TypeError: Function.prototype.apply 在#<Object> 上被调用,这是一个对象而不是函数



【中文标题】TypeError: Function.prototype.apply 在#<Object> 上被调用,这是一个对象而不是函数【英文标题】:TypeError: Function.prototype.apply was called on #<Object>, which is a object and not a function 【发布时间】:2021-07-21 18:22:51 【问题描述】:

我正在为我的机器人处理抢劫命令,但我尝试了它却收到此错误 (node:2253) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Function.prototype.apply was called on #&lt;Object&gt;, which is a object and not a function


const Discord = require('discord.js');
const db = require('quick.db')

module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => 
let member = message.mentions.members.first()
if (!member) return message.reply(`You you wanna hiest`)

let user = message.author;

let money = await db.fetch(`mon_$user.id`)
if(money < 2000) return message.reply(`You need atleast 2000 coins to try and rob someone!`)

let money2 = await db.fetch(`b_$member.id`)
if (money2 < 3000) return message.reply(`This fella does not have atleast 3000 coins in his bank not worth it!`)

message.channel.send(`$user.username Is Starting a heist on $member\nType \`GG JOIN\` To join them!`).then(() => 
 message.channel.awaitMessages( max: 7, time: 70000, errors: ['time'] )
    .then(message => 
       message = message.first()
       if (message.content.toUpperCase() == 'GG JOIN' || message.content.toUpperCase() == 'JOIN HEIST') 
         db.push(`heistname_$message.guild.id`, -user.username)
         db.push(`heist_$message.guild.id`, -user.id)
         db.add(`heistmem_$message.guild.id`, 1)
     .catch(collected => 
         message.channel.send('Allirght These Many Users Are joining the hesit.The Result will be given shortly!');
 setTimeout( async function() 
 let memjoined = await db.fetch(`heistmem_$message.guild.id`)
let userbank = await db.fetch(`b_$member.id`)
let bankdev = (userbank / memjoined)
let joined = await db.fetch(`heist_$message.guild.id`)
let join2 = joined.split('-')
let jointot = join2.join('\n')
let joinname = await db.fetch(`heistname_$message.guild.id`)
let joinnamesp = joinname.split('-')
let joinnametot = joinnamesp.join('\n')
db.add(`mon_$join2[0]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[1]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[2]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[3]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[4]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[5]`, bankdev)
db.add(`mon_$join2[6]`, bankdev)
message.channel.send(`\`\`\`$joinnametotJoined the heist and everyone came out with a total of $bankdev Money!\`\`\``)
, 100000);

 setTimeout( async function()
await db.delete(`heistmem_$message.guild.id`)
await db.delete(`heistname_$message.guild.id`)
await db.delete(`heist_$message.guild.id`)
, 10000);

module.exports.help = 
name: "bankrob",
aliases: ["heist"]




  (m) => m.author.id === message.author.id, 
   /* options */ 

如果你不需要任何过滤器,你可以使用() =&gt; true


以上是关于TypeError: Function.prototype.apply 在#<Object> 上被调用,这是一个对象而不是函数的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

TypeError:“TypeError:函数名称不是 HTMLButtonElement.onclick (/:2:54) 处的函数”


Django TypeError - TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 必须是一个类


Python 3.8 TypeError: can't concat str to bytes - TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 's

TypeError: key 必须是一个字符串,一个缓冲区或一个对象在 typeError 与 GCP 文件存在