使用 R 将单个列拆分为多个观察值



【中文标题】使用 R 将单个列拆分为多个观察值【英文标题】:Splitting a single column into multiple observation using R 【发布时间】:2016-01-11 19:54:09 【问题描述】:

我正在处理 HCUP 数据,它在一列中有一系列值,需要拆分为多列。以下是 HCUP 数据框供参考:

code            label
61000-61003     excision of CNS
0169T-0169T     ventricular shunt


code            label
61000           excision of CNS
61001           excision of CNS
61002           excision of CNS
61003           excision of CNS
0169T           ventricular shunt

我解决这个问题的方法是使用包 splitstackshape 并使用此代码


cSplit(hcup, "code", "-")[, list(code = code_1:code_2, by = label)]



数据中除了“T”之外还有很多字母。 字母可以在前面或最后,但不能在两个数字之间。 在一个范围内没有从“T”到“U”的字母变化


嗯,我对 data.table 不是很有经验,但我看不出你的方法是如何工作的 - Code_1(不应该是 code_1 吗?)和 code_2必须是数字,如果你想建立一个序列,例如hcup <- read.table(header=T, stringsAsFactors = F, text="code label\n61000-61003 excision_of_CNS\n0169T-0169T ventricular_shunt"); cSplit(hcup, "code", "-")[, list(Code = seq(as.integer(gsub("\\D", "", code_1)), as.integer(gsub("\\D", "", code_2)))), by = label]. 谢谢。我已接受编辑。我并不特别关注“splitstackshape”。有没有可能写一个函数来处理这个问题? 这可能对splitstackshape 文档有所帮助:如果您知道列中的所有值在拆分后每行具有相同数量的值,您应该使用cSplit_f 函数相反,它使用fread 而不是strsplit 并且通常更快。 所以也许你可以给我们更多的信息。字母T 总是字母?它总是在字符串的末尾吗? 对这个问题进行第二次猜测,我认为扩展数据框可能不是您最终想要做的事情。将代码列拆分为beginend,并存储code.prefixcode.suffix 似乎会使匹配变得简单很多,这大概是针对的用例。 【参考方案1】:

这是使用来自Hmiscdplyrall.is.numeric 的解决方案:

dat %>% separate(code, into=c("code1", "code2")) %>%
        rowwise %>%
        mutate(lists = ifelse(all.is.numeric(c(code1, code2)),
                         list(as.character(seq(from = as.numeric(code1), to = as.numeric(code2)))),
                         list(code1))) %>%
        unnest(lists) %>%
        select(code = lists, label)

Source: local data frame [5 x 2]

   code             label
  (chr)            (fctr)
1 61000   excision of CNS
2 61001   excision of CNS
3 61002   excision of CNS
4 61003   excision of CNS
5 0169T ventricular shunt


dff %>% mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
        separate(code, into=c("code1", "code2")) %>%
        group_by(row) %>%
        summarise(lists = if(all.is.numeric(c(code1, code2)))
                                   seq(from = as.numeric(code1), to = as.numeric(code2))),
                                         nchar(code1), pad="0"))
                          else if(grepl("^[0-9]", code1))
                                   seq(from = extract_numeric(code1), to = extract_numeric(code2))),
                                      strsplit(code1, "[0-9]+")[[1]][2]),
                                         nchar(code1), pad = "0"))
                                      strsplit(code1, "[0-9]+")[[1]],
                                    seq(from = extract_numeric(code1), to = extract_numeric(code2))),
                                         nchar(gsub("[^0-9]", "", code1)), pad="0"))),
                   label = first(label)) %>%
        unnest(lists) %>%
Source: local data frame [15 x 2]

               label lists
               (chr) (chr)
1    excision of CNS 61000
2    excision of CNS 61001
3    excision of CNS 61002
4  ventricular shunt 0169T
5  ventricular shunt 0170T
6  ventricular shunt 0171T
7    excision of CNS 01000
8    excision of CNS 01001
9    excision of CNS 01002
10    some procedure A2543
11    some procedure A2544
12    some procedure A2545
13    some procedure A0543
14    some procedure A0544
15    some procedure A0545


dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61002", "0169T-0171T", "01000-01002", 
"A2543-A2545", "A0543-A0545"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "some procedure", "some procedure")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")


