See Your App’s Source Code
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篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了See Your App’s Source Code相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
See Your App’s Source Code
如果你有一个Xcode项目的源代码的堆栈跟踪中列出的符号,仪器可以显示您的代码,甚至可以开Xcode,你可以任意改变。If you have an Xcode project with the source code for the symbols listed in a stack trace, Instruments can display your code and can even open Xcode so that you can make any desired changes.
使用堆栈跟踪符号查找您编写的源代码。用户代码堆栈跟踪符号作为一个黑色背景的小正方形用户图标出现在细节窗格中。为了使代码更容易找到符号,可以使用“检查”窗格中的“显示设置”区域来筛选隐藏符号和系统库。Use stack trace symbols to locate source code you have written. A user code stack trace symbol appears in the detail pane as a small square user icon with a black background. To make it easier to find symbols for your code, you can use the display settings area in the inspector pane to filter out hidden symbols and system libraries.
你的代码中找到一个图标(由用户表示在详细信息窗格中或扩展的详细地区检查员的窗格。Find an icon for your code (denoted by a user (
) symbol) in either the detail pane or extended detail area of the inspector pane.
双击图标以显示使用该符号的源代码。Double-click the icon to display your source code where that symbol is used.
点击Xcode按钮在详细信息窗格中打开Xcode和显示你的源代码的右上方。下面的截图显示在详细信息窗格的顶部显示的Xcode按钮的位置。在双击“详细信息窗格”或“检查面板”的扩展详细区域后,会出现此图标,以便在详细窗格中显示代码。Click the Xcode button (
) at the top right of the detail pane to open Xcode and display your source code. The following screenshot shows the location of the Xcode button that appears at the top of the detail pane. It appears there after you double-click a symbol or icon in the detail pane or the extended detail area of the inspector pane in order to display code in the detail pane.
以上是关于See Your App’s Source Code的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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