git pull 报错 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge linux 防火墙 firewall 设置 /tmp/supervisor.sock no such file 报错 MAC 安装python3 Linux 能ping通ip但ping不通域名 linux 小常识 git 将master分支合到自己的开发分支 安装 uwsgi报错解决
git pull 报错 error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge
linux 防火墙 firewall 设置
/tmp/supervisor.sock no such file 报错
MAC 安装python3
Linux 能ping通ip但ping不通域名
linux 小常识
git 将master分支合到自己的开发分支
安装 uwsgi报错解决