想使用spring boot将图像导入mongodb



【中文标题】想使用spring boot将图像导入mongodb【英文标题】:Want to import image to mongo using springboot 【发布时间】:2020-11-11 15:16:50 【问题描述】:


//Payee model
    public class Payee 
                private String id;
                private Contact contact;
                private String notes;
                private String project;
                private String member;
                private Integer staffMember;
                private Photo photo;
                private BankAccount userBankAccount;
                private PayeeBankAccount payeeBankAccountList;

//Payee constructor
                public Payee(Contact contact, String notes, String project, String member, Integer staffMember,
                             Photo photo, BankAccount userBankAccount, PayeeBankAccount payeeBankAccountList) 
                    this.contact = contact;
                    this.notes = notes;
                    this.project = project;
                    this.member = member;
                    this.staffMember = staffMember;
                    this.photo = photo;
                    this.userBankAccount = userBankAccount;
                    this.payeeBankAccountList = payeeBankAccountList;
// Getters and Setters
                public String getId() return id;
                public void setId(String id) this.id = id;
                public Contact getContact()  return contact; 
                public void setContact(Contact contact)  this.contact = contact; 
                public String getNotes()  return notes; 
                public void setNotes(String notes)  this.notes = notes; 
                public String getProject()  return project; 
                public void setProject(String project)  this.project = project; 
                public String getMember()  return member; 
                public void setMember(String member)  this.member = member; 
                public Integer getStaffMember()  return staffMember; 
                public void setStaffMember(Integer staffMember)  this.staffMember = staffMember; 
                public Photo getPhoto() return photo;
                public void setPhoto(Photo photo) this.photo = photo;
                public BankAccount getUserBankAccount()  return userBankAccount; 
                public void setUserBankAccount(BankAccount userBankAccount)  this.userBankAccount = userBankAccount
                public PayeeBankAccount getPayeeBankAccountList()  return payeeBankAccountList; 
                public void setPayeeBankAccountList(PayeeBankAccount payeeBankAccountList)this.payeeBankAccountList= payeeBankAccountList; 

            //photo model
            public class Photo 
                private String id;
                private String title;
                private Binary image;
//Photo constructor
                public Photo(String id, String title, Binary image) 
                    this.id = id;
                    this.title = title;
                    this.image = image;
                public Photo(String title) 
                    this.title = title;
                public String getId() 
                    return id;
                public void setId(String id) 
                    this.id = id;
                public String getTitle() 
                    return title;
                public void setTitle(String title) 
                    this.title = title;
                public Binary getImage() 
                    return image;
                public void setImage(Binary image) 
                    this.image = image;
                public String toString() 
                    return "Photo \[id=" + id + ", title=" + title + ", image=" + image + "\]";
        //photo service
            public class PhotoService 
                private PhotoRepository photoRepo;
                public Photo getPhoto(String id) 
                    return photoRepo.findById(id).get();
                public String addPhoto(String title, MultipartFile file) throws IOException 
                    Photo photo = new Photo(title);
                    photo.setImage(new Binary(BsonBinarySubType.BINARY, file.getBytes()));
                    photo = photoRepo.insert(photo);
                    return photo.getId();

照片和收款人 PostMapping 应该是一体的,这部分不知道去哪里 //添加收款人 @PostMapping('/addPayee') 公共无效插入(@RequestBody 收款人收款人) this.payeeRepository.save(payee);

        //add photo
                public String addPhoto(@RequestBody Payee payee , @RequestParam("title") String title, @RequestParam("image") MultipartFile image, Model model)
                        throws IOException 
                    String id = photoService.addPhoto(title,image);
                    return id;
      [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/lF6KZ.png


看起来像这个:***.com/questions/63026184/… 看看这个***.com/questions/61343477/…。当您发送文件时,您使用@RequestPart 来获取它,如图所示。 @RequestPart@Request body 不能同时使用,@RequestPart 也不能用于 body。 嗨,我一直收到八位字节流错误 【参考方案1】:


@RequestMapping(value = "/update", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "multipart/form-data") 公共 ResponseEntity 更新(@RequestPart("payee") @Valid Payee payee, @RequestPart("file") @Valid MultipartFile image)抛出 IOException // 更新收款人的例程,包括图片 如果(图像!= null) payee.setImage(new Binary(BsonBinarySubType.BINARY, image.getBytes())); 收款人结果 = payeeRepository.save(payee); 返回 ResponseEntity.ok().body(result);


以上是关于想使用spring boot将图像导入mongodb的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

如何使用 Spring Boot 将 CSV 文件导入 MYSQL

使用 Maven 部署 Spring-Boot 项目并进一步将其导入其他项目

将初始数据导入 Spring Boot 应用程序

将 Gradle.build 版本导入 Spring Boot

将 Spring Boot 应用程序导入另一个项目

将 Spring Boot Gradle 项目导入 Eclipse 时遇到问题