
Posted 神遁克里苏





  1. 对同位亮度块的 上述4个位置 以及 块内的所有 亮度样本进行下采样以获得和色度样本一一对应的亮度样本。以CCLM为例:


// LumaRecPixels   获得亮度的重建值
void IntraPrediction::xGetLumaRecPixels(const PredictionUnit &pu, CompArea chromaArea)

  int iDstStride = 0;
  Pel* pDst0 = 0;
  int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
  if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
    iDstStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    pDst0 = m_pMdlmTemp + iDstStride + 1;//m_pMdlmTemp应该是指向左上方的点,加上了iDstStride+1后,指向块内第一个点
    iDstStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    pDst0 = m_piTemp + iDstStride + 1; //MMLM_SAMPLE_NEIGHBOR_LINES;
  //assert 420 chroma subsampling
  CompArea lumaArea = CompArea( COMPONENT_Y, pu.chromaFormat, chromaArea.lumaPos(), recalcSize( pu.chromaFormat, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA, chromaArea.size() ) );//needed for correct pos/size (4x4 Tus)

  CHECK(lumaArea.width == chromaArea.width && CHROMA_444 != pu.chromaFormat, "");
  CHECK(lumaArea.height == chromaArea.height && CHROMA_444 != pu.chromaFormat && CHROMA_422 != pu.chromaFormat, "");

  const SizeType uiCWidth = chromaArea.width;
  const SizeType uiCHeight = chromaArea.height;

  const CPelBuf Src = pu.cs->picture->getRecoBuf( lumaArea );
  Pel const* pRecSrc0   = Src.bufAt( 0, 0 );
  int iRecStride        = Src.stride;
  int logSubWidthC  = getChannelTypeScaleX(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, pu.chromaFormat);
  int logSubHeightC = getChannelTypeScaleY(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, pu.chromaFormat);

  int iRecStride2       = iRecStride << logSubHeightC;

  const CodingUnit& lumaCU = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? *pu.cs->picture->cs->getCU( lumaArea.pos(), CH_L ) : *pu.cu;
  const CodingUnit&     cu = *pu.cu;

  const CompArea& area = isChroma( pu.chType ) ? chromaArea : lumaArea;

  const uint32_t uiTuWidth  = area.width;
  const uint32_t uiTuHeight = area.height;

  int iBaseUnitSize = ( 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2 );

  const int  iUnitWidth       = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX( area.compID, area.chromaFormat );
  const int  iUnitHeight = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleY(area.compID, area.chromaFormat);

  const int  iTUWidthInUnits = uiTuWidth / iUnitWidth;
  const int  iTUHeightInUnits = uiTuHeight / iUnitHeight;
  const int  iAboveUnits      = iTUWidthInUnits;
  const int  iLeftUnits       = iTUHeightInUnits;
  const int  chromaUnitWidth = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat);
  const int  chromaUnitHeight = iBaseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleY(COMPONENT_Cb, area.chromaFormat);
  const int  topTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCWidth; // for MDLM, the number of template samples is 2W or 2H.
  const int  leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * uiCHeight;
  assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
  assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
  const int  totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitWidth - 1)) / chromaUnitWidth;
  const int  totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (chromaUnitHeight - 1)) / chromaUnitHeight;
  const int  totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
  const int  aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - iAboveUnits;
  const int  leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - iLeftUnits;

  int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
  int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
  bool  bNeighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
  memset(bNeighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);
  bool aboveIsAvailable, leftIsAvailable;

  int availlableUnit = isLeftAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.pos(),
                                       iLeftUnits, iUnitHeight, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1));

  leftIsAvailable = availlableUnit == iTUHeightInUnits;

  availlableUnit = isAboveAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.pos(),
                                    iAboveUnits, iUnitWidth, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1));

  aboveIsAvailable = availlableUnit == iTUWidthInUnits;

  if (leftIsAvailable)   // if left is not available, then the below left is not available
    avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.bottomLeftComp(area.compID), leftBelowUnits, iUnitHeight, (bNeighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));

  if (aboveIsAvailable)   // if above is not available, then  the above right is not available.
    avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(isChroma(pu.chType) ? cu : lumaCU, toChannelType(area.compID), area.topRightComp(area.compID), aboveRightUnits, iUnitWidth, (bNeighborFlags + iLeftUnits + leftBelowUnits + iAboveUnits + 1));

