



HDU5945 Fxx and game 单调队列优化dp

poj2763 Housewife Wind LCA

hdu6153 A Secret CCPC网络赛 51nod 1277 KMP

zoj3872 Beauty of Array (dp)

Codeforces 358D. Dima and Hares (dp)

Codeforces 319B. Psychos in a Line单调栈

HDU 6053 TrickGCD 容斥

51nod 1406 与查询 dp 考虑每一位 避免重复

Codeforces 776D.The Door Problem (dfs二分图判定 / 并查集)

Codeforces 767C. Garland (dfs)

CodeForces 219D.Choosing Capital for Treeland (树形dp)