Java - 将人类可读大小转换为字节
【中文标题】Java - 将人类可读大小转换为字节【英文标题】:Java - Convert Human Readable Size to Bytes 【发布时间】:2013-06-06 17:36:37 【问题描述】:我找到了很多关于将原始字节信息转换为人类可读格式的信息,但我需要做相反的事情,即将字符串“1.6 GB”转换为长值 1717990000。是否有内置/定义明确的方式来做到这一点,还是我几乎必须自己动手?
static class ByteFormat extends NumberFormat
public StringBuffer format(double arg0, StringBuffer arg1, FieldPosition arg2)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public StringBuffer format(long arg0, StringBuffer arg1, FieldPosition arg2)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public Number parse(String arg0, ParsePosition arg1)
return parse (arg0);
public Number parse(String arg0)
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
String unit = arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1);
int factor = 0;
if (unit.equals("GB"))
factor = 1073741824;
else if (unit.equals("MB"))
factor = 1048576;
else if (unit.equals("KB"))
factor = 1024;
return ret * factor;
【参考方案1】:Spring Framework 5.1 版添加了一个DataSize
如果你使用 Spring Framework,你可以升级到 >=5.1 并使用这个类。否则,您可以 c/p 它和相关的类(同时遵守许可)。
DataSize dataSize = DataSize.parse("16GB");
,但不能使用1 GB
我建议遵守约定以实现兼容性/易于维护。 但如果这不符合您的需求,您需要复制和编辑文件 - 这是一个很好的起点。
将方法 Number parse(String arg0)
s 定义为final static
private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1024 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1024 * MB_FACTOR;
public static double parse(String arg0)
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
switch (arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1))
case "GB":
return ret * GB_FACTOR;
case "MB":
return ret * MB_FACTOR;
case "KB":
return ret * KB_FACTOR;
return -1;
您的解决方案是将千字节与千字节混淆,将兆字节与兆字节混淆,将千兆字节与千兆字节混淆。【参考方案3】:Andremoniy 的答案的修订版,可以正确区分公斤和基比等。
private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1000;
private final static long KIB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1000 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long MIB_FACTOR = 1024 * KIB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1000 * MB_FACTOR;
private final static long GIB_FACTOR = 1024 * MIB_FACTOR;
public static double parse(String arg0)
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
switch (arg0.substring(spaceNdx + 1))
case "GB":
return ret * GB_FACTOR;
case "GiB":
return ret * GIB_FACTOR;
case "MB":
return ret * MB_FACTOR;
case "MiB":
return ret * MIB_FACTOR;
case "KB":
return ret * KB_FACTOR;
case "KiB":
return ret * KIB_FACTOR;
return -1;
public class SizeUtil
public static String units = "BKMGTPEZY";
public static long parse(String arg0)
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
String unitString = arg0.substring(spaceNdx+1);
int unitChar = unitString.charAt(0);
int power = units.indexOf(unitChar);
boolean isSi = unitString.indexOf('i')!=-1;
int factor = 1024;
if (isSi)
factor = 1000;
return new Double(ret * Math.pow(factor, power)).longValue();
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(parse("300.00 GiB")); // requires a space
System.out.println(parse("300.00 GB"));
System.out.println(parse("300.00 B"));
System.out.println(parse("300 EB"));
也可以在没有空格的情况下工作,方法是找到字母的第一个索引。【参考方案5】:我知道这要晚得多,但我正在寻找一个类似的函数,它也考虑到了SI prefix。 所以我自己创造了一个,我认为它可能对其他人有用。
public static String units = "KMGTPE";
* Converts from human readable to byte format
* @param number The number value of the amount to convert
* @param unit The unit: B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB
* @param si Si prefix
* @return byte value
public static double parse(double number, String unit, boolean si)
String identifier = unit.substring(0, 1);
int index = units.indexOf(identifier);
//not already in bytes
if (index!=-1)
for (int i = 0; i <= index; i++)
number = number * (si ? 1000 : 1024);
return number;
感谢@RobAu 提供上述提示。添加了获取字符串中第一个字母的索引的新方法,并在此新方法的基础上更改了解析方法以获取索引。我保留了原来的 parse 方法并添加了一个新的 parseAny 方法,因此可以比较结果。希望它可以帮助某人。
另外,感谢 indexOf 方法的答案 - https://***.com/a/11214786/6385674。
public class ConversionUtil
public static String units = "BKMGTPEZY";
public static long parse(String arg0)
int spaceNdx = arg0.indexOf(" ");
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, spaceNdx));
String unitString = arg0.substring(spaceNdx+1);
int unitChar = unitString.charAt(0);
int power = units.indexOf(unitChar);
boolean isSi = unitString.indexOf('i')!=-1;
int factor = 1024;
if (isSi)
factor = 1000;
return new Double(ret * Math.pow(factor, power)).longValue();
/** @return index of pattern in s or -1, if not found */
public static int indexOf(Pattern pattern, String s)
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s);
return matcher.find() ? matcher.start() : -1;
public static long parseAny(String arg0)
int index = indexOf(Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z]"), arg0);
double ret = Double.parseDouble(arg0.substring(0, index));
String unitString = arg0.substring(index);
int unitChar = unitString.charAt(0);
int power = units.indexOf(unitChar);
boolean isSi = unitString.indexOf('i')!=-1;
int factor = 1024;
if (isSi)
factor = 1000;
return new Double(ret * Math.pow(factor, power)).longValue();
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(parse("300.00 GiB")); // requires a space
System.out.println(parse("300.00 GB"));
System.out.println(parse("300.00 B"));
System.out.println(parse("300 EB"));
System.out.println(parseAny("300.00 GiB"));
【参考方案7】:基于@gilbertpilz 代码的另一个选项。在这种情况下,使用正则表达式来获取值和因子。它也不区分大小写。
private final static long KB_FACTOR = 1000;
private final static long KIB_FACTOR = 1024;
private final static long MB_FACTOR = 1000 * KB_FACTOR;
