spoj Longest Common Substring (多串求最大公共子序列)
codeforces#101194H. Great Cells(数学)
codeforces#1234F. Yet Another Substring Reverse(子集dp)
codeforces#1290E2 - Rotate Columns (hard version)(子集dp)
codeforces gym #101161F-Dictionary Game(字典树+树上删边游戏)
codeforces gym #101161G - Binary Strings(矩阵快速幂)
codeforces#1148E. Earth Wind and Fire(贪心)
codeforces#999 E. Reachability from the Capital(图论加边)
codeforces#1332F. Independent Set(树上dp)
codeforces#1139D. Steps to One (概率dp+莫比乌斯)
codeforces#983 B. XOR-pyramid (dp)
codeforces#687 B. Remainders Game
codeforces#1090 D. New Year and the Permutation Concatenation(打表找规律)