单选按钮,更改背景颜色 PHP
【中文标题】单选按钮,更改背景颜色 PHP【英文标题】:Radio buttons, changing the background color PHP 【发布时间】:2015-01-03 16:48:04 【问题描述】:好的,伙计们,基本上我有一个表格。当用户点击提交时,这个表单应该输出用户的选择,或者文本,还有用户选择的背景颜色。
目前正在工作的是文本...和复选框。我无法让下拉选择输出......当涉及到背景颜色时......我不知道从哪里开始......有点冗长......对此感到抱歉,只需要一些方向。它应该在输出中显示的示例如下:http://omega.uta.edu/~cyjang/ctec4309/labex/php2/post_form_3a.php 填完就知道了..
这是我的 html:
<hr size="1">
* required fields
<form action= "post3.php" method="post">
Author * : <input type="text" name="author"><br/>
Email : <input type="text" name="email"><br/>
Title * : <input type="text" name="title"><br/>
<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="General Interests"> General Interests
<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="Local Schools"> Local Schools
<input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="Safety"> Safety
City *:
<select name="mycity">
<option value="Arlington" name"city">Arlington</option>
<option value="Dallas" name"city">Dallas</option>
<option value="FTW" name"city">Fort Worth</option>
Background color *:
<input type="radio" name="bgcolor" value"yellow"> Yellow
<input type="radio" name="bgcolor" value"blue"> Blue
Comment * : <br/><textarea name="comment" rows="5" cols="40"></textarea><br>
<input type="Submit" name="SubmitThis" value="Preview">
这里是我的 PHP:
// Data validation
// check to see if there is a form submission or not
if (array_key_exists("SubmitThis", $_POST))
// data validation
// - check required fields
//== Modify the required and expected arrays below to fit your form ========
$required = array('title', 'author','comment','bgcolor', 'city');
$expected = array('title', 'author','comment','tag', 'email', 'city');
$missing = array();
// use foreach loop to run through each item in the expected array
foreach($expected as $thisField)
// setup a variable to store user input for this field name
$thisUserInput = $_POST[$thisField];
// check if this field is a required field
if (in_array($thisField, $required))
// check if user input of this field is empty, if yes, add this field to the missing array
if (empty($thisUserInput))
array_push($missing, $thisField);
$$thisField = $thisUserInput;
$$thisField = $thisUserInput;
// after running through all expected fields, check the $missing array. if there is no required field missing, the $missing array will be empty.
if (empty($missing))
// empty($missing) is true --> no missing field, proceed with business processes (in this example, display all user input.)
// deal with array input, ex. $tag
$tagStr = implode(", ", $tag);
// print_r ($tag); // enable this line will print the $tag array, so you can see what's been stored in the $tag array. It may help you to debug.
// process author name and email
if (!empty($email))
$author = "<a href='mailto:$email'>$author</a>";
$output = "<p> <table border=2 cellpadding=5>
<tr><th> Author:</th><td> $author </td></tr>
<tr><th> Title:</th><td> $title </td></tr>
<tr><th> Tag:</th><td> $tagStr </td></tr>
<tr><th> City:</th><td> $city </td></tr>
<tr><th> Comment:</th><td> <br>$comment </td></tr>
// empty($missing) is false --> $missing array is not empty -- prepare a message for the user
$missingFieldList = implode(", ",$missing);
$output = "The following fields are missing from your post, please go back and fill them in. Thank you. <br>
<b>Missing fields: $missingFieldList </b>
$output = "Please post your message use <a href='post_form_3.php'>this form</a>.";
<select name="city">
<option value="Arlington">Arlington</option>
<option value="Dallas">Dallas</option>
<option value="FTW">Fort Worth</option>
对于颜色,只需使用简单的样式表 (css
$output = "
th,td background-color: $bgcolor;
或者,如果您创建一个名为“黄色”和“蓝色”的 css 类,您可以分配该类:
$output .= "
<table border=2 cellpadding=5 class=\"$bgcolor\">
<tr><th> Author:</th><td> $author </td></tr>
<tr><th> Title:</th><td> $title </td></tr>
<tr><th> Tag:</th><td> $tagStr </td></tr>
<tr><th> City:</th><td> $city </td></tr>
<tr><th> Comment:</th><td> <br>$comment </td></tr>
CSS 文件:
table.yellow td,
table.yellow th background-color: #FFFF00;
table.blue td,
table.blue th background-color: #0000FF;
谢谢。我有显示输出的下拉菜单。虽然仍然没有得到背景颜色。我可以在以上是关于单选按钮,更改背景颜色 PHP的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章