这看起来不错。但它在最终输出中省略了“0169T”之类的代码。 这个解决方案非常接近,但仍然错过了字母在前的那些代码。例如,代码“A4245”不会添加到最终数据库中。【参考方案2】:


# the data
hcup <- data.frame(code=c("61000-61003", "0169T-0169T"),
                   label=c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt"), stringsAsFactors = F)
>         code             label
>1 61000-61003   excision of CNS
>2 0169T-0169T ventricular shunt

# reshaping
# split the code ranges into separate columns
seq.ends <- cbind(do.call(rbind.data.frame, strsplit(hcup$code, "-")), hcup$label)
# create a list with a data.frame for each original line
new.list <- apply(seq.ends, 1, FUN=function(x)data.frame(code=if(grepl("\\d5", x[1]))
                     z<-x[1]:x[2]elsez<-x[1], label=rep(x[3], length(z)),
                     stringsAsFactors = F))
# collapse the list into a df
new.df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(new.list, data.frame, stringsAsFactors=F))

>     code             label
>1.1 61000   excision of CNS
>1.2 61001   excision of CNS
>1.3 61002   excision of CNS
>1.4 61003   excision of CNS
>2   0169T ventricular shunt





dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61003", "0169T-0169T", "61000-61003"
), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", "excision of CNS"
)), .Names = c("code", "label"), row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame")

#          code             label
# 1 61000-61003   excision of CNS
# 2 0169T-0169T ventricular shunt
# 3 61000-61003   excision of CNS

我们可以使用序列运算符: 来获取code 列的序列,用tryCatch() 包裹,这样我们就可以避免错误,并保存无法排序的值。首先,我们用破折号- 拆分值,然后通过lapply() 运行它。

xx <- lapply(
    strsplit(dff$code, "-", fixed = TRUE), 
    function(x) tryCatch(x[1]:x[2], warning = function(w) x)
data.frame(code = unlist(xx), label = rep(dff$label, lengths(xx)))
#     code             label
# 1  61000   excision of CNS
# 2  61001   excision of CNS
# 3  61002   excision of CNS
# 4  61003   excision of CNS
# 5  0169T ventricular shunt
# 6  0169T ventricular shunt
# 7  61000   excision of CNS
# 8  61001   excision of CNS
# 9  61002   excision of CNS
# 10 61003   excision of CNS

我们正在尝试将序列运算符: 应用于strsplit() 中的每个元素,如果无法使用x[1]:x[2],则仅返回这些元素的值并继续使用序列x[1]:x[2] 否则.然后我们只是根据xx 中的结果长度复制label 列的值,以获得新的label 列。

更新:以下是我针对您的编辑提出的意见。将上面的xx 替换为

xx <- lapply(strsplit(dff$code, "-", TRUE), function(x) 
    s <- stringi::stri_locate_first_regex(x, "[A-Z]")
    nc <- nchar(x)[1L]
    fmt <- function(n) paste0("%0", n, "d")
        ss <- s[1,1]
        fmt <- fmt(nc-1)
        if(ss == 1L) 
            xx <- substr(x, 2, nc)
            paste0(substr(x, 1, 1), sprintf(fmt, xx[1]:xx[2]))
            xx <- substr(x, 1, ss-1)
            paste0(sprintf(fmt, xx[1]:xx[2]), substr(x, nc, nc))
        sprintf(fmt(nc), x[1]:x[2])


df2 <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61003", "0169T-0174T", "61000-61003", 
"T0169-T0174"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 4L), class = "data.frame") 


data.frame(code = unlist(xx), label = rep(df2$label, lengths(xx)))
#     code             label
# 1  61000   excision of CNS
# 2  61001   excision of CNS
# 3  61002   excision of CNS
# 4  61003   excision of CNS
# 5  0169T ventricular shunt
# 6  0170T ventricular shunt
# 7  0171T ventricular shunt
# 8  0172T ventricular shunt
# 9  0173T ventricular shunt
# 10 0174T ventricular shunt
# 11 61000   excision of CNS
# 12 61001   excision of CNS
# 13 61002   excision of CNS
# 14 61003   excision of CNS
# 15 T0169 ventricular shunt
# 16 T0170 ventricular shunt
# 17 T0171 ventricular shunt
# 18 T0172 ventricular shunt
# 19 T0173 ventricular shunt
# 20 T0174 ventricular shunt


这很好用。但是输入数据有类似“'0005T-0006T”的代码。在这种情况下,最终输出中只有 0005T 被标记,但缺少代码 0006T。 我很抱歉,数据集很大,我错过了。是的,我希望在最终输出中同时包含这两个代码。 不确定您的示例是否可行。我猜每个标签在原始数据中只出现一次。【参考方案4】:


seq_code <- function(from,to)

    ext = function(x, part) gsub("([^0-9]?)([0-9]*)([^0-9]?)", paste0("\\",part), x)

    pre = unique(sapply(list(from,to), ext, part = 1 ))
    suf = unique(sapply(list(from,to), ext, part = 3 ))

    if (length(pre) > 1 | length(suf) > 1)

    num = do.call(seq, lapply(list(from,to), function(x) as.integer(ext(x, part = 2))))
    len = nchar(from)-nchar(pre)-nchar(suf)

    paste0(pre, sprintf(paste0("%0",len,"d"), num), suf)

以@jeremycg 为例:

  label = label[1], 
  code  = do.call(seq_code, tstrsplit(code,'-'))
), by=.(row=seq(nrow(dff)))]


    row             label  code
 1:   1   excision of CNS 61000
 2:   1   excision of CNS 61001
 3:   1   excision of CNS 61002
 4:   2 ventricular shunt 0169T
 5:   2 ventricular shunt 0170T
 6:   2 ventricular shunt 0171T
 7:   3   excision of CNS 01000
 8:   3   excision of CNS 01001
 9:   3   excision of CNS 01002
10:   4    some procedure A2543
11:   4    some procedure A2544
12:   4    some procedure A2545
13:   5    some procedure A0543
14:   5    some procedure A0544
15:   5    some procedure A0545

从@jeremycg 的回答中复制的数据:

dff <- structure(list(code = c("61000-61002", "0169T-0171T", "01000-01002", 
"A2543-A2545", "A0543-A0545"), label = c("excision of CNS", "ventricular shunt", 
"excision of CNS", "some procedure", "some procedure")), .Names = c("code", 
"label"), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")



如果您有足够的耐心,您可能会将字符串解析为单独的片段,而不是使用 eval/parse 技巧,可惜我不是,所以:

fancy.seq = function(x) eval(parse(text=sub(', \\)', ')', sub('\\(, ', '(',
                           formatC(\\1:\\4, width=log10(\\4)+1, format="d", flag="0"),
# using example from jeremycg's answer
dt[, .(fancy.seq(code), label), by = 1:nrow(dt)]
#    nrow    V1             label
# 1:    1 61000   excision of CNS
# 2:    1 61001   excision of CNS
# 3:    1 61002   excision of CNS
# 4:    2 0169T ventricular shunt
# 5:    2 0170T ventricular shunt
# 6:    2 0171T ventricular shunt
# 7:    3 01000   excision of CNS
# 8:    3 01001   excision of CNS
# 9:    3 01002   excision of CNS
#10:    4 A2543    some procedure
#11:    4 A2544    some procedure
#12:    4 A2545    some procedure
#13:    5 A0543    some procedure
#14:    5 A0544    some procedure
#15:    5 A0545    some procedure

如果不清楚以上内容在做什么 - 只需对“代码”字符串之一逐一运行 sub 命令。


\\2:\\4 太棒了!

以上是关于使用 R 将单个列拆分为多个观察值的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章




如何将组均值与单个观察值进行比较并创建新的 TRUE/FALSE 列?

使用 WHERE IN SQL 子句将字符串值从单个值拆分为多个值以获取数据

如何通过拆分其中的字符串将单个列拆分为多个。 -Pandas Python [重复]