1 public class BarChartActivity extends Activity implements OnChartValueSelectedListener{ 2 3 private BarChart mChart; 4 private Typeface mTfLight; 5 6 @Override 7 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 8 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 9 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 10 setContentView(R.layout.activity_barchart); 11 12 mTfLight = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "OpenSans-Light.ttf"); 13 14 mChart = (BarChart) findViewById(; 15 mChart.setOnChartValueSelectedListener(this); 16 17 mChart.setDrawBarShadow(false);//--绘制当前展示的内容顶部阴影 18 mChart.setDrawValueAboveBar(true);//--绘制的图形都在bar顶部 19 20 mChart.setDescription(""); 21 22 // if more than 60 entries are displayed in the chart, no values will be 23 // drawn 24 mChart.setMaxVisibleValueCount(80); //Y方向的最大值. 25 26 // scaling can now only be done on x- and y-axis separately 27 mChart.setPinchZoom(false); //--双指缩放. 28 29 mChart.setDrawGridBackground(false);//--绘制中心内容区域背景色. 30 // mChart.setDrawYLabels(false); 31 32 XAxis xAxis = mChart.getXAxis(); 33 xAxis.setPosition(XAxisPosition.BOTTOM); 34 xAxis.setTypeface(mTfLight); 35 xAxis.setDrawGridLines(false);//--是否绘制竖直分割线. 36 xAxis.setGranularity(1f); // only intervals of 1 day 底部label的分割间隙 37 xAxis.setLabelCount(5); //--对应的当前绘制在底部的label数 38 xAxis.setValueFormatter(new DayAxisValueFormatter(mChart)); 39 40 AxisValueFormatter custom = new MyAxisValueFormatter(); 41 42 YAxis leftAxis = mChart.getAxisLeft(); 43 leftAxis.setTypeface(mTfLight); 44 leftAxis.setDrawGridLines(false); //-绘制水平分割线,按照当前Y方向的label点为起始点 45 leftAxis.setLabelCount(8, false); //--绘制Y方向(应该)被显示的数量,第二个参数表示label是否是精准变化,还是近似变化 46 leftAxis.setValueFormatter(custom); 47 leftAxis.setPosition(YAxisLabelPosition.OUTSIDE_CHART);//Y方向文字的位置,在线外侧.(默认在外侧) 48 leftAxis.setSpaceTop(15f); //分割线的间距百分比. 49 leftAxis.setAxisMinValue(0f); // this replaces setStartAtZero(true) Y方向的起始值. 50 51 YAxis rightAxis = mChart.getAxisRight(); 52 rightAxis.setDrawGridLines(true); //-绘制水平分割线,按照当前Y方向的label点为起始点 53 rightAxis.setTypeface(mTfLight); 54 rightAxis.setLabelCount(8, false); 55 rightAxis.setValueFormatter(custom); 56 rightAxis.setSpaceTop(15f); 57 rightAxis.setAxisMinValue(0f); // this replaces setStartAtZero(true) 58 59 Legend l = mChart.getLegend(); 60 l.setForm(LegendForm.SQUARE); //--设置legend的形状. 61 l.setPosition(LegendPosition.BELOW_CHART_LEFT); //--设置legend的位置. 62 l.setFormSize(12f); //--设置legend的大小 63 l.setTextSize(12f); //--设置legend上的文字大小 64 // l.setXEntrySpace(100f); 65 l.setYOffset(30f); 66 // l.setExtra(ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS, new String[] { "abc", 67 // "def", "ghj", "ikl", "mno" }); 68 // l.setCustom(ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS, new String[] { "abc", 69 // "def", "ghj", "ikl", "mno" }); 70 mChart.animateY(3000); 71 mChart.setPinchZoom(true); 72 setData(12, 80); 73 } 74 75 private void setData(int count, float range) { 76 77 float start = 0f; 78 79 mChart.getXAxis().setAxisMinValue(start); 80 mChart.getXAxis().setAxisMaxValue(start + count + 2); 81 82 ArrayList<BarEntry> yVals1 = new ArrayList<BarEntry>(); 83 84 for (int i = (int) start; i < start + count + 1; i++) { 85 float mult = (range + 1); 86 float val = (float) (Math.random() * mult); 87 BarEntry barEntry = new BarEntry(i + 1f, val); 88 89 yVals1.add(barEntry); 90 } 91 