ARKit 图像检测和从 Assets.xcassets 添加图像
【中文标题】ARKit 图像检测和从 Assets.xcassets 添加图像【英文标题】:ARKit Image Detection and Add Image From Assets.xcassets 【发布时间】:2020-10-05 17:43:40 【问题描述】:我正在使用从 Apple 开发者网站下载的关于 AR 图像检测的代码。一旦检测到图像,我正在尝试对其进行修改以在 Resources/Assets.xcassets 的 AR 资源文件夹中显示特定图像。我看到 2 年前发布了一个类似的问题,我尝试了一个唯一的答案,但没有成功。任何人都可以帮忙吗?谢谢!
导入 ARKit 导入场景套件 导入 UIKit
类 ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate
@IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
@IBOutlet weak var blurView: UIVisualEffectView!
/// The view controller that displays the status and "restart experience" UI.
lazy var statusViewController: StatusViewController =
return children.lazy.compactMap( $0 as? StatusViewController ).first!
/// A serial queue for thread safety when modifying the SceneKit node graph.
let updateQueue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! +
/// Convenience accessor for the session owned by ARSCNView.
var session: ARSession
return sceneView.session
// MARK: - View Controller Life Cycle
override func viewDidLoad()
sceneView.delegate = self
sceneView.session.delegate = self
// Hook up status view controller callback(s).
statusViewController.restartExperienceHandler = [unowned self] in
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool)
// Prevent the screen from being dimmed to avoid interuppting the AR experience.
UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true
// Start the AR experience
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool)
// MARK: - Session management (Image detection setup)
/// Prevents restarting the session while a restart is in progress.
var isRestartAvailable = true
/// Creates a new AR configuration to run on the `session`.
/// - Tag: ARReferenceImage-Loading
func resetTracking()
guard let referenceImages = ARReferenceImage.referenceImages(inGroupNamed: "AR Resources", bundle: nil) else
fatalError("Missing expected asset catalog resources.")
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
configuration.detectionImages = referenceImages, options: [.resetTracking, .removeExistingAnchors])
statusViewController.scheduleMessage("Look around to detect images", inSeconds: 7.5, messageType: .contentPlacement)
// MARK: - ARSCNViewDelegate (Image detection results)
/// - Tag: ARImageAnchor-Visualizing
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor)
guard let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor else return
let referenceImage = imageAnchor.referenceImage
// Create a plane to visualize the initial position of the detected image.
let plane = SCNPlane(width: referenceImage.physicalSize.width,
height: referenceImage.physicalSize.height)
let planeNode = SCNNode(geometry: plane)
planeNode.opacity = 0.25
`SCNPlane` is vertically oriented in its local coordinate space, but
`ARImageAnchor` assumes the image is horizontal in its local space, so
rotate the plane to match.
planeNode.eulerAngles.x = -.pi / 2
Image anchors are not tracked after initial detection, so create an
animation that limits the duration for which the plane visualization appears.
plane.materials = [SCNMaterial()]
plane.materials[0].diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "Macbook 12-inch")
// Add the plane visualization to the scene.
let imageName = ?? ""
self.statusViewController.showMessage("Detected image “\(imageName)”")
var imageHighlightAction: SCNAction
return .sequence([
.wait(duration: 0.25),
.fadeOpacity(to: 0.85, duration: 0.25),
.fadeOpacity(to: 0.15, duration: 0.25),
.fadeOpacity(to: 0.85, duration: 0.25),
.fadeOut(duration: 0.5),
【参考方案1】:在 Xcode 的 Assets 文件夹中,单击 + 按钮并为参考图像创建一个文件夹(使用.png
格式)。在 Xcode 的目录中,此文件夹将获得 .arresourcegroup
// AR and Textures –> AR Resource Group
您可以重命名此文件夹。无需将高分辨率图像放入此文件夹中。每个图像的适当分辨率为 400x400。放在那里不超过100张图片。就是这样。
guard let images = ARReferenceImage.referenceImages(
inGroupNamed: "AR Resources",
bundle: nil)
else return
let config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
config.detectionImages = images
config.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = 3, options: [])
以上是关于ARKit 图像检测和从 Assets.xcassets 添加图像的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章