二维动画和三维的区别 把这段文字翻成英文 谢谢了



篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了二维动画和三维的区别 把这段文字翻成英文 谢谢了相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

主要区别: 1、 制作流程不同: 由于制作手段的不同而造成的。
a. 二维动画:编写剧本→角色和场景设定→色彩设计及色彩指定→设计分镜头脚本→前期配音→制作故事板→绘制设计稿→背景绘制→绘制原画→绘制动画→着色→制作特效→填写摄影表→拍摄→配音配乐→最终输出。
b. 三维动画:编写剧本→角色和场景设定→设计分镜头脚本→前期配音→制作故事板→制作模型→绘制贴图→设置材质灯光→制作动画→制作特效→材质灯光调整→分层渲染输出→后期合成→配音配乐→最终输出。
2、 制作效率不同:由于制作流程不同而造成的。
a. 二维动画:因为二维动画不需要制作模型、绘制贴图和设置材质灯光,准备工序相对较少,但是后续的制作工作需要人工完成。因此,二维动画制作动画短片效率较高,制作动画长片的周期较长。一部高品质的二维动画电影制作周期一般为四年。
b. 三维动画:因为三维动画需要制作模型、绘制贴图和设置材质灯光,准备工序相对较多,但是动画生成和镜头输出由计算机根据人工设置的参数自动生成。因此,制作动画长片效率较高,制作动画长片的周期较短。一部高品质的三维动画电影制作周期一般为两年。
3、 动画制作的优势不同:由于制作手段的不同而造成的。
a. 二维动画:由于逐帧手绘的原因,所以制作碰撞、布料、吃食物、切割、大幅度变形等动画效果有较大优势。如果使用三维软件制作这些效果,需要计算机进行大量的计算,而且有些功能还需要单独开发适合的插件来制作。
b. 三维动画:由于计算机可以自动生成动画,所以制作透视变化效果、光影变化、群组动画、爆炸效果、云雾、毛发等有动画效果较大优势。如果使用手工绘制的方式进行制作,很难制作出十分流畅的动画效果。
4、 场景和角色的处理方式不同:由于图形生成方式的不同而造成的。
a. 二维动画:由于二维手绘动画制作透视变化效果时很难应用在场景上,通过以角色的透视变化来丰富画面,因此场景绘制的色彩层次丰富,角色只有明暗两种色彩层次。
b. 三维动画:由于使用计算机技术的三维动画可以自动计算出发生透视变化的效果,因此场景和角色的色彩层次都可以很丰富。
5、 对质感的表现程度不同:
a. 二维动画:很难表现出真实的质感,尤其是金属、玻璃、液体等质感的反射和直射效果的层次变化,特别是在这些物体运动的时候。
b. 三维动画:可以表现出所有能够想象出来的质感,所有的效果可以通过材质球实现,计算机会自动计算出运动效果。

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参考技术A Major difference: 1, the production process is different: the production means different and cause.
A. 2 d animation: writing the script, roles and scenario-color design and color, design and FenJingTou designated the script, making the story board and voice drawing design draft drawn to draw out and background, and animation and rendering colouring and fill in for special effects and shooting voice and photography table music-finally output.
B. the three dimensional animation: writing the script, characters and situations, FenJingTou script to set design, make the story board, voice and making model and draw maps set animation and light material, for special effects and light material, layered rendering output to adjust the late and music and voice synthesis final output.
2, the production efficiency is different: the production process caused by the different.
A. 2 d animation: because 2 d animation need not making model, draw texturing and set light material, ready to process opposite less, but subsequent manufacture work need artificial completed. Therefore, 2 d animation animated short high efficiency, long piece of animation with a long cycle. A high quality of 2 d animation movie production cycle is usually 4 years.
B. the three dimensional animation: because the three dimensional animation need to make model, draw texturing and set light material, ready to process relative more, but animation production and the lens output by the computer according to the parameters of the artificial set automatic generation. Therefore, animation of long high efficiency, long the cycle of animation is relatively short. A high quality 3 d animation film production cycle it is two years commonly.
3 and the advantages of the animation is different: the production means different and cause.
A. 2 d animation: because the cause of hand draw frame by frame, so making collision, cloth, eat food, cutting, large deformation and animation effects have bigger superiority. If use the 3 d software make these effects, need a lot of computer calculation, and some function also requires a separate suitable for the development of the plugin to make.
