, 0x36ff0000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 56.364 GC heap before
    Heap before GC invocations=52 (full 13):
     def new generation   total 29888K, used 26621K [0x03cb0000, 0x05d10000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 26624K,  99% used [0x03cb0000, 0x056af6f8, 0x056b0000)
      from space 3264K,   0% used [0x056b0000, 0x056b0000, 0x059e0000)
      to   space 3264K,   0% used [0x059e0000, 0x059e0000, 0x05d10000)
     tenured generation   total 66172K, used 66171K [0x13cb0000, 0x17d4f000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 66172K,  99% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17d4ec48, 0x17d4ee00, 0x17d4f000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52736K, used 52480K [0x33cb0000, 0x37030000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52736K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0278, 0x36ff0400, 0x37030000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 56.880 GC heap after
    Heap after GC invocations=53 (full 14):
     def new generation   total 30976K, used 204K [0x03cb0000, 0x05e40000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 27584K,   0% used [0x03cb0000, 0x03ce3238, 0x057a0000)
      from space 3392K,   0% used [0x057a0000, 0x057a0000, 0x05af0000)
      to   space 3392K,   0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05e40000)
     tenured generation   total 68604K, used 68603K [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 68604K,  99% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17faefe8, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52736K, used 52480K [0x33cb0000, 0x37030000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52736K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff0278, 0x36ff0400, 0x37030000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 59.920 GC heap before
    Heap before GC invocations=53 (full 14):
     def new generation   total 30976K, used 27584K [0x03cb0000, 0x05e40000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 27584K, 100% used [0x03cb0000, 0x057a0000, 0x057a0000)
      from space 3392K,   0% used [0x057a0000, 0x057a0000, 0x05af0000)
      to   space 3392K,   0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05e40000)
     tenured generation   total 68604K, used 68603K [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 68604K,  99% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17faefe8, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52736K, used 52511K [0x33cb0000, 0x37030000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52736K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff7f28, 0x36ff8000, 0x37030000)
    No shared spaces configured.
    Event: 60.377 GC heap after
    Heap after GC invocations=54 (full 15):
     def new generation   total 30976K, used 211K [0x03cb0000, 0x05e40000, 0x13cb0000)
      eden space 27584K,   0% used [0x03cb0000, 0x03ce4eb0, 0x057a0000)
      from space 3392K,   0% used [0x05af0000, 0x05af0000, 0x05e40000)
      to   space 3392K,   0% used [0x057a0000, 0x057a0000, 0x05af0000)
     tenured generation   total 68604K, used 68604K [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x33cb0000)
       the space 68604K, 100% used [0x13cb0000, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000, 0x17faf000)
     compacting perm gen  total 52736K, used 52511K [0x33cb0000, 0x37030000, 0x53cb0000)
       the space 52736K,  99% used [0x33cb0000, 0x36ff7f28, 0x36ff8000, 0x37030000)
    No shared spaces configured.

    Deoptimization events (0 events):
    No events

    Internal exceptions (10 events):
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d24918 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d24bd0 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d24e58 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d254d0 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d25788 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d25a10 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d25f98 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d26250 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.425 Thread 0x5729bc00 Threw 0x03d264d8 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jni.cpp:717
    Event: 60.528 Thread 0x5729b800 Threw 0x03fe9808 at C:\re\jdk7u51\527\hotspot\src\share\vm\runtime\sharedRuntime.cpp:591

    Events (10 events):
    Event: 60.898 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
    Event: 60.898 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
    Event: 60.899 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
    Event: 60.899 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
    Event: 61.027 loading class 0x58504330
    Event: 61.027 loading class 0x58504330 done
    Event: 61.027 loading class 0x58504300
    Event: 61.027 loading class 0x58504300 done
    Event: 61.203 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
    Event: 61.204 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done

    VM Arguments:
    jvm_args: -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.6 -Xms40m -Xmx768m -Declipse.buildId=v22.3.0-887826 -XX:MaxPermSize=512M 
    java_command: <unknown>
    Launcher Type: generic


    ---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

    OS: Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

    CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 10, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, tsc

    Memory: 4k page, physical 3109492k(1486288k free), swap 7298916k(5500348k free)

    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (24.51-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_51-b13), built on Dec 18 2013 19:09:58 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1600

    time: Wed Mar 12 17:53:48 2014
    elapsed time: 90 seconds


你有什么jdk? 我在问题中添加了版本信息。 【参考方案1】:

Eclipse 在 SWT 代码中崩溃,这是 Eclipse 中的本机代码,因此请验证您是否正在运行受支持的 Windows 版本、Java 版本和 Eclipse 版本的组合。如果不是,请更改不起作用的组件。

Eclipse 4.3 的页面是


我在我的问题中添加了版本信息。 Java 似乎比要求的要新,但似乎不是问题。【参考方案2】:

我也面临几乎相同的问题,我为我的问题创建了一个问题。 但是您是否尝试过以下解决方案?

Eclipse ADT crash when autocomplete popup

Eclipse ADT Bundle crashes suddenly on Mint 16 Petra

Eclipse continue crashing

在这些解决方案中,据说在 eclipse.ini 文件中添加一些配置,例如 在 eclipse.ini 文件的末尾添加以下行。 该解决方案适用于许多人,但不适用于我。




Eclipse in adt-bundle for android development freezes by auto complete



感谢您的帮助。然而,由于我花了很多时间试图解决问题,但我没有找到原因,最后我安装了旧版本的 Eclipse/Android sdk(我仍然觉得它可能与内存需求有关,因为我的电脑只有 4GB 和win 7 32 位,所以实际上只有 3GB 多一点可用)。【参考方案3】:

我建议你使用终端清理你的 eclipse


cd /Applications/eclipse_juno/


./eclipse -clean


编辑你的 eclipse.ini







如果仍然发生,请重新启动您的机器。我建议您将 RAM 升级到 8GB。


清洁没有帮助。或者更准确地说,eclipse 并没有在运行后崩溃,而是在几分钟后我试图打开其中一个布局时崩溃。 返回旧版本的 Eclipse 比添加更多内存要便宜得多....但是感谢您的帮助...【参考方案4】:

我遇到了很多自动完成功能的问题,有时会导致我的 Eclipse 会话崩溃。 我报了一个bug:Eclipse Bug

...后来我发现禁用某些“提案类型”对我有用(s. screenshot)



Eclipse CDT 崩溃 java

为啥我的 Eclipse 总是崩溃?

Eclipse 在 opensuse 更新后崩溃并且没有错误日志

当我尝试在远程 Linux 节点上更改 Eclipse 中的设置时,X 服务器崩溃

JaamSim 在 Eclipse 下启动时崩溃
