Spark 实战

Posted yunpiao123456


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Spark 实战相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。


ALS是交替最小二乘的简称。在Spark MLlib中特指通过交替最小二乘法求解的协同推荐算法。它通过观察所有用户给产 品打分,来推断每个用户的喜好并向用户推荐适合的产品。用户评分矩阵的每行代表一个用户,每列代表一个物品。我们认为用户评分矩阵是由用户特征矩阵U乘以物品特征矩阵V得到。即A = U*V。因此,如果知道了U、V就不难求得A。 ALS假设打分矩阵A是近似低秩的,也就是一个m*n的打分矩阵A可以用两个m*k和n*k的矩阵乘积近似,其中k远小于m和n。这样降低了整个系统的自由度。 可以通过U、 V矩阵重构打分矩阵A。重构过程中产生的误差可以使用Frobenius范数来量化。实际上就是每个元素与重构之间的误差平方和。因此可得ALS的优化目标如下式所示:

这样,我们就把一个协同推荐问题转化成了一个利用ALS-交替最小二乘法求解的优化问题。只有我们将U、V两个矩阵其中的一个固定,该优化问题才会变成凸且可拆分的问题。交替的意思是,我们随机生成U0,然后固定它求解V0,再固定V0求解U1,这样交替进行。因为每步迭代都会降低重构误差,并且误差有下界,所以ALS一定会收敛。基于问题是非凸的不保证会收敛到全局最优解。但实际中,ALS对初始点不敏感,是不是全局最优解影响并不大。 源码分析概述 MLlib的ALS模型采用了一种高效的矩阵分解计算,主要通过设计数据分区和RDD缓存来减少数据交换。通过如图所示的数据分区结构,在ALS交替迭代过程中,比如通过U求解V,在每个分区中u和v通过合理的分区设计使得在同一个分区中,在计算过程中可以直接在分区中计算,不需要从其他节点或者分区中传输数据,分以下两步: 1)在P1,需要将每一个U发送给不同的Q,将这种关系存储在每一个块中,称作OutBlock。 2)在Q1,我们需要知道每一个V和哪些U有关联及其对应的打分,这部分数据不仅包含原始打分数据,还包含每个用户分区收到的向量排序信息,称作InBlock。 所以从U求解V,我们需要通过用户的OutBlock信息将用户向量发送给产品分区,然后通过产品的InBlock信息构建最小二乘问题并求解。反之也成立。
只需要一次扫描就可以建立好信息并且缓存块,从而建立OutBlock、InBlock。这样在以后的迭代计算中可以直接进行计算,大大减少节点数据传输。 MLlib对OutBlock、InBlock的数据结构进行了优化。InBlock数据结构优化如下: v1和v2评分原始数据如下: (v1,u1,a11),(v2,u1,a12),(v1,u2,a21),(v2,u2,a22),(v2,u3,a32) InBlock结构优化1 ([v1,v2,v1,v2,v2],[u1,u1,u2,u2,u3],[a11,a12,a21,a22,a32]) 把多个(v1,u1,a11)三元组数据存储为一个三元组数据,减少了实例数量,并且有效利用连续内存。 InBlock结构优化2 ([v1,v1,v2,v2,v2],[u1,u2,u1,u2,u3],[a11,a21,a12,a22,a32]) 对产品ID排序,解决查找某一个产品ID的复杂度。 InBlock结构优化3 ([v1,v2],[0,2,5],[u1,u2,u1,u2,u3],[a11,a21,a12,a22,a32]) 排序后数据进行了压缩,对于每个产品,只需记录开始和结束位置。 通过优化使得计算数据在内存使用、时间、和空间复杂度上都达到了最佳效果,接下来是源码剖析部分。 源码剖析 该部分代码主要定义了ASL的一些参数设置
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi, Since
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import => NewALS
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

 * A more compact class to represent a rating than Tuple3[Int, Int, Double].
case class Rating @Since("0.8.0") (
    @Since("0.8.0") user: Int,
    @Since("0.8.0") product: Int,
    @Since("0.8.0") rating: Double)