  Pel*       pDst  = nullptr;
  Pel const* piSrc = nullptr;

  bool isFirstRowOfCtu = (lumaArea.y & ((pu.cs->sps)->getCTUSize() - 1)) == 0;

  if (aboveIsAvailable)
    pDst  = pDst0    - iDstStride;
    int addedAboveRight = 0;
    if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
      addedAboveRight = avaiAboveRightUnits*chromaUnitWidth;
    for (int i = 0; i < uiCWidth + addedAboveRight; i++)
      const bool leftPadding = i == 0 && !leftIsAvailable;
      if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_444)
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride;
        pDst[i] = piSrc[i];
      else if (isFirstRowOfCtu)
        piSrc   = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride;
        pDst[i] = (piSrc[2 * i] * 2 + piSrc[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)] + piSrc[2 * i + 1] + 2) >> 2;
      else if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_422)
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;

        int s = 2;
        s += piSrc[2 * i] * 2;
        s += piSrc[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += piSrc[2 * i + 1];
        pDst[i] = s >> 2;
      else if (pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag())
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;

        int s = 4;
        s += piSrc[2 * i - iRecStride];
        s += piSrc[2 * i] * 4;
        s += piSrc[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += piSrc[2 * i + 1];
        s += piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride];
        pDst[i] = s >> 3;
        //piSrc 指向当前块的第一个点的上方2排的点,因为获取下采样的亮度需要两排3个(共6个点)
        piSrc = pRecSrc0 - iRecStride2;
        int s = 4;
        s += piSrc[2 * i] * 2;
        s += piSrc[2 * i + 1];
        s += piSrc[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2;
        s += piSrc[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride];
        s += piSrc[2 * i + iRecStride - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        pDst[i] = s >> 3;

  if (leftIsAvailable)
    pDst  = pDst0    - 1;
    piSrc = pRecSrc0 - 1 - logSubWidthC;

    int addedLeftBelow = 0;
    if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX))
      addedLeftBelow = avaiLeftBelowUnits*chromaUnitHeight;

    for (int j = 0; j < uiCHeight + addedLeftBelow; j++)
      if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_444)
        pDst[0] = piSrc[0];
      else if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_422)
        int s = 2;
        s += piSrc[0] * 2;
        s += piSrc[-1];
        s += piSrc[1];
        pDst[0] = s >> 2;
      else if (pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag())
        const bool abovePadding = j == 0 && !aboveIsAvailable;

        int s = 4;
        s += piSrc[-(abovePadding ? 0 : iRecStride)];
        s += piSrc[0] * 4;
        s += piSrc[-1];
        s += piSrc[1];
        s += piSrc[iRecStride];
        pDst[0] = s >> 3;
        int s = 4;
        s += piSrc[0] * 2;
        s += piSrc[1];
        s += piSrc[-1];
        s += piSrc[iRecStride] * 2;
        s += piSrc[iRecStride + 1];
        s += piSrc[iRecStride - 1];
        pDst[0] = s >> 3;

      piSrc += iRecStride2;
      pDst  += iDstStride;