private final static long MIB_FACTOR = 1024 * KIB_FACTOR;
private final static long GB_FACTOR = 1000 * MB_FACTOR;
private final static long GIB_FACTOR = 1024 * MIB_FACTOR;
private long parse(String arg0) throws ParseException
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)(([KMG])I?B)");
Matcher match = pattern.matcher(arg0);
if( !match.matches() || match.groupCount()!=3)
throw new ParseException("Wrong format", 0);
long ret = Long.parseLong(;
switch (
case "GB":
return ret * GB_FACTOR;
case "GIB":
return ret * GIB_FACTOR;
case "MB":
return ret * MB_FACTOR;
case "MIB":
return ret * MIB_FACTOR;
case "KB":
return ret * KB_FACTOR;
case "KIB":
return ret * KIB_FACTOR;
throw new ParseException("Wrong format", 0);
* The file size human readable utility class,
* provide mutual conversions from human readable size to byte size
* The similar function in ***, linked:
* https://***.com/questions/3758606/how-to-convert-byte-size-into-human-readable-format-in-java?r=SearchResults
* Apache also provide similar function
* @see
* @author Ponfee
public enum HumanReadables
SI (1000, "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB" /*, "ZB", "YB" */), //
BINARY(1024, "B", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB", "EiB"/*, "ZiB", "YiB"*/), //
private static final String FORMAT = "#,##0.##";
private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile(".*[0-9]+.*");
private final int base;
private final String[] units;
private final long[] sizes;
HumanReadables(int base, String... units)
this.base = base;
this.units = units;
this.sizes = new long[this.units.length];
this.sizes[0] = 1;
for (int i = 1; i < this.sizes.length; i++)
this.sizes[i] = this.sizes[i - 1] * this.base; // Maths.pow(this.base, i);
* Returns a string of bytes count human readable size
* @param size the size
* @return human readable size
public strictfp String human(long size)
if (size == 0)
return "0" + this.units[0];
String signed = "";
if (size < 0)
signed = "-";
size = size == Long.MIN_VALUE ? Long.MAX_VALUE : -size;
/*int unit = (int) Maths.log(size, this.base);
return signed + format(size / Math.pow(this.base, unit)) + " " + this.units[unit];*/
int unit = find(size);
return new StringBuilder(13) // 13 max length like as "-1,023.45 GiB"
.append(formatter().format(size / (double) this.sizes[unit]))
.append(" ")
public strictfp long parse(String size)
return parse(size, false);
* Parse the readable byte count, allowed suffix units: "1", "1B", "1MB", "1MiB", "1M"
* @param size the size
* @param strict the strict, if BINARY then verify whether contains "i"
* @return a long value bytes count
public strictfp long parse(String size, boolean strict)
if (size == null || size.isEmpty())
return 0L;
if (!PATTERN.matcher(size).matches())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format [" + size + "]");
String str = size = size.trim();
long factor = this.sizes[0];
switch (str.charAt(0))
case '+': str = str.substring(1); break;
case '-': str = str.substring(1); factor = -1L; break;
int end = 0, lastPos = str.length() - 1;
// last character isn't a digit
char c = str.charAt(lastPos - end);
if (c == 'i')
// last pos cannot end with "i"
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format [" + size + "], cannot end with \"i\".");
if (c == 'B')
c = str.charAt(lastPos - end);
boolean flag = isBlank(c);
while (isBlank(c) && end < lastPos)
c = str.charAt(lastPos - end);
// if "B" head has space char, then the first head non space char must be a digit
if (flag && !Character.isDigit(c))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format [" + size + "]: \"" + c + "\".");
if (!Character.isDigit(c))
// if not a digit character, then assume is a unit character
if (c == 'i')
if (this == SI)
// SI cannot contains "i"
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid SI format [" + size + "], cannot contains \"i\".");
c = str.charAt(lastPos - end);
if (this == BINARY && strict)
// if strict, then BINARY must contains "i"
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid BINARY format [" + size + "], miss character \"i\".");
switch (c)
case 'K': factor *= this.sizes[1]; break;
case 'M': factor *= this.sizes[2]; break;
case 'G': factor *= this.sizes[3]; break;
case 'T': factor *= this.sizes[4]; break;
case 'P': factor *= this.sizes[5]; break;
case 'E': factor *= this.sizes[6]; break;
case 'Z': factor *= this.bytes[7]; break;
case 'Y': factor *= this.bytes[8]; break;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format [" + size + "]: \"" + c + "\".");
c = str.charAt(lastPos - end);
while (isBlank(c) && end < lastPos);
str = str.substring(0, str.length() - end);
return (long) (factor * formatter().parse(str).doubleValue());
catch (NumberFormatException | ParseException e)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse [" + size + "]: \"" + str + "\".");
public int base()
return this.base;
public String[] units()
return Arrays.copyOf(this.units, this.units.length);
public long[] sizes()
return Arrays.copyOf(this.sizes, this.sizes.length);
private int find(long bytes)
int n = this.sizes.length;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (bytes < this.sizes[i])
return i - 1;
return n - 1;
private DecimalFormat formatter()
return new DecimalFormat(FORMAT);
private boolean isBlank(char c)
return c == ' ' || c == '\t';
'FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize' 帮助很大,谢谢!以上是关于Java - 将人类可读大小转换为字节的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章