




First, you choose the colour you like from these four.

then we need throw the die one by one, and the order is red, yellow, green and blue.

When you got six, you plane can leave from the base, since you get the six you have one more chance to use the die, If this time you got the points less than 5, then your plane can move by 5 steps, if 4, then 4 steps. then give the die to the next person
If this time you still get 6, you got 2 choices, first let your another plane go out, then throw the die again, second you can move the original one by 6 steps, then throw the die again.

When you catch up with others' plane, you can attack it, then it will be destroyed and be put into the base again until others got 6 points.
If another player got 2 planes, you just can destory one, then your own plane will be destoried as well, so both of you need to put the plain into the base.

Anyone who lets all the planes go the target first is the winner
参考技术A First, you choose the colour you like from these four.

then we need throw the die one by one, and the order is red, yellow, green and blue.

When you got six, you plane can leave from the base, since you get the six you have one more chance to use the die, If this time you got the points less than 5, then your plane can move by 5 steps, if 4, then 4 steps. then give the die to the next person
If this time you still get 6, you got 2 choices, first let your another plane go out, then throw the die again, second you can move the original one by 6 steps, then throw the die again.

When you catch up with others' plane, you can attack it, then it will be destroyed and be put into the base again until others got 6 points.
If another player got 2 planes, you just can destory one, then your own plane will be desFirst, you choose the colour you like from these four.

then we need throw the die one by one, and the order is red, yellow, green and blue.

When you got six, you plane can leave from the base, since you get the six you have one more chance to use the die, If this time you got the points less than 5, then your plane can move by 5 steps, if 4, then 4 steps. then give the die to the next person
If this time you still get 6, you got 2 choices, first let your another plane go out, then throw the die again, second you can move the original one by 6 steps, then throw the die again.

When you catch up with others' plane, you can attack it, then it will be destroyed and be put into the base again until others got 6 points.
If another player got 2 planes, you just can destory one, then your own plane will be destoried as well, so both of you need to put the plain into the base.

Anyone who lets all the planes go the target first is the winner toried as well, so both of you need to put the plain into the base.

Anyone who lets all the planes go the target first is the winner

Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法

原文:Jquery Ajax调用aspx页面方法

在asp.net webform开发中,用jQuery ajax传值一般有几种玩法






在我们的印象里 asp.net的Web服务是以.asmx来结尾的,而我们现在的asp.net也能实现Web服务,这是因为默认Web.config中已经添加了System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule,它是用于管理asp.net中ajax功能的HTTP模块,这样不管用户是请求.asmx文件还是.aspx文件,都会通过此处理程序来处理请求。


using System.Web.Services; //引入命名空间

public static string SayHello()
    return "Hello Ajax!";


<form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:Button ID="btn" runat="server" Text="验证用户" />


$(function() {     
    $("#btn").click(function() {     
            type: "post", //要用post方式                 
            url: "Demo.aspx/SayHello",//方法所在页面和方法名
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",     
            dataType: "json",     
            success: function(data) {                    
            error: function(err) {     






data:"{newsID:"+ id +"}",
data:"{newsID:"+ newsID +",name:"+ name +"}",
data:"{‘name‘:‘"+ name +"‘}",
data: "{‘content‘:‘" + $("#content").val() + "‘,‘createTime‘:‘" + $("#createTime").val() + "‘,‘creator‘:‘" + $("#creator").val() + "‘}"


在WebMethod()方法中,是不能通过 HttpContext.Current.QueryString.Get("id")来获取query string,
< script type = "text/javascript" >
    function getArgs(strParame) {
        var args = new Object();
        var query = location.search.substring(1); // Get query string
        var pairs = query.split("&"); // Break at ampersand
        for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
            var pos = pairs[i].indexOf(‘=‘); // Look for "name=value"
            if (pos == -1) continue; // If not found, skip
            var argname = pairs[i].substring(0, pos); // Extract the name
            var value = pairs[i].substring(pos + 1); // Extract the value
            value = decodeURIComponent(value); // Decode it, if needed
            args[argname] = value; // Store as a property
        return args[strParame]; // Return the object
} < /script>


WCF 或 模拟Web服务处理JSON时返回时间格式问题。解决方法如下:

// 杂乱的时间
var rawDate = "/Date(1347120000000+0800)/";
// 提取时间字符串
var strDate = rawDate.substr(6, 13);
// 把时间字符串转化成int类型
var intDate = parseInt(strDate);
// 构造一个Date对象
var newDate = new Date(intDate);
// 将时间转化成当地时间格式
var myDate = newDate.toLocaleDateString();
// 最终结果

// 合并成一句
var resultDate = new Date(parseInt("/Date(1347120000000+0800)/".substr(6, 13))).toLocaleDateString();


     type: "post",
     dataType: "json",
     contentType: "application/json", //注意:WebMethod()必须加这项,否则客户端数据不会传到服务端
     url: "List.aspx/DeleteNews",//模拟web服务,提交到方法
     // 可选的 async:false,阻塞的异步就是同步
          // do something.
          // 一般是禁用按钮等防止用户重复提交
          // 或者是显示loading图片
     success: function (data) {
          alert("success: " + data.d);//注意这里:必须通过data.d才能获取到服务器返回的值
          // 服务端可以直接返回Model,也可以返回序列化之后的字符串,如果需要反序列化:string json = JSON.parse(data.d);
          // 有时候需要嵌套调用ajax请求,也是可以的
     complete: function(){
          //do something.
          // 隐藏loading图片
     error: function (data) {
          alert("error: " + data.d);








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