 * Alternating Least Squares matrix factorization.
 * ALS attempts to estimate the ratings matrix `R` as the product of two lower-rank matrices,
 * `X` and `Y`, i.e. `X * Yt = R`. Typically these approximations are called 'factor' matrices.
 * The general approach is iterative. During each iteration, one of the factor matrices is held
 * constant, while the other is solved for using least squares. The newly-solved factor matrix is
 * then held constant while solving for the other factor matrix.
 * This is a blocked implementation of the ALS factorization algorithm that groups the two sets
 * of factors (referred to as "users" and "products") into blocks and reduces communication by only
 * sending one copy of each user vector to each product block on each iteration, and only for the
 * product blocks that need that user's feature vector. This is achieved by precomputing some
 * information about the ratings matrix to determine the "out-links" of each user (which blocks of
 * products it will contribute to) and "in-link" information for each product (which of the feature
 * vectors it receives from each user block it will depend on). This allows us to send only an
 * array of feature vectors between each user block and product block, and have the product block
 * find the users' ratings and update the products based on these messages.
 * For implicit preference data, the algorithm used is based on
 * "Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets", available at
 * <a href="">here</a>, adapted for the blocked approach
 * used here.
 * Essentially instead of finding the low-rank approximations to the rating matrix `R`,
 * this finds the approximations for a preference matrix `P` where the elements of `P` are 1 if
 * r > 0 and 0 if r <= 0. The ratings then act as 'confidence' values related to strength of
 * indicated user
 * preferences rather than explicit ratings given to items.
class ALS private (
    private var numUserBlocks: Int,
    private var numProductBlocks: Int,
    private var rank: Int,
    private var iterations: Int,
    private var lambda: Double,
    private var implicitPrefs: Boolean,
    private var alpha: Double,
    private var seed: Long = System.nanoTime()
  ) extends Serializable with Logging 

   * Constructs an ALS instance with default parameters: numBlocks: -1, rank: 10, iterations: 10,
   * lambda: 0.01, implicitPrefs: false, alpha: 1.0.
  def this() = this(-1, -1, 10, 10, 0.01, false, 1.0)

  /** If true, do alternating nonnegative least squares. */
  private var nonnegative = false

  /** storage level for user/product in/out links */
  private var intermediateRDDStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK
  private var finalRDDStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK

  /** checkpoint interval */
  private var checkpointInterval: Int = 10

   * Set the number of blocks for both user blocks and product blocks to parallelize the computation
   * into; pass -1 for an auto-configured number of blocks. Default: -1.
  def setBlocks(numBlocks: Int): this.type = 
    require(numBlocks == -1 || numBlocks > 0,
      s"Number of blocks must be -1 or positive but got $numBlocks")
    this.numUserBlocks = numBlocks
    this.numProductBlocks = numBlocks

   * Set the number of user blocks to parallelize the computation.
  def setUserBlocks(numUserBlocks: Int): this.type = 
    require(numUserBlocks == -1 || numUserBlocks > 0,
      s"Number of blocks must be -1 or positive but got $numUserBlocks")
    this.numUserBlocks = numUserBlocks

   * Set the number of product blocks to parallelize the computation.
  def setProductBlocks(numProductBlocks: Int): this.type = 
    require(numProductBlocks == -1 || numProductBlocks > 0,
      s"Number of product blocks must be -1 or positive but got $numProductBlocks")
    this.numProductBlocks = numProductBlocks

  /** Set the rank of the feature matrices computed (number of features). Default: 10. */
  def setRank(rank: Int): this.type = 
    require(rank > 0,
      s"Rank of the feature matrices must be positive but got $rank")
    this.rank = rank

  /** Set the number of iterations to run. Default: 10. */
  def setIterations(iterations: Int): this.type = 
    require(iterations >= 0,
      s"Number of iterations must be nonnegative but got $iterations")
    this.iterations = iterations

