



[ML] {ud120} Lesson 4: Decision Trees

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 24: 24 - Meta-Reasoning

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 22: 22 - Diagnosis

[Probability Primer] {Measure theory}

[Artificial Intelligence] {ud954} Lesson 10: 10. Planning under Uncertainty

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 26: 26 - Wrap-Up

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 23: 23 - Learning by Correcting Mistakes

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 21: 21 - Configuration

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 19: 19 - Version Spaces

[Knowledge-based AI] {ud409} Lesson 13: 13 - Planning


2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 15} [Mean field Approximation]

UPenn - Robotics 5:Robotics: Estimation and Learning - week 3:Mapping

CS294-112 深度强化学习 秋季学期(伯克利)NO.20 Guest lecture: John Schulman (PPO and Applications)

Deep RL Bootcamp Lecture 2: Sampling-based Approximations and Function Fitting

Probabilistic Graphical Models 10-708, Spring 2017

[Stanford Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2] c28 Sequence Alignment Optimal Substructure

[Stanford Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2] c25 HUFFMAN CODES

[Stanford Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2]

2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 25} [Spectral Methods]

2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 21} [A Hybrid: Deep Learning and Graphical

2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 5} [Algorithms for Exact Inference]

2018 10-708 (CMU) Probabilistic Graphical Models {Lecture 10} [HHM and CRF]

UPenn - Robotics 5:Robotics: Estimation and Learning - week 2:Bayesian Estimation - Target Tracking(

UPenn - Robotics 5:Robotics: Estimation and Learning - week 1:Gaussian Model Learning

UPenn - Robotics 4:Perception - week 1:Geometry of Image Formation