显示从 Nodejs 到 EJS 的嵌套 JSON
【中文标题】显示从 Nodejs 到 EJS 的嵌套 JSON【英文标题】:Displaying Nested JSON from Nodejs to EJS 【发布时间】:2021-12-22 16:33:37 【问题描述】:我打开了 1000 个浏览器标签,但我似乎无法找到预期的信息。
server.js 在服务器中,我正在运行它以从我的 neo4j 数据库中获取数据:
app.get('/ios', async (req, res) =>
const iosUberResult = await session.run(`MATCH p=(ios:IOS name: 'UofO')-->(ios2:CampBus)<--(ios3:SchColUnit)<--(ios4:Dept)
With collect(p) as p2
CALL apoc.convert.toTree(p2, true,
nodes: IOS: ['name'], CampBus: ['name'], SchColUnit: ['name'], Dept: ['name']
) yield value
Return value`);
const iosUberArr = iosUberResult.records.map((_fields) =>
return iosUber: _fields[0] ;
console.log(iosUberArr); //this does not show the entire json as hoped
console.log("Something went wrong", e)
密码查询结果 应该注意的是,上面看到的密码查询返回有效的 json。这是嵌套的 json 层次结构: 家长:UofO 儿童:CampBus 孙子:SchColUnit 曾孙:部门 这是在 neo4j 浏览器上运行时返回的值:
"_type": "IOS",
"name": "UofO",
"_id": 116059,
"has_campbus": [
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "5dad1d22-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"has_schcolunit": [
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "af76d77e-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "AAA Department 1",
"Uid": "e057114c-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"_id": 116068,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "AAA Department 9",
"Uid": "135acc0c-cb13-4bcd-8edf-1c7737123a64",
"_id": 116099,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "AAA School College Unit 1",
"_id": 116064
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "af76dad0-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "AAA Department 10",
"Uid": "9f234e53-fe7b-4c33-b50d-a130c8867f88",
"_id": 116100,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "AAA Department 2",
"Uid": "e0571354-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"_id": 116069,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "AAA School College Unit 2",
"_id": 116065
"level": 2,
"_type": "IOS:CampBus",
"name": "AAA Campus",
"_id": 116060
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "5dad1fca-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"has_schcolunit": [
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "db29357c-fac4-40f4-b277-dbc100e8ee1f",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "BBB Department 5",
"Uid": "ca1b0684-2cfe-4fb2-8274-8945116d9db5",
"_id": 116083,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "BBB Department 13",
"Uid": "c2f292c7-9413-4682-80f5-c31f53f35f4b",
"_id": 116103,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "BBB School College Unit 5",
"_id": 116079
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "95a7f2e0-9fe8-4c75-8393-64d6e517fa73",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "BBB Department 6",
"Uid": "362a0b56-4614-4152-b6b2-bb9e086618fa",
"_id": 116084,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "BBB Department 14",
"Uid": "f27907f3-f28f-44e9-8e7a-95f4704e6143",
"_id": 116104,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "BBB School College Unit 6",
"_id": 116080
"level": 2,
"_type": "IOS:CampBus",
"name": "BBB Campus",
"_id": 116061
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "5dad2100-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"has_schcolunit": [
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "af76dc06-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "CCC Department 11",
"Uid": "f96f929d-15fc-4861-9d28-95f3c7cc604f",
"_id": 116101,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "CCC Department 3",
"Uid": "e057143a-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"_id": 116070,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "CCC School College Unit 3",
"_id": 116066
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "af76dcd8-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "CCC Department 12",
"Uid": "95f9b946-8cad-4471-a8a5-87809921f54e",
"_id": 116102,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "CCC Department 4",
"Uid": "e05714f8-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"_id": 116071,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "CCC School College Unit 4",
"_id": 116067
"level": 2,
"_type": "IOS:CampBus",
"name": "CCC Campus",
"_id": 116062
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "5dad220e-40c3-11ec-973a-0242ac130003",
"has_schcolunit": [
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "97068992-6457-4897-9c4c-b8397fc72fde",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "DDD Department 7",
"Uid": "406a92e6-a8ea-43c8-9043-2ceb3d9d4428",
"_id": 116085,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "DDD Department 15",
"Uid": "6570ecfc-86c1-4f60-bd43-d33036b6480f",
"_id": 116105,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "UW Med School College Unit 7",
"_id": 116081
