如何删除Virtual SCSI disk
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了如何删除Virtual SCSI disk相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
参考技术A How to Remove a Virtual SCSI DiskThis document describes the procedure to remove a virtual disk in a volume group on a Virtual I/O
Client, to map the virtual scsi disk to its corresponding backing device, and to remove the backing
device from the Virtual I/O Server. Please, read the entire document before proceeding.
This document applies to AIX version 5.3 and above.
In a Virtual I/O environment, the physical devices are allocated to the VIO server. When there is a
hardware failure (disk or adapter may go bad) on the VIO server, unless the VIO server has some
type of redundancy, that will have an impact on the VIO client whose virtual disks are being served
by the failing device. The impact may be loss of connectivity to the virtual scsi disks, unless there is
some type of redundancy (MPIO or LVM mirroring) on the client partition.
This document does NOT apply to any of the following environments:
1. If the virtual disk is in a shared volume group (i.e HACMP, etc)
2. If the virtual disk is part of rootvg volume group.
Removing a Physical Volume from a Volume Group
The following steps are needed to remove a virtual disk from the VIO client, and they are later
discussed in more detail:
1. Deallocate all the physical partitions associated with the physical volume in the volume group.
2. Remove the physical volume from the volume group
3. Map the virtual scsi disk on the VIO client partiton to the backing device on the VIO server.
4. Remove the virtual scsi disk definition from the device configuration database.
5. Remove the backing device.
At this point, a new virtual scsi can be added to the VIO client in place of the virtual disk that was
removed in the case where this procedure was done as a result of a hardware failure on the VIO
server partition.
1. Deallocating the physical partitions
In the following procedure, we will be using hdisk4 in the example, as the virtual scsi disk wanting to
be removed from the VIO client.
First, we need to determine the logical volumes defined on the physical volume we want to remove.
This can be done by running:
# lspv -l hdisk#
where hdisk# is the virtual scsi disk to be removed.
# lspv -l hdisk4
fslv00 2 2 00..02..00..00..00 /test
loglv00 1 1 00..01..00..00..00 N/A
rawlv 30 30 00..30..00..00..00 N/A
If the hdisk name no longer exists, and the disk is identifiable only by its 16-digit PVID (you might
see this from the output of lsvg -p ), substitute the PVID for the disk name. For
# lspv -l 00c2b06ef8a9f98a
You may receive the following error:
0516-320 : Physical volume 00c2b06ef8a9f98a is not assigned to
a volume group.
If so, run the following command:
# putlvodm -p `getlvodm -v `
VGname refers to your volume group, PVID refers to the 16-digit physical volume identifier, and the
characters around the getlvodm command are grave marks, the backward single quote mark. The
lspv -l command should now run successfully. To determine the VGname associated with
that physical volume use lspv hdisk#.
If another disk in the volume group has space to contain the partitions on this disk, and the virtual
scsi disk to be replaced has not completely failed, the migratepv command may be used to move
the used PPs on this disk. See the man page for the migratepv command on the steps to do this.
If the partitions cannot be migrated, they must be removed. The output of the lspv -l , or
lspv -l , command indicates what logical volumes will be affected. Run the following
command on each LV:
# lslv
The COPIES field shows if the LV is mirrored. If so, remove the failed copy with:
# rmlvcopy 1
hdisk# refers to all the disks in the copy that contain the failed disk. A list of drives can be specified
with a space between each. Use the lslv -m command to see what other disks may
need to be listed in the rmlvcopy command. If the disk PVID was previously used with the lspv
command, specify that PVID in the list of disks given to the rmlvcopy command. The unmirrorvg
command may be used in lieu of the rmlvcopy command. See the man pages for rmlvcopy and
unmirrorvg, for additional information.
If the logical volume is not mirrored, the entire logical volume must be removed, even if just one
physical partition resides on the drive to be replaced and cannot be migrated to another disk. If the
unmirrored logical volume is a JFS or JFS2 file system, unmount the file system and remove it.
# umount /
# rmfs /
If the unmirrored logical volume is a paging space, see if it is active. Enter:
# lsps -a
If it is active, set it to be inactive on the next reboot. Enter:
# chps -a n
Then deactivate it and remove it remove it by entering:
# swapoff /dev/
# rmps
Remove any other unmirrored logical volume with the following command:
# rmlv
2. Remove the physical volume from the volume group.
In the case where the virtual scsi disk to be replaced is the only physical volume in the volume
group, then remove the volume group, via:
# exportvg
This will deallocate the physical partitions and will free up the virtual disk. Then, remove the disk
definition, as noted on step 3.
In the case where there are more than one physical volumes. Using either the PVID or the hdisk
name, depending on which was used when running lspv -l in the preceding discussion, run one of
the following:
# reducevg
# reducevg
If you used the PVID value and if the reducevg command complains that the PVID is not in the
device configuration database, run the following command to see if the disk was indeed
successfully removed:
# lsvg -p
If the PVID or disk is not listed at this point, then ignore the errors from the reducevg command.
3. How to map the virtual scsi disk (on the client partiton) to the physical
disk (on the server partition)
In the following example, we are going to determine the mapping of virtual scsi disk, hdisk4
On the VIO client:
The following command shows the location of hdisk4:
# lscfg -vl hdisk4
hdisk4 U9117.570.102B06E-V1-C7-T1-L810000000000 Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
where V1 is the LPAR ID (in this case 1), C7 is the slot# (in this case 7), and L81 is the LUN ID.
Take note of these values.
Next, determine the client SCSI adapter name, by ‘grep’ing for the location of hdisk4's parent
adapter, in this case, V1-C7-T1:
# lscfg -v|grep V1-C7-T1
vscsi4 U9117.570.102B06E-V1-C7-T1 Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.102B06E-V1-C7-T1
hdisk4 U9117.570.102B06E-V1-C7-T1-L810000000000 Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
where vscsi4 is the client SCSI adapter.
On the HMC:
Run the following command to obtain the LPAR name associated with the LPAR ID
# lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype scsi -m --level lpar
To get the managed system name, run
# lssyscfg -r sys -F name
Then, look for the "lpar_id" and "slot_num" noted earlier. In our case, the VIO client lpar id is 1 and
the slot # is 7.
In the following example, the managed system name is Ops-Kern-570. The VIO client partition
name is kern1.
The VIO Server partition name is reg33_test_vios.
# lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype scsi -m Ops-Kern-570 --level lpar
Take note of the remote_lpar_id (11) and the remote_slot_num (23). Then, in the same output,
look for a line that corresponds to "lpar_id 11, slot # 23
So in this case, VIO server reg33_test_vios is serving virtual scsi disk, hdisk4, on the VIO client,
On the VIO Server:
Go to the VIO Server associated with the LPAR ID obtained in the previous step, in our case
As padmin, run the following command to display the mapping, which should match the mapping
obtained from the HMC obtained above.
$ lsmap -all|grep -
For example,
$ lsmap -all|grep V11-C23
where V11 is the VIO server lpar_id and C23 is the slot #
The cmd will return something similar to
vhost21 U9117.570.102B06E-V11-C23 0x00000001
In this case, vhost21 is the server SCSI adapter mapped to our VIO client lpar id 1 (0x00000001).
Next, list the mapping for the vhost# obtained previously.
$ lsmap -vadapter vhost21
SVSA Physloc Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
在Linux 5/6上使用UDEV SCSI规则配置ASM DISK
- Oracle Linux 5用如下脚本:
for i in b c d e f g
echo "KERNEL==\"sd*\", BUS==\"scsi\", PROGRAM==\"/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/\$name\", RESULT==\"`/sbin/scsi_id /block/sd$i`\", NAME=\"asm-disk$i\", OWNER=\"grid\", GROUP=\"asmadmin\", MODE=\"0660\""
- Oracle Linux 6用如下脚本:
for i in b c d e f g
echo "KERNEL==\"sd*\", BUS==\"scsi\", PROGRAM==\"/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/\$name\", RESULT==\"`/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/sd$i`\", NAME=\"asm-disk$i\", OWNER=\"grid\", GROUP=\"asmadmin\", MODE=\"0660\""
- Oracle Linux 5用如下参数
[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB96e49463-3665e815_", NAME="asm-diskb", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB944f68ec-f33e8a99_", NAME="asm-diskc", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VBf2e05152-1c6b4621_", NAME="asm-diskd", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB91ee2629-8151eac9_", NAME="asm-diske", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VB4541d4a0-9c804156_", NAME="asm-diskf", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id -g -u -s /block/$name", RESULT=="SATA_VBOX_HARDDISK_VBa741850f-bf6c5aa6_", NAME="asm-diskg", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
- Oracle Linux 6 用如下参数
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c294347acba383e23ecbd43867c4", NAME="asm-diskb", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c2913d3b49354c9d030816bd5de9", NAME="asm-diskc", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c296cf9ff63b87e2903925bdec21", NAME="asm-diskd", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c2952ef3147bf0c3efc345133b00", NAME="asm-diske", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c296f16a22e6292edfb3ec3b1934", NAME="asm-diskf", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
KERNEL=="sd*", BUS=="scsi", PROGRAM=="/sbin/scsi_id --whitelisted --replace-whitespace --device=/dev/$name", RESULT=="36000c29ae38dfe96f6342cb2afd7f3fb", NAME="asm-diskg", OWNER="grid", GROUP="asmadmin", MODE="0660"
# #Linux5
# /sbin/udevcontrol reload_rules
# #Linux6
# udevadm control --reload-rules
# #Linux5 and Linux6
# /sbin/start_udev
以上是关于如何删除Virtual SCSI disk的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
如何彻底删除vSAN Disk Group里的闪存盘或HDD盘
如何删除 EMC存储认到的鬼盘LUNZ disk,在存储上出现initiators storage group "~management"的情况