  // inner part from reconstructed picture buffer
  for( int j = 0; j < uiCHeight; j++ )
    for( int i = 0; i < uiCWidth; i++ )
      if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_444)
        pDst0[i] = pRecSrc0[i];
      else if (pu.chromaFormat == CHROMA_422)
        const bool leftPadding  = i == 0 && !leftIsAvailable;

        int s = 2;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i] * 2;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1];
        pDst0[i] = s >> 2;
      else if (pu.cs->sps->getCclmCollocatedChromaFlag())
        const bool leftPadding  = i == 0 && !leftIsAvailable;
        const bool abovePadding = j == 0 && !aboveIsAvailable;

        int s = 4;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i - (abovePadding ? 0 : iRecStride)];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i] * 4;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride];
        pDst0[i] = s >> 3;
        CHECK(pu.chromaFormat != CHROMA_420, "Chroma format must be 4:2:0 for vertical filtering");
        const bool leftPadding = i == 0 && !leftIsAvailable;

        int s = 4;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i] * 2;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride] * 2;
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + 1 + iRecStride];
        s += pRecSrc0[2 * i + iRecStride - (leftPadding ? 0 : 1)];
        pDst0[i] = s >> 3;

    pDst0    += iDstStride;
    pRecSrc0 += iRecStride2;

进行CCLM,调用 xGetLMParameters获得a和b的值,然后调用linearTransform将亮度映射到色度上。

void IntraPrediction::predIntraChromaLM(const ComponentID compID, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu, const CompArea& chromaArea, int intraDir)

  int  iLumaStride = 0;
  PelBuf Temp;
  if ((intraDir == MDLM_L_IDX) || (intraDir == MDLM_T_IDX))
    iLumaStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    Temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + iLumaStride + 1, iLumaStride, Size(chromaArea));//获得当前块的第一个像素
    iLumaStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    Temp = PelBuf(m_piTemp + iLumaStride + 1, iLumaStride, Size(chromaArea));//获得当前块的第一个像素

  //调用xGetLMParameters获取a, b, iShift
  int a, b, iShift;
  xGetLMParameters(pu, compID, chromaArea, a, b, iShift);

  // final prediction
  piPred.linearTransform(a, iShift, b, true, pu.cs->slice->clpRng(compID));//通过CCLM的直线对应关系球的当前色度块

void IntraPrediction::xGetLMParameters(const PredictionUnit &pu, const ComponentID compID,
                                              const CompArea &chromaArea,
                                              int &a, int &b, int &iShift)
  CHECK(compID == COMPONENT_Y, "");

  const SizeType cWidth  = chromaArea.width;
  const SizeType cHeight = chromaArea.height;

  const Position posLT = chromaArea;

  CodingStructure & cs = *(pu.cs);
  const CodingUnit &cu = *(pu.cu);

  const SPS &        sps           = *cs.sps;
  const uint32_t     tuWidth     = chromaArea.width;
  const uint32_t     tuHeight    = chromaArea.height;
  const ChromaFormat nChromaFormat = sps.getChromaFormatIdc();

  const int baseUnitSize = 1 << MIN_CU_LOG2;
  const int unitWidth    = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleX(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);
  const int unitHeight   = baseUnitSize >> getComponentScaleY(chromaArea.compID, nChromaFormat);

  const int tuWidthInUnits  = tuWidth / unitWidth;
  const int tuHeightInUnits = tuHeight / unitHeight;
  const int aboveUnits      = tuWidthInUnits;
  const int leftUnits       = tuHeightInUnits;
  int topTemplateSampNum = 2 * cWidth; // for MDLM, the template sample number is 2W or 2H;
  int leftTemplateSampNum = 2 * cHeight;
  assert(m_topRefLength >= topTemplateSampNum);
  assert(m_leftRefLength >= leftTemplateSampNum);
  int totalAboveUnits = (topTemplateSampNum + (unitWidth - 1)) / unitWidth;
  int totalLeftUnits = (leftTemplateSampNum + (unitHeight - 1)) / unitHeight;
  int totalUnits = totalLeftUnits + totalAboveUnits + 1;
  int aboveRightUnits = totalAboveUnits - aboveUnits;
  int leftBelowUnits = totalLeftUnits - leftUnits;
  int avaiAboveRightUnits = 0;
  int avaiLeftBelowUnits = 0;
  int avaiAboveUnits = 0;
  int avaiLeftUnits = 0;

  int curChromaMode = pu.intraDir[1];
  bool neighborFlags[4 * MAX_NUM_PART_IDXS_IN_CTU_WIDTH + 1];
  memset(neighborFlags, 0, totalUnits);