92 BarDataSet set1; 93 94 if (mChart.getData() != null && 95 mChart.getData().getDataSetCount() > 0) { 96 set1 = (BarDataSet) mChart.getData().getDataSetByIndex(0); 97 set1.setValues(yVals1); 98 mChart.getData().notifyDataChanged(); 99 mChart.notifyDataSetChanged(); 100 } else { 101 set1 = new BarDataSet(yVals1, "The year 2017"); 102 set1.setBarBorderWidth(1); 103 set1.setColors(ColorTemplate.MATERIAL_COLORS); 104 105 ArrayList<IBarDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<IBarDataSet>(); 106 dataSets.add(set1); 107 108 BarData data = new BarData(dataSets); 109 data.setValueTextSize(10f); 110 data.setValueTypeface(mTfLight); 111 112 data.setBarWidth(0.8f);//--设置bar的宽度 ,取值(0-1). 113 114 mChart.setData(data); 115 } 116 } 117 118 protected RectF mOnValueSelectedRectF = new RectF(); 119 120 @Override 121 public void onValueSelected(Entry e, Highlight h) { 122 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 123 if (e == null) 124 return; 125 126 RectF bounds = mOnValueSelectedRectF; 127 mChart.getBarBounds((BarEntry) e, bounds); 128 MPPointF position = mChart.getPosition(e, AxisDependency.LEFT); 129 130 Log.i("bounds", bounds.toString()); 131 Log.i("position", position.toString()); 132 133 Log.i("x-index", 134 "low: " + mChart.getLowestVisibleX() + ", high: " 135 + mChart.getHighestVisibleX()); 136 137 MPPointF.recycleInstance(position); 138 } 139 140 @Override 141 public void onNothingSelected() { 142 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 143 144 } 145 146 @Override 147 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { 148 getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); 149 return true; 150 } 151 152 @Override 153 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { 154 155 switch (item.getItemId()) { 156 case { 157 for (IDataSet set : mChart.getData().getDataSets()) 158 set.setDrawValues(!set.isDrawValuesEnabled()); 159 160 mChart.invalidate(); 161 break; 162 } 163 case { 164 if (mChart.getData() != null) { 165 mChart.getData().setHighlightEnabled(!mChart.getData().isHighlightEnabled()); 166 mChart.invalidate(); 167 } 168 break; 169 } 170 case { 171 if (mChart.isPinchZoomEnabled()) 172 mChart.setPinchZoom(false); 173 else 174 mChart.setPinchZoom(true); 175 176 mChart.invalidate(); 177 break; 178 } 179 case { 180 mChart.setAutoScaleMinMaxEnabled(!mChart.isAutoScaleMinMaxEnabled()); 181 mChart.notifyDataSetChanged(); 182 break; 183 } 184 case { 185 for (IBarDataSet set : mChart.getData().getDataSets()) 186 ((BarDataSet) set).setBarBorderWidth(set.getBarBorderWidth() == 1.f ? 0.f : 1.f); 187 188 mChart.invalidate(); 189 break; 190 } 191 case { 192 mChart.animateX(3000); 193 break; 194 } 195 case { 196 mChart.animateY(3000); 197 break; 198 } 199 case { 200 201 mChart.animateXY(3000, 3000); 202 break; 203 } 204 case { 205 if (mChart.saveToGallery("title" + System.currentTimeMillis(), 50)) { 206 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Saving SUCCESSFUL!", 207 Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 208 } else 209 Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Saving FAILED!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) 210 .show(); 211 break; 212 } 213 } 214 return true; 215 }
