如何获取 zip 文件中所有目录的列表
【中文标题】如何获取 zip 文件中所有目录的列表【英文标题】:How to get list of all the directories inside a zip file 【发布时间】:2020-12-06 05:38:59 【问题描述】:我有一个 zip 文件,其目录结构如下所示:
- dir1
- dir1_sub_dir1
- dir1_sub_dir1_file1
- dir1_sub_dir2
- dir1_sub_dir3
- fileABC.ext
- fileDEF.ext
是否有任何现有的 JAVA 实用程序可以帮助我获取目录(zip 文件)中所有子目录的名称。例如,将“dir1”作为文件名“file.zip”的输入并输出 [dir1_sub_dir1, dir1_sub_dir2, dir1_sub_dir3]。一种可以解决的方法是使用 ZipEntry。但是正在探索这个问题是否已经通过 JAVA 中的某些库得到解决。
@Abra 不是替代方案,而是使用 ZipEntry 逻辑再次实现它,如果某些库已经提供了此功能
嗯,有 Apache 的通用压缩库供人们使用 ZipEntry 以外的功能。但是,嗯,它不能满足您的需求,因为 ZipEntry 可以满足您的需求。
new ZipFile(fileName).stream().filter(ZipEntry::isDirectory).map(ZipEntry::getName).filter(n -> n.startsWith("dir1/"))
以下是我快速汇总的一些方法,您可能会发现它们对于从 Zip 文件中检索目录和/或文件名很有用。他们确实使用了 ZipEntry。做你认为合适的事:
* Returns a String Array of all directory paths contained within the
* supplied Zip file.<br><br>
* The directory names returned are full paths.<br>
* @param zipFilePath (String) The full Path and file name of the Zip
* file to retrieve directory paths from.<br>
* @return (Single Dimensional String[] Array) A String Array containing
* all the directories contained within the supplied Zip file.
public static String[] getZipFile_Directories(String zipFilePath)
java.util.zip.ZipFile zipFile = null;
zipFile = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFilePath);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.getLogger("getZipFile_Directories() Method Error!").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
List<String> directories = new ArrayList<>();
java.util.Enumeration<? extends java.util.zip.ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
java.util.zip.ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
if (entry.isDirectory())
return directories.toArray(new String[directories.size()]);
* Returns a String Array of all subdirectory paths that are contained
* within a possible directory path within the supplied Zip file.<br><br>
* The subdirectory names returned are full paths.<br>
* @param zipFilePath (String) The full Path and file name of the Zip
* file to retrieve subdirectory paths from.<br>
* @param fromWithinDirectory (String) The directory path to retrieve
* subdirectories from. If there is a path in the zip file that is:<pre>
* @code dir/folder1/folder2/</pre><br>
* and you want all the subdirectories contained within folder2 then you
* would supply:<pre>
* @code dir/folder1/folder2/</pre><br>
* All subdirectories of @code dir/folder1/folder2/ (if any) will be
* returned.
* @return (Single Dimensional String[] Array) A String Array containing
* all the subdirectories contained within the supplied directory path
* which is also contained within the supplied Zip file.
public static String[] getZipFile_SubDirectories(String zipFilePath, String fromWithinDirectory)
java.util.zip.ZipFile zipFile = null;
zipFile = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFilePath);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.getLogger("getZipFile_SubDirectories() Method Error!").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
List<String> directories = new ArrayList<>();
java.util.Enumeration<? extends java.util.zip.ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
java.util.zip.ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
if (entry.isDirectory())
String dir = entry.getName();
if (!dir.equalsIgnoreCase(fromWithinDirectory) && dir.contains(fromWithinDirectory))
return directories.toArray(new String[directories.size()]);
* Returns a String Array of all file paths contained within the
* supplied Zip file.<br><br>
* The file names returned are full paths with file name.<br>
* @param zipFilePath (String) The full Path and file name of the Zip
* file to retrieve file names from.<br>
* @return (Single Dimensional String[] Array) A String Array containing
* all the <b>path and file names</b> contained within the supplied Zip
* file.
public static String[] getZipFile_Files(String zipFilePath)
java.util.zip.ZipFile zipFile = null;
zipFile = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFilePath);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.getLogger("getZipFile_Files() Method Error!").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
java.util.Enumeration<? extends java.util.zip.ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
java.util.zip.ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
if (!entry.isDirectory())
return files.toArray(new String[files.size()]);
* Returns a String Array of all file paths contained within the
* supplied directory contained within the supplied Zip file.<br><br>
* The file names returned are full paths with file name.<br>
* @param zipFilePath (String) The full Path and file name of the Zip
* file to retrieve file names from.<br>
* @param fromWithinDirectory (String) The directory path to retrieve
* files from. If there is a path in the zip file that is:<pre>
* @code dir/folder1/folder2/</pre><br>
* and you want all the files contained within folder1 then you
* would supply:<pre>
* @code dir/folder1/</pre><br>
* All files contained within @code dir/folder1/ (if any) will be
* returned.
* @return (Single Dimensional String[] Array) A String Array containing
* all the <b>path and file names</b> contained within the supplied Zip
* file.
public static String[] getZipFile_FilesFromDirectory(String zipFilePath, String fromWithinDirectory)
java.util.zip.ZipFile zipFile = null;
zipFile = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFilePath);
catch (IOException ex)
Logger.getLogger("getZipFile_FilesFromDirectory() Method Error!").log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
List<String> files = new ArrayList<>();
java.util.Enumeration<? extends java.util.zip.ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements())
java.util.zip.ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
String file = entry.getName();
if (!entry.isDirectory() &&
file.substring(0, file.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
return files.toArray(new String[files.size()]);
以上是关于如何获取 zip 文件中所有目录的列表的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章