  bool aboveAvailable, leftAvailable;

  int availableUnit =
    isAboveAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, aboveUnits, unitWidth,
    (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + 1));
  aboveAvailable = availableUnit == tuWidthInUnits;

  availableUnit =
    isLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, posLT, leftUnits, unitHeight,
    (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits - 1));
  leftAvailable = availableUnit == tuHeightInUnits;
  if (leftAvailable) // if left is not availcurChromaModeable, then the below left is not available
    avaiLeftUnits = tuHeightInUnits;
    avaiLeftBelowUnits = isBelowLeftAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.bottomLeftComp(chromaArea.compID), leftBelowUnits, unitHeight, (neighborFlags + leftBelowUnits - 1));
  if (aboveAvailable) // if above is not available, then  the above right is not available.
    avaiAboveUnits = tuWidthInUnits;
    avaiAboveRightUnits = isAboveRightAvailable(cu, CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA, chromaArea.topRightComp(chromaArea.compID), aboveRightUnits, unitWidth, (neighborFlags + leftUnits + leftBelowUnits + aboveUnits + 1));
  Pel *srcColor0, *curChroma0;
  int srcStride;

  PelBuf temp;
  if ((curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX) || ( == MDLM_T_IDX))
    srcStride = 2 * MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    temp = PelBuf(m_pMdlmTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
    srcStride = MAX_CU_SIZE + 1;
    temp        = PelBuf(m_piTemp + srcStride + 1, srcStride, Size(chromaArea));
  srcColor0 = temp.bufAt(0, 0);
  curChroma0 = getPredictorPtr(compID);

  unsigned internalBitDepth = sps.getBitDepth(CHANNEL_TYPE_CHROMA);

  int minLuma[2] =   MAX_INT, 0 ;
  int maxLuma[2] =  -MAX_INT, 0 ;

  Pel *src = srcColor0 - srcStride;
  int actualTopTemplateSampNum = 0;
  int actualLeftTemplateSampNum = 0;
  if (curChromaMode == MDLM_T_IDX)
    leftAvailable = 0;
    avaiAboveRightUnits = avaiAboveRightUnits > (cHeight/unitWidth) ?  cHeight/unitWidth : avaiAboveRightUnits;
    actualTopTemplateSampNum = unitWidth*(avaiAboveUnits + avaiAboveRightUnits);
  else if (curChromaMode == MDLM_L_IDX)
    aboveAvailable = 0;
    avaiLeftBelowUnits = avaiLeftBelowUnits > (cWidth/unitHeight) ? cWidth/unitHeight : avaiLeftBelowUnits;
    actualLeftTemplateSampNum = unitHeight*(avaiLeftUnits + avaiLeftBelowUnits);
  else if (curChromaMode == LM_CHROMA_IDX)
    actualTopTemplateSampNum = cWidth;
    actualLeftTemplateSampNum = cHeight;
  int startPos[2]; //0:Above, 1: Left
  int pickStep[2];

  int aboveIs4 = leftAvailable  ? 0 : 1;//如果左侧可用,那么上侧就不是4个
  int leftIs4 =  aboveAvailable ? 0 : 1;//如果上侧可用,那么左侧就不是4个

  startPos[0] = actualTopTemplateSampNum >> (2 + aboveIs4);//第一个点在参考像素的位置
  pickStep[0] = std::max(1, actualTopTemplateSampNum >> (1 + aboveIs4));//选取的点的间隔

  startPos[1] = actualLeftTemplateSampNum >> (2 + leftIs4);
  pickStep[1] = std::max(1, actualLeftTemplateSampNum >> (1 + leftIs4));