1 public class PieChartActivity extends Activity implements OnChartValueSelectedListener { 2 3 private PieChart mChart; 4 private Typeface mTfRegular; 5 private Typeface mTfLight; 6 7 protected String[] mMonths = new String[] { 8 "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec" 9 }; 10 11 protected String[] mParties = new String[] { 12 "Party A", "Party B", "Party C", "Party D", "Party E", "Party F", "Party G", "Party H", 13 "Party I", "Party J", "Party K", "Party L", "Party M", "Party N", "Party O", "Party P", 14 "Party Q", "Party R", "Party S", "Party T", "Party U", "Party V", "Party W", "Party X", 15 "Party Y", "Party Z" 16 }; 17 18 @Override 19 protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 20 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 21 setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); 22 23 mTfRegular = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "OpenSans-Regular.ttf"); 24 mTfLight = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "OpenSans-Light.ttf"); 25 26 mChart = (PieChart) findViewById(; 27 mChart.setUsePercentValues(true); 28 mChart.setDescription("描述内容"); 29 mChart.setDescriptionTextSize(20); 30 31 mChart.setExtraOffsets(5, 5, 5, 5); 32 33 mChart.setDragDecelerationFrictionCoef(0.95f); 34 35 mChart.setCenterTextTypeface(mTfLight); 36 mChart.setCenterText(generateCenterSpannableText());//--设置中心点文字 37 38 mChart.setDrawHoleEnabled(true); 39 mChart.setHoleColor(Color.RED); 40 41 mChart.setTransparentCircleColor(Color.BLUE);//--内圆边框色 42 mChart.setTransparentCircleAlpha(110); //--内圆边框透明度 43 44 mChart.setHoleRadius(58f); //--内院半径 45 mChart.setTransparentCircleRadius(61f); //--内圆边框大小半径 46 47 mChart.setDrawCenterText(true); 48 49 mChart.setRotationAngle(0); //--绘制的开始位置 50 // enable rotation of the chart by touch 51 mChart.setRotationEnabled(true); //--允许旋转 52 mChart.setHighlightPerTapEnabled(true); //---允许点击其中某个扇形区域. 53 54 // add a selection listener 55 mChart.setOnChartValueSelectedListener(this); 56 57 setData(8, 100); 58 59 mChart.animateY(1400, Easing.EasingOption.EaseInOutQuad); 60 61 Legend l = mChart.getLegend(); 62 l.setPosition(LegendPosition.RIGHT_OF_CHART); 63 l.setXEntrySpace(100f); 64 l.setYEntrySpace(0f); 65 l.setYOffset(0f); 66 67 // entry label styling 68 mChart.setEntryLabelColor(Color.RED); //--设置饼状图其中各个块上的文字颜色 69 mChart.setEntryLabelTypeface(mTfRegular);//---设置字体 70 mChart.setEntryLabelTextSize(24f); //--设置字体大小 71 } 72 73 private void setData(int count, float range) { 74 75 float mult = range; 76 77 ArrayList<PieEntry> entries = new ArrayList<PieEntry>(); 78 79 // NOTE: The order of the entries when being added to the entries array determines their position around the center of 80 // the chart. 81 for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++) { 82 entries.add(new PieEntry((float) ((Math.random() * mult) + mult / 5), mParties[i % mParties.length])); 83 } 84 85 // PieEntry --参数说明:第一个参数代表半分比,第二个参数表示名字。 86 87 PieDataSet dataSet = new PieDataSet(entries, "<一张图>"); 88 dataSet.setSliceSpace(6f);//--饼状图 89 dataSet.setSelectionShift(15f);//--选中饼状图时,向外扩张的大小. 