"date": "11/08/2021",
"Uid": "e3bc099e-a006-4f6a-ab8a-f20e5a438ca5",
"level": 3,
"has_dept": [
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/08/2021",
"name": "DDD Department 8",
"Uid": "c794b1ce-34d9-414d-9579-a01e79767392",
"_id": 116086,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:Dept",
"date": "11/09/2021",
"name": "DDD Department 16",
"Uid": "d6b8c84f-0bde-4fcb-ac2d-c021c395370e",
"_id": 116106,
"level": 4
"_type": "IOS:SchColUnit",
"name": "DDD School College Unit 8",
"_id": 116082
"level": 2,
"_type": "IOS:CampBus",
"name": "DDD Campus",
"_id": 116063
ios.ejs 在我的 ios.ejs 页面上,我尝试将数据 iosUber 移植到表单中:
<form id="Is-LocatedForm" method="get" class="lb-lg form-margin ">
<label>Level 1</label><br>
<select id="" class="form-control" type="text">
<% iosUber.forEach(function(lev) %>
<option ><%= lev.name %></option>
<% ) %>
<label>Level 2</label><br>
<select id="" class="form-control" type="text">
<% iosUber.has_campbus.forEach(function(lev) %>
<option ><%= lev.name %></option>
<% ) %>
<label>Level 3</label><br>
<select id="" class="form-control" type="text">
<% iosUber.has_schcolunit.forEach(function(lev) %>
<option ><%= lev.name %></option>
<% ) %>
<label>Level 4</label><br>
<select id="" class="form-control" type="text">
<% iosUber.has_dept.forEach(function(lev) %>
<option><%= lev.name %></option>
<% ) %>
这种从服务器到客户端的渲染不起作用,因为我不明白如何访问所有级别的嵌套 JSON 对象。看来我应该在服务器端和客户端都使用更多的“点表示法”来访问 JSON 中的嵌套级别,但我似乎找不到合适的组合。
更新 这就是我合并@fabrv 建议的地方。
嵌套 ul/li 标签 最初的问题是使用表单和选择/选项标签,但我想我会尝试使用 ul/li 标签的 poc。
<ul style="list-style-type: none;">
<% iosUberList.forEach(function(parent) %>
<span>Level 1: <%- parent.iosUber.name %></span><br><br>
<% parent.iosUber.has_campbus.forEach(function(campbus) %>
<span>Level 2: <%- campbus.name %></span><br><br>
<% campbus.has_schcolunit.forEach(function(unit) %>
<span>Level 3: <%- unit.name %></span><br><br>
<% unit.has_dept.forEach(function(dept) %>
<span>Level 4: <%- dept.name %></span><br><br>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
ul 标记结果
Level 1: UofO
Level 2: AAA Campus
Level 3: AAA School College Unit 1
Level 4: AAA Department 1
Level 4: AAA Department 9
Level 3: AAA School College Unit 2
Level 4: AAA Department 10
Level 4: AAA Department 2
Level 2: BBB Campus
Level 3: BBB School College Unit 3
Level 4: BBB Department 11
Level 4: BBB Department 3
Level 3: BBB School College Unit 4
Level 4: BBB Department 12
Level 4: BBB Department 4
Level 2: CCC Campus
Level 3: CCC School College Unit 7
Level 4: CCC Department 7
Level 4: CCC Department 15
Level 3: CCC School College Unit 8
Level 4: CCC Department 8
Level 4: CCC Department 16
Level 2: DDD Campus
Level 3: DDD School College Unit 5
Level 4: DDD Department 5
Level 4: DDD Department 13
Level 3: DDD School College Unit 6
Level 4: DDD Department 6
Level 4: DDD Department 14
嵌套选择/选项标签 这是我想要完成的,但嵌套/dot.notation 没有按预期工作。我可以通过将级别 2 嵌套在级别 1 中来使其按预期运行,但是一旦我将级别 3 嵌套在级别 2 中,它就会分崩离析。 请注意,我没有使用***/父级的选择/选项,因为只有 1 件事(没有可供选择的多项)。
<span>Level 1</span><br>
<% iosUberList.forEach(function(parent) %>
<span><%= parent.iosUber.name %></span><br><br>
<label>Level 2</label><br>
<% parent.iosUber.has_campbus.forEach(function(campbus) %>
<option><%= campbus.name %></option>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
Level 1
Level 2
Dropdown containing |AAA Campus BBB Campus CCC Campus DDD Campus|
如果我尝试添加第 3 级,
<span>Level 1</span><br>
<% iosUberList.forEach(function(parent) %>
<span><%= parent.iosUber.name %></span><br><br>
<label>Level 2</label><br>
<% parent.iosUber.has_campbus.forEach(function(campbus) %>
<option><%= campbus.name %></option>
<label>Level 3</label><br>
<% campbus.has_schcolunit.forEach(function(unit) %>
<option><%= unit.name %></option>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
对于给定的 JSON 输入,您希望作为输出的预期 html/结果是什么? 【参考方案1】:如果您尝试以与检索数据相同的方式显示数据,那么您的 ejs
您的 JSON 具有这种形状:
"has_campus": [
"has_schoolunit": [
"has_dept": []
<% iosUber.has_campus.forEach(function(campus) %>
// Campus HTML
<% campus.has_schoolunit.forEach(function(unit) %>
// Unit HTML
<% unit.has_dept.forEacth(function(dept) %>
// Department HTML
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
<% ) %>
谢谢@fabrv,我有3个问题... 1)在服务器端,我无法使用console.log(iosUberArr)看到完整的json,目前它记录的所有内容都是“[ iosUber: _type: 'IOS', name: 'University of Washington', _id: [Integer], has_campbus: [Array] ]"... 2) 在 ios.ejs Level 1 1) 那里没有问题 2) 它是空白的,因为您正在尝试打印iosUber
子元素的 name
3)您必须为每个需要迭代的“组件”创建一个。像这样的东西(这是伪代码):<select>for camp <option> </select>for camp<select>for unit <option> </select>for unit <select>for dept <option></select>
啊!谢谢,好的 1)我现在看到我需要进一步进入结构:console.log(iosUberArr[0].iosUber);
2)同样的问题,谢谢 3)好的,我会处理那个结构以上是关于显示从 Nodejs 到 EJS 的嵌套 JSON的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
通过 NodeJS 获取 JSON 数据时,如何通过 ExpressJS 更新我的 EJS 模板?
如何使用 Nodejs/mongodb/mongoose 在 ejs/html 中显示数据库项目?