Seafile 是一个开源的文件云存储平台,解决文件集中存储、同步、多平台访问的问,允许用户创建“群组”,在群组内共享和同步文件,方便了团队协同工作。
# 在 CentOS 7 下# (MariaDB 是 MySQL 的分支)yum install mariadb-server# 如果以来有问题 # 尝试在后面加上参数 --skip-brokenyum install python-setuptools python-imaging python-ldap MySQL-python python-memcached python-urllib3
yum 安装 mysqldb-python 后面seafile安装报错,需要通过 python 的工具pip来安装MySQL-python pip install MySQL-python
# 查看系统版本cat /proc/version wget http://download-cn.seafile.com/seafile-server_6.0.7_x86-64.tar.gz# 解压tar -zxvf seafile-server_6.0.7_x86-64.tar.gz# 解压放到一个目录cd seafile-server-*
我的数据库使用MySQL,你需要先在数据库中建立一个 MySQL 用户 seafile
# 登录MySQL创建一个用户mysql -uroot -p# 创建用户设置密码mysql> Create USER 'seafile'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';# 执行下面语句立即生效mysql> flush privileges;
./setup-seafile-mysql.sh Checking python on this machine ... Checking python module: setuptools ... Done. Checking python module: python-imaging ... Done. Checking python module: python-mysqldb ... Done. ----------------------------------------------------------------- This script will guide you to setup your seafile server using MySQL. Make sure you have read seafile server manual at https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/wiki Press ENTER to continue----------------------------------------------------------------- What is the name of the server? It will be displayed on the client. 3 - 15 letters or digits [ server name ] <填写 seafile 服务器的名字> What is the ip or domain of the server? For example: www.mycompany.com, [ This server's ip or domain ] <seafile 服务器的 IP 地址或者域名> Where do you want to put your seafile data? Please use a volume with enough free space [ default "/home/www/jinpans/seafile-data" ] Which port do you want to use for the seafile fileserver? [ default "8082" ] [ seafile fileserver 使用的 TCP 端口 ] ------------------------------------------------------- Please choose a way to initialize seafile databases: ------------------------------------------------------- [1] Create new ccnet/seafile/seahub databases 你需要提供根密码. 脚本程序会创建数据库和用户。 [2] Use existing ccnet/seafile/seahub databases ccnet/seafile/seahub 数据库应该已经被你(或者其他人)提前创建。 [ 1 or 2 ] <选择一种创建 Seafile 数据库的方式> What is the host of mysql server? [ default "localhost" ] What is the port of mysql server? [ default "3306" ] What is the password of the mysql root user? [ root password ] <输入root密码> verifying password of user root ... done Enter the name for mysql user of seafile. It would be created if not exists. [ default "seafile" ] <默认seafile的MySQL用户名,可以使用默认> Enter the password for mysql user "seafile": [ password for seafile ] <输入seafile密码> verifying password of user seafile ... done Enter the database name for ccnet-server: [ default "ccnet-db" ] Enter the database name for seafile-server: [ default "seafile-db" ] Enter the database name for seahub: [ default "seahub-db" ] --------------------------------- This is your configuration --------------------------------- server name: seafile 服务器的名字 server ip/domain: seafile data dir: /home/www/jinpans/seafile-data fileserver port: 8082 database: create new ccnet database: ccnet-db seafile database: seafile-db seahub database: seahub-db database user: seafile --------------------------------- Press ENTER to continue, or Ctrl-C to abort --------------------------------- Generating ccnet configuration ... done Successly create configuration dir /home/www/jinpans/ccnet. Generating seafile configuration ... Done. done Generating seahub configuration ... ---------------------------------------- Now creating seahub database tables ... ---------------------------------------- creating seafile-server-latest symbolic link ... done ----------------------------------------------------------------- Your seafile server configuration has been finished successfully. ----------------------------------------------------------------- run seafile server: ./seafile.sh { start | stop | restart } run seahub server: ./seahub.sh { start <port> | stop | restart <port> } ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you are behind a firewall, remember to allow input/output of these tcp ports: ----------------------------------------------------------------- port of seafile fileserver: 8082 port of seahub: 8000 When problems occur, Refer to https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/wiki
上面算是结束了,然后在 seafile-server_6.0.7 目录下面,运行如下命令
启动 Seafile:
./seafile.sh start # 启动 Seafile 服务
启动 Seahub
./seahub.sh start <port> # 启动 Seahub 网站 (默认运行在8000端口上)# 你第一次启动 seahub 时,seahub.sh 脚本会提示你创建一个 seafile 管理员帐号。LC_ALL is not set in ENV, set to en_US.UTF-8 Starting seahub at port 8000 ... ---------------------------------------- It's the first time you start the seafile server. Now let's create the admin account ---------------------------------------- What is the email for the admin account? [ admin email ] <这里输入邮箱地址> What is the password for the admin account? [ admin password ] <这里输入密码> Enter the password again: [ admin password again ] <这里确认输入密码> ---------------------------------------- Successfully created seafile admin ---------------------------------------- Seahub is started Done.
./seahub.sh stop # 停止 Seafile 进程./seafile.sh stop # 停止 Seahub./seafile.sh start # 启动 Seafile 服务./seahub.sh start 8001 # 启动 Seahub 网站 (运行在8001端口上)./seafile.sh restart # 停止当前的 Seafile 进程,然后重启 Seafile./seahub.sh restart # 停止当前的 Seahub 进程,并在 8000 端口重新启动 Seahub