B. the three dimensional animation: because the computer can automatically generate animation, so making the change, smooth shadow effect change, group animation, explosion effect, cloud and mist, hair and so on as animation bigger superiority. If use hand draw way production, it is difficult to make very smooth animation effects.
4, scene and role means of dealing with different: due to the different way of graph creation and cause.
A. 2 d animation: two-dimensional hand-drawn animation because it was difficult to effect change perspective application in the scene, through the role of changes to the rich screen, so the color level rich scene rendering, role only two light and shade color level.
B. the three dimensional animation: due to use computer technology the three dimensional animation can automatically calculate the perspective change happened the effect, therefore the scene and the role of the color level can be very rich.
5, the simple sense of the performance of different:
A. 2 d animation: it is difficult to show real simple sense, especially metal, glass, liquid of simple sense reflection and the level of direct effect change, especially in these object motion.
B. the three dimensional animation: can show all can imagine the simple sense, all the effect can be realized through material ball, the computer will automatically calculate the athletic effect.
参考技术B Major difference: 1, the production process is different: the production means different and cause. A. 2 d animation: writing the script, roles and scenario-color design and color, design and FenJingTou designated the script, making the story board and voice drawing design draft drawn to draw out and background, and animation and rendering colouring and fill in for special effects and shooting voice and photography table music-finally output. B. the three dimensional animation: writing the script, characters and situations, FenJingTou script to set design, make the story board, voice and making model and draw maps set animation and light material, for special effects and light material, layered rendering output to adjust the late and music and voice synthesis final output. 2, the production efficiency is different: the production process caused by the different. A. 2 d animation: because 2 d animation need not making model, draw texturing and set light material, ready to process opposite less, but subsequent manufacture work need artificial completed. Therefore, 2 d animation animated short high efficiency, long piece of animation with a long cycle. A high quality of 2 d animation movie production cycle is usually 4 years. B. the three dimensional animation: because the three dimensional animation need to make model, draw texturing and set light material, ready to process relative more, but animation production and the lens output by the computer according to the parameters of the artificial set automatic generation. Therefore, animation of long high efficiency, long the cycle of animation is relatively short. A high quality 3 d animation film production cycle it is two years commonly. 3 and the advantages of the animation is different: the production means different and cause. A. 2 d animation: because the cause of hand draw frame by frame, so making collision, cloth, eat food, cutting, large deformation and animation effects have bigger superiority. If use the 3 d software make these effects, need a lot of computer calculation, and some function also requires a separate suitable for the development of the plugin to make. B. the three dimensional animation: because the computer can automatically generate animation, so making the change, smooth shadow effect change, group animation, explosion effect, cloud and mist, hair and so on as animation bigger superiority. If use hand draw way production, it is difficult to make very smooth animation effects. 4, scene and role means of dealing with different: due to the different way of graph creation and cause. A. 2 d animation: two-dimensional hand-drawn animation because it was difficult to effect change perspective application in the scene, through the role of changes to the rich screen, so the color level rich scene rendering, role only two light and shade color level. B. the three dimensional animation: due to use computer technology the three dimensional animation can automatically calculate the perspective change happened the effect, therefore the scene and the role of the color level can be very rich. 5, the simple sense of the performance of different: A. 2 d animation: it is difficult to show real simple sense, especially metal, glass, liquid of simple sense reflection and the level of direct effect change, especially in these object motion. B. the three dimensional animation: can show all can imagine the simple sense, all the effect can be realized through material ball, the computer will automatically calculate the athletic effect.本回答被提问者采纳 参考技术C Production processes are different: because of the production caused by the different means.
a. Two-dimensional animation: writing the script characters and scenes set → → → color design and color specified design storyboarding → pre-production storyboards voice → → → Background design draft draw drawing drawing of the original painting → → → color → drawn animation production effects → Fill photography shooting table → → → dubbing soundtrack final output.
b. Three-dimensional animation: writing the script → Settings → Design roles and scenes shooting script pre-dubbing → → → production model produced storyboards drawn map → Settings → Material → lighting effects animation production → → → to adjust material lighting rendering the output layer post-synthesis soundtrack → → → dubbing the final output.