90 91 // add a lot of colors 92 93 ArrayList<Integer> colors = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 94 95 for (int c : ColorTemplate.VORDIPLOM_COLORS) 96 colors.add(c); 97 98 for (int c : ColorTemplate.JOYFUL_COLORS) 99 colors.add(c); 100 101 for (int c : ColorTemplate.COLORFUL_COLORS) 102 colors.add(c); 103 104 for (int c : ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS) 105 colors.add(c); 106 107 for (int c : ColorTemplate.PASTEL_COLORS) 108 colors.add(c); 109 110 colors.add(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()); 111 112 dataSet.setColors(colors); 113 114 PieData data = new PieData(dataSet); 115 data.setValueFormatter(new PercentFormatter()); 116 data.setValueTextSize(20f); //--设置字体大小 117 data.setValueTextColor(Color.RED);//--设置饼状图其中各个块上的百分比颜色 118 data.setValueTypeface(mTfLight); //--设置字体 119 mChart.setData(data); 120 121 // undo all highlights 122 mChart.highlightValues(null); 123 124 mChart.invalidate(); 125 } 126 127 128 private SpannableString generateCenterSpannableText() { 129 130 SpannableString s = new SpannableString("MPAndroidChart\ndeveloped by Philipp Jahoda"); 131 s.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(1.7f), 0, 14, 0); 132 s.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.NORMAL), 14, s.length() - 15, 0); 133 s.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.GRAY), 14, s.length() - 15, 0); 134 s.setSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(.8f), 14, s.length() - 15, 0); 135 s.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), s.length() - 14, s.length(), 0); 136 s.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(ColorTemplate.getHoloBlue()), s.length() - 14, s.length(), 0); 137 return s; 138 } 139 140 @Override 141 public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { 142 getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); 143 return true; 144 } 145 146 @Override 147 public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { 148 149 switch (item.getItemId()) { 150 case { 151 for (IDataSet<?> set : mChart.getData().getDataSets()) 152 set.setDrawValues(!set.isDrawValuesEnabled()); 153 154 mChart.invalidate(); 155 break; 156 } 157 case { 158 if (mChart.isDrawHoleEnabled()) 159 mChart.setDrawHoleEnabled(false); 160 else 161 mChart.setDrawHoleEnabled(true); 162 mChart.invalidate(); 163 break; 164 } 165 case { 166 if (mChart.isDrawCenterTextEnabled()) 167 mChart.setDrawCenterText(false); 168 else 169 mChart.setDrawCenterText(true); 170 mChart.invalidate(); 171 break; 172 } 173 case { 174 175 mChart.setDrawEntryLabels(!mChart.isDrawEntryLabelsEnabled()); 176 mChart.invalidate(); 177 break; 178 } 179 case { 180 // mChart.saveToGallery("title"+System.currentTimeMillis()); 181 mChart.saveToPath("title" + System.currentTimeMillis(), ""); 182 break; 183 } 184 case 185 mChart.setUsePercentValues(!mChart.isUsePercentValuesEnabled()); 186 mChart.invalidate(); 187 break; 188 case { 189 mChart.animateX(1400); 190 break; 191 } 192 case { 193 mChart.animateY(1400); 194 break; 195 } 196 case { 197 mChart.animateXY(1400, 1400); 198 break; 199 } 200 case { 201 mChart.spin(1000, mChart.getRotationAngle(), mChart.getRotationAngle() + 360, Easing.EasingOption 202 .EaseInCubic); 203 break; 204 } 205 } 206 return true; 207 } 208 209 210 211 @Override 212 public void onValueSelected(Entry e, Highlight h) { 213 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 214 if (e == null) 215 return; 216 Log.i("VAL SELECTED", 217 "Value: " + e.getY() + ", index: " + h.getX() 218 + ", DataSet index: " + h.getDataSetIndex()); 219 220 } 221 222 223 @Override 224 public void onNothingSelected() { 225 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 226 Log.i("PieChart", "nothing selected"); 227 } 228 229 }