  Pel selectLumaPix[4] =  0, 0, 0, 0 ;
  Pel selectChromaPix[4] =  0, 0, 0, 0 ;

  int cntT, cntL;
  cntT = cntL = 0;
  int cnt = 0;
  if (aboveAvailable)
    cntT = std::min(actualTopTemplateSampNum, (1 + aboveIs4) << 1);
    src = srcColor0 - srcStride;
    const Pel *cur = curChroma0 + 1;
    for (int pos = startPos[0]; cnt < cntT; pos += pickStep[0], cnt++)
      selectLumaPix[cnt] = src[pos];
      selectChromaPix[cnt] = cur[pos];

  if (leftAvailable)
    cntL = std::min(actualLeftTemplateSampNum, ( 1 + leftIs4 ) << 1 );
    src = srcColor0 - 1;
    const Pel *cur = curChroma0 + m_refBufferStride[compID] + 1;
    for (int pos = startPos[1], cnt = 0; cnt < cntL; pos += pickStep[1], cnt++)
      selectLumaPix[cnt + cntT] = src[pos * srcStride];
      selectChromaPix[cnt + cntT] = cur[pos];
  cnt = cntL + cntT;//正常情况一共是4个,cnt =4

  if (cnt == 2)
    selectLumaPix[3] = selectLumaPix[0]; selectChromaPix[3] = selectChromaPix[0];
    selectLumaPix[2] = selectLumaPix[1]; selectChromaPix[2] = selectChromaPix[1];
    selectLumaPix[0] = selectLumaPix[1]; selectChromaPix[0] = selectChromaPix[1];
    selectLumaPix[1] = selectLumaPix[3]; selectChromaPix[1] = selectChromaPix[3];

  int minGrpIdx[2] =  0, 2 ;
  int maxGrpIdx[2] =  1, 3 ;
  int *tmpMinGrp = minGrpIdx;
  int *tmpMaxGrp = maxGrpIdx;
  if (selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[0]] > selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[1]])
  //如果0比2大,则交换0和2.  就是把小的放在前面
    std::swap(tmpMinGrp[0], tmpMinGrp[1]);
  if (selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[0]] > selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[1]])
  //如果1比3大则交换,  小的放前面
    std::swap(tmpMaxGrp[0], tmpMaxGrp[1]);
  if (selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[0]] > selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[1]])
    std::swap(tmpMinGrp, tmpMaxGrp);
  if (selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[1]] > selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[0]])
    std::swap(tmpMinGrp[1], tmpMaxGrp[0]);

  minLuma[0] = (selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[0]] + selectLumaPix[tmpMinGrp[1]] + 1 )>>1;
  minLuma[1] = (selectChromaPix[tmpMinGrp[0]] + selectChromaPix[tmpMinGrp[1]] + 1) >> 1; //minLuma是色度!
  maxLuma[0] = (selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[0]] + selectLumaPix[tmpMaxGrp[1]] + 1 )>>1;
  maxLuma[1] = (selectChromaPix[tmpMaxGrp[0]] + selectChromaPix[tmpMaxGrp[1]] + 1) >> 1; //maxLuma是色度!

  if (leftAvailable || aboveAvailable)
    int diff = maxLuma[0] - minLuma[0];
    if (diff > 0)
      int diffC = maxLuma[1] - minLuma[1];
      int x = floorLog2( diff );
      static const uint8_t DivSigTable[1 << 4] = 
        // 4bit significands - 8 ( MSB is omitted )
        0,  7,  6,  5,  5,  4,  4,  3,  3,  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  0
      int normDiff = (diff << 4 >> x) & 15;
      int v = DivSigTable[normDiff] | 8;
      x += normDiff != 0;

      int y = floorLog2( abs( diffC ) ) + 1;
      int add = 1 << y >> 1;
      a = (diffC * v + add) >> y;
      iShift = 3 + x - y;
      if ( iShift < 1 )
        iShift = 1;
        a = ( (a == 0)? 0: (a < 0)? -15 : 15 );   // a=Sign(a)*15
      b = minLuma[1] - ((a * minLuma[0]) >> iShift);
    else//如果maxLuma[0] - minLuma[0]=0,(应该不会出现小于0 的情况吧??)
      a = 0;
      b = minLuma[1];
      iShift = 0;
    a = 0;

    b = 1 << (internalBitDepth - 1);

    iShift = 0;