  /** Set the regularization parameter, lambda. Default: 0.01. */
  def setLambda(lambda: Double): this.type = 
    require(lambda >= 0.0,
      s"Regularization parameter must be nonnegative but got $lambda")
    this.lambda = lambda

  /** Sets whether to use implicit preference. Default: false. */
  def setImplicitPrefs(implicitPrefs: Boolean): this.type = 
    this.implicitPrefs = implicitPrefs

   * Sets the constant used in computing confidence in implicit ALS. Default: 1.0.
  def setAlpha(alpha: Double): this.type = 
    this.alpha = alpha

  /** Sets a random seed to have deterministic results. */
  def setSeed(seed: Long): this.type = 
    this.seed = seed

   * Set whether the least-squares problems solved at each iteration should have
   * nonnegativity constraints.
  def setNonnegative(b: Boolean): this.type = 
    this.nonnegative = b

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Sets storage level for intermediate RDDs (user/product in/out links). The default value is
   * `MEMORY_AND_DISK`. Users can change it to a serialized storage, e.g., `MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER` and
   * set `spark.rdd.compress` to `true` to reduce the space requirement, at the cost of speed.
  def setIntermediateRDDStorageLevel(storageLevel: StorageLevel): this.type = 
    require(storageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE,
      "ALS is not designed to run without persisting intermediate RDDs.")
    this.intermediateRDDStorageLevel = storageLevel

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Sets storage level for final RDDs (user/product used in MatrixFactorizationModel). The default
   * value is `MEMORY_AND_DISK`. Users can change it to a serialized storage, e.g.
   * `MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER` and set `spark.rdd.compress` to `true` to reduce the space requirement,
   * at the cost of speed.
  def setFinalRDDStorageLevel(storageLevel: StorageLevel): this.type = 
    this.finalRDDStorageLevel = storageLevel

   * :: DeveloperApi ::
   * Set period (in iterations) between checkpoints (default = 10). Checkpointing helps with
   * recovery (when nodes fail) and StackOverflow exceptions caused by long lineage. It also helps
   * with eliminating temporary shuffle files on disk, which can be important when there are many
   * ALS iterations. If the checkpoint directory is not set in [[org.apache.spark.SparkContext]],
   * this setting is ignored.
  def setCheckpointInterval(checkpointInterval: Int): this.type = 
    this.checkpointInterval = checkpointInterval

   * Run ALS with the configured parameters on an input RDD of [[Rating]] objects.
   * Returns a MatrixFactorizationModel with feature vectors for each user and product.
  def run(ratings: RDD[Rating]): MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    val sc = ratings.context

    val numUserBlocks = if (this.numUserBlocks == -1) 
      math.max(sc.defaultParallelism, ratings.partitions.length / 2)
    val numProductBlocks = if (this.numProductBlocks == -1) 
      math.max(sc.defaultParallelism, ratings.partitions.length / 2)

    /** 采用交替最小二乘求解用户和物品的特征矩阵 */
    val (floatUserFactors, floatProdFactors) = NewALS.train[Int](
      ratings = => NewALS.Rating(r.user, r.product, r.rating.toFloat)),
      rank = rank,
      numUserBlocks = numUserBlocks,
      numItemBlocks = numProductBlocks,
      maxIter = iterations,
      regParam = lambda,
      implicitPrefs = implicitPrefs,
      alpha = alpha,
      nonnegative = nonnegative,
      intermediateRDDStorageLevel = intermediateRDDStorageLevel,
      finalRDDStorageLevel = StorageLevel.NONE,
      checkpointInterval = checkpointInterval,
      seed = seed)

    val userFactors = floatUserFactors
    val prodFactors = floatProdFactors
    if (finalRDDStorageLevel != StorageLevel.NONE) 
    new MatrixFactorizationModel(rank, userFactors, prodFactors)

   * Java-friendly version of ``.
  def run(ratings: JavaRDD[Rating]): MatrixFactorizationModel = run(ratings.rdd)

 * Top-level methods for calling Alternating Least Squares (ALS) matrix factorization.
object ALