.net core 2.0 JWT 令牌过期问题



【中文标题】.net core 2.0 JWT 令牌过期问题【英文标题】:.net core 2.0 JWT token expired issue 【发布时间】:2018-10-07 19:27:56 【问题描述】:


让我解释一下: 我有一个 Angular 5 客户端正在使用的 .NET Core 2.0 Web API。 Web api 托管在 Azure AppService 中。身份验证是通过使用 AspnetCore.Authentication.JWTBearer 的 JWT Bearer 令牌(当前版本为 2.0.1) 应用程序在 auth/login 端点中创建 JWT 令牌。然后客户端就可以在以下调用中进行身份验证了。

但是,即使我指定令牌的时间跨度为 1080 分钟(一周),但在大约 8 小时后,假设令牌不再有效。我可以离开,(实际上我开始指定令牌在几个小时内有效)但是一旦令牌过期......这就是奇怪的东西出现的地方,应用程序在用户之后发出一个新令牌是再次登录,但是新的token没有认证说token已经过期了!,如果是刚刚创建的,怎么可能过期。 (我已经加倍检查,新收到的令牌被发送到服务器,而不是旧的)。

此外,如果我只是在 Azure 中重新启动应用程序服务,那么一切都会再次恢复正常,并接受新发布的 jwt 令牌。我认为这可能是 Azure 服务器和其他东西之间的时钟问题,所以我删除了 ClockSkew 属性并将其保留为 5 分钟,这是它的默认值,但没有运气。

我不知道是什么导致了这种奇怪的行为,但导致我的应用在白天的某个时刻无用,除非我进入 Azure 并重新启动应用服务。

我的代码如下,但我开始认为它可能是与 .net core 和 Azure 相关的错误?

你看出什么不对了吗? 感谢您的帮助!

这是我的 startup.cs 类

public class Startup
        private string connectionString;
        private const string SecretKey = "iNivDmHLpUA223sqsfhqGbMRdRj1PVkH"; 
        // todo: get this from somewhere secure
        private readonly SymmetricSecurityKey _signingKey = new 
        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
            Configuration = configuration;

        public IConfiguration Configuration  get; 

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            connectionString = Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionString:Value").Value;
            Console.WriteLine("Connection String: " + connectionString);
            services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));

            //Initialize the UserManager instance and configuration
            services.AddIdentity<AppUser, IdentityRole>()

            services.TryAddTransient<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();

            // add identity
            var builder = services.AddIdentityCore<AppUser>(o =>
                // configure identity options
                o.Password.RequireDigit = true;
                o.Password.RequireLowercase = true;
                o.Password.RequireUppercase = true;
                o.Password.RequireNonAlphanumeric = true;
                o.Password.RequiredLength = 6;

            builder = new IdentityBuilder(builder.UserType, typeof(IdentityRole), builder.Services);

            services.AddSingleton<IJwtFactory, JwtFactory>();

            // Get options from app settings
            var jwtAppSettingOptions = Configuration.GetSection(nameof(JwtIssuerOptions));

            // Configure JwtIssuerOptions
            services.Configure<JwtIssuerOptions>(options =>
                options.Issuer = jwtAppSettingOptions[nameof(JwtIssuerOptions.Issuer)];
                options.Audience = jwtAppSettingOptions[nameof(JwtIssuerOptions.Audience)];
                options.SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(_signingKey, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256);

            var tokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
                ValidateIssuer = true,
                ValidIssuer = jwtAppSettingOptions[nameof(JwtIssuerOptions.Issuer)],
                ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
                IssuerSigningKey = _signingKey,

                ValidateAudience = true,
                ValidAudience = jwtAppSettingOptions[nameof(JwtIssuerOptions.Audience)],

                RequireExpirationTime = false,
                // ValidateLifetime = true,
                // ClockSkew = TimeSpan.Zero //default son 5 minutos

            services.AddAuthentication(options =>
                options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
                options.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
            ).AddJwtBearer(configureOptions =>
                configureOptions.ClaimsIssuer = jwtAppSettingOptions[nameof(JwtIssuerOptions.Issuer)];
                configureOptions.TokenValidationParameters = tokenValidationParameters;
                configureOptions.SaveToken = true;

            // api user claim policy
            // Enables [Authorize] decorator on controllers.
            //more information here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/security/authorization/policies?view=aspnetcore-2.1
            services.AddAuthorization(options =>
                options.AddPolicy("ApiUser", policy => policy.RequireClaim(Constants.Strings.JwtClaimIdentifiers.Rol, Constants.Strings.JwtClaims.ApiAccess));

            // Register the Swagger generator, defining one or more Swagger documents
            services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
                c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Info
                    Title = Configuration.GetSection("Swagger:Title").Value,
                    Version = "v1"

            //Initialize auto mapper


            //Initialize MVC

        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env,
        UserManager<AppUser> userManager, RoleManager<IdentityRole> roleManager)
            var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("es-AR");
            //cultureInfo.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "€";

            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = cultureInfo;
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = cultureInfo;

            if (env.IsDevelopment())

          builder =>
                        async context =>
                            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                            context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

                            var error = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
                            if (error != null)
                                await context.Response.WriteAsync(error.Error.Message).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Enable middleware to serve generated Swagger as a JSON endpoint.

            // Enable middleware to serve swagger-ui (html, JS, CSS, etc.), specifying the Swagger JSON endpoint.
            app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>


            //Loads initial users and roles.
            if (Configuration["seed"] == "true")
                Console.WriteLine("Seeding database with connection string: " + connectionString);
                IdentityDataInitializer.SeedData(userManager, roleManager);
                Console.WriteLine("Finished seeding");
                Console.WriteLine("seeding not configured");



            // Shows UseCors with CorsPolicyBuilder.
            app.UseCors(builder =>
                 .AllowAnyMethod() //Permite también PREFLIGHTS / OPTIONS REQUEST!

            Console.WriteLine("Allowed origin: " + Configuration.GetSection("AllowedOrigins:Origin1").Value);
            Console.WriteLine("Allowed origin: " + Configuration.GetSection("AllowedOrigins:Origin2").Value);



这是我的 JwtIssuerOptions.cs

public class JwtIssuerOptions
        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.1.  "iss" (Issuer) Claim - The "iss" (issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT.
        /// </summary>
        public string Issuer  get; set; 

        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.2.  "sub" (Subject) Claim - The "sub" (subject) claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT.
        /// </summary>
        public string Subject  get; set; 

        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.3.  "aud" (Audience) Claim - The "aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for.
        /// </summary>
        public string Audience  get; set; 

        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.4.  "exp" (Expiration Time) Claim - The "exp" (expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime Expiration => IssuedAt.Add(ValidFor);

        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.5.  "nbf" (Not Before) Claim - The "nbf" (not before) claim identifies the time before which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime NotBefore  get; set;  = DateTime.UtcNow;

        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.6.  "iat" (Issued At) Claim - The "iat" (issued at) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.
        /// </summary>
        public DateTime IssuedAt  get; set;  = DateTime.UtcNow;

        /// <summary>
        /// Set the timespan the token will be valid for (default is 120 min)
        /// </summary>
        public TimeSpan ValidFor  get; set;  = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1080);//una semana

        /// <summary>
        /// "jti" (JWT ID) Claim (default ID is a GUID)
        /// </summary>
        public Func<Task<string>> JtiGenerator =>
          () => Task.FromResult(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// The signing key to use when generating tokens.
        /// </summary>
        public SigningCredentials SigningCredentials  get; set; 

将带有令牌的 json 发送到客户端的 Token.cs 类

public class Tokens
        public static async Task<object> GenerateJwt(ClaimsIdentity identity, IJwtFactory jwtFactory, string userName, JwtIssuerOptions jwtOptions, JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings)
            var response = new
                id = identity.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "id").Value,
                auth_token = await jwtFactory.GenerateEncodedToken(userName, identity),
                expires_in = (int)jwtOptions.ValidFor.TotalSeconds

            return response;
            //return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, serializerSettings);


    public class AuthController : Controller
        private readonly UserManager<AppUser> _userManager;
        private readonly IJwtFactory _jwtFactory;
        private readonly JwtIssuerOptions _jwtOptions;
        private readonly ILogger _logger;

        public AuthController(UserManager<AppUser> userManager,
            IJwtFactory jwtFactory,
            IOptions<JwtIssuerOptions> jwtOptions,
            ILogger<AuthController> logger)
            _userManager = userManager;
            _jwtFactory = jwtFactory;
            _jwtOptions = jwtOptions.Value;
            _logger = logger;

        // POST api/auth/login
        public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]CredentialsViewModel credentials)
                if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                    return BadRequest(ModelState);

                var identity = await GetClaimsIdentity(credentials.UserName, credentials.Password);
                if (identity == null)
                    // Credentials are invalid, or account doesn't exist
                    _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.InvalidCredentials, "Invalid Credentials");
                    return BadRequest(Errors.AddErrorToModelState("login_failure", "Invalid username or password.", ModelState));

                var jwt = await Tokens.GenerateJwt(identity, _jwtFactory, credentials.UserName, _jwtOptions, new JsonSerializerSettings  Formatting = Formatting.Indented );
                CurrentUser cu = Utils.GetCurrentUserInformation(identity.Claims.Single(c => c.Type == "id").Value, _userManager).Result;
                if (cu != null)
                    cu.Jwt = jwt;
                    return new OkObjectResult(cu);

                return StatusCode(500);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError(LoggingEvents.GenericError, ex.Message);
                return StatusCode(500, ex);

        private async Task<ClaimsIdentity> GetClaimsIdentity(string userName, string password)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                    return await Task.FromResult<ClaimsIdentity>(null);

                // get the user to verifty
                ILogicUsers lusers = Business.UsersLogic(_userManager);
                AppUser userToVerify = await lusers.FindByNameAsync(userName);

                if (userToVerify == null)
                    return await Task.FromResult<ClaimsIdentity>(null);

                // check the credentials
                if (await lusers.CheckPasswordAsync(userToVerify, password))
                    return await Task.FromResult(_jwtFactory.GenerateClaimsIdentity(userName, userToVerify.Id));

                // Credentials are invalid, or account doesn't exist
                _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.InvalidCredentials, "Invalid Credentials");
                return await Task.FromResult<ClaimsIdentity>(null);


1080 分钟!= 一周。只有 18 小时。 10080 分钟是一周 你能告诉我们一个令牌,或者至少是一个令牌的 nbf 和 exp 声明吗? 嗨@Brad,你是绝对正确的,我改变了很多次ValidFor时间跨度,我感到困惑。不过,这似乎不是问题,因为 18 小时后令牌未获得授权,我无法继续使用该应用程序(与客户端浏览器无关)我最终重新启动了 azure 应用程序服务。 好吧,我想我找到了问题所在。 IssuedAt 属性是静态的,并且是第一次生成的令牌值。当令牌过期时,会生成一个新令牌,但使用第一个令牌的发出日期,这就是所有新生成的令牌都过期的原因。在 Azure 中重新启动 AppService 会导致清除静态值并正确创建第一个新令牌。这是正确的行。 public DateTime IssuedAt => DateTime.UtcNow;感谢您的帮助! 【参考方案1】:


IssedAt 属性是静态的,并且正在获取第一次生成的令牌值。当令牌过期时,会生成一个新令牌,但使用第一个令牌的发出日期,这就是所有新生成的令牌都过期的原因。在 Azure 中重新启动 AppService 会导致清除静态值并正确创建第一个新令牌。


public DateTime IssuedAt => DateTime.UtcNow; 



我遇到了完全相同的问题。在“过期”-属性内,我刚刚返回了 IssuedAt.Add(ValidFor),这总是让我得到初始值。我想我们对 JwtIssuerOptions - 类使用了相同的代码示例。你从哪里弄来的?我们可能应该建议对此进行改进。就我而言,一位同事实现了这一点,所以我现在不能说这是从哪里来的。 是的,好主意。这个问题似乎来自本教程,fullstackmark.com/post/13/…,它在其中一个部分指向这个 repo github.com/mmacneil/AngularASPNETCore2WebApiAuth/blob/master/…

以上是关于.net core 2.0 JWT 令牌过期问题的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

.Net Core 2.1 过期的 JWT 令牌响应 [发布与获取]

如何注销或过期 ASP.NET Core Web API 的 JWT 令牌?

.net core 2.0 JWT 令牌

ASP.net Core 2.0 JWT 令牌刷新

jwt token 过期时间(asp.net core)

ASP.NET Core 和 JWT 令牌生命周期