2, the production efficiency of the different: different as a result of the production process.
a. Two-dimensional animation: modeling because no two-dimensional animation, drawing maps, and set the material light, ready to process relatively small, but the follow-up of the production work to be done manually. Therefore, the two-dimensional animation animated short efficient, long animation film a longer period. A high-quality two-dimensional animation film production cycle is generally four years.
b. Three-dimensional animation: need to produce a model because three-dimensional animation, drawing maps, and set the material light, ready to process relatively large, but the animation and camera output generated by the computer according to the manual setting of parameters automatically. Therefore, the higher the efficiency of animation films, animation films of the period is shorter. A high-quality three-dimensional animation film production cycle is generally for two years.
3, the advantages of different animation: As the means of production caused by different.
a. Two-dimensional animation: hand-painted frame by frame as the reason, so make the collision, fabrics, eating food, cutting, animation and deformation significantly greater advantage. If you use the three-dimensional software to produce these effects, the need for a large number of computer calculations, and some features require a separate plug-ins to make the development appropriate.
b. Three-dimensional animation: Since the computer can automatically generate the animation, so the effect of making changes in perspective, light and shadows, group animation, explosions, clouds, hair, etc. to animate a large advantage. If you are using hand-drawn approach to production, it is difficult to produce a very smooth animation.
4, scenes, and characters are handled differently: as graphics generation caused by the different ways.
a. Two-dimensional animation: hand-drawn animation perspective as dimensional change effects difficult to apply in the scene, through changes to the role of perspective to enrich the picture, so the rich layers of color to draw the scene, the role of only two colors light and dark layers.
b. Three-dimensional animation: the use of computer technology can automatically calculate the three-dimensional animation effects of changes in perspective occur, so the scene and the role of color levels can be very rich.
5, the performance of different degrees of texture:
a. Two-dimensional animation: It's hard to show the true texture, especially metals, glass, liquid and other direct effects of reflection and texture level changes, especially when the movement of objects in these.
b. Three-dimensional animation: You can show all of the texture can be imagined, all the effects can be achieved through the material sphere, the computer will automatically calculate their effect.
参考技术D The main difference: 1, the production process: due to different production methods caused by the different.
A. 2D animation script writing: role and scene setting color design and color designation to design lens script to early dub - making story board, draw, draw, draw a design background painting, drawing animation, coloring, create special effects photography, fill in the table, shoot, dubbing, the final output.
B. 3D animation script writing: role and scene setting and design of lens script to early dub, making story board production model texture mapping." Setting material lights to animation to create special effects, lighting, material adjustment layer rendering output post-production dubbing to the final output.
In 2, the production efficiency is different: because the production process caused by the different.
A. 2D animation: because the two-dimensional animation need not produce model, drawing the map and setting material lights, the preparation procedure is relatively less, but a subsequent production work needs to be done manually. Therefore, the two-dimensional animation animation animation feature high efficiency, longer cycle. A high-quality 2D animated film production cycle is generally four years.
B. 3D animation: 3D animation production model, because the need to draw maps and setting material lights, the preparation procedure is relatively high, but the animation and the lens at the output by the computer according to the manual setting of parameters are automatically generated. Therefore, making animated feature high efficiency, short cycle production of animated feature film. A high-quality 3D animation film production cycle for two years.
In 3, animation production advantages: due to different production methods differences caused by the.
A: 2D animation frame by frame hand-painted reasons, so the production of collision, cloth, food, cutting, substantial deformation animation has a larger advantage. If the production of these effects using 3D software, computer need a large number of calculations, and some also need separate development for plugins to production.
B. 3D animation: because the computer can automatically generate animation, so making changes effect, light changes, group animation, explosion effects, fog, hair animation more advantages. If the use of hand drawn style production, it is difficult to produce a very smooth animation.
In 4, scenes and characters are processed in different ways : as the graphics mode different from.
A. 2D animation: due to the two-dimensional hand-drawn animation changes effect difficult to apply in the scene, the character changes to rich picture, thus rendering the rich color level, the role of only two types of light and shade of color levels.
B. 3D animation: because of the use of computer technology in 3D animation can automatically calculate the occurrence of changes effect, so the scene and character color levels can be very rich.
In 5, the performance of the texture to different degrees:
A. 2D animation: difficult to demonstrate the real texture, especially metal, glass, liquids and other textured reflection and direct effect on the level of change, especially in these objects movement time.
B. 3D animation: can show all imaginable texture, all results can be achieved through ball, the computer will automatically calculate the motion effect.


























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