My app status is Ready for Sale but I cannot see my app on the App Store. Why? 为什么审核通过后 appstore中搜不到
Posted jianbo_iOS
篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了My app status is Ready for Sale but I cannot see my app on the App Store. Why? 为什么审核通过后 appstore中搜不到相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
The following factors could prevent your app from showing up on the App Store:
- Make sure to check the status of your agreements. If the agreement status is Pending Contract, you may have to agree to the PLA or Paid Applications agreement or complete the associated bank and tax information for that agreement.
- Make sure the availability date provided in the Rights and Pricing section is prior to today‘s date.
- If the date provided in the Rights and Pricing section is in the past, make sure you made your app available in at least one App Store territory.
- If your app was scheduled to go live within the last 24 hours, the app may still be updating in the App Store cache. Once the 24-hour caching window has passed, close and open iTunes and search for your app again. You can also click View in the App Store from the More tab on your app‘s page in My Apps.
以上是关于My app status is Ready for Sale but I cannot see my app on the App Store. Why? 为什么审核通过后 appstore中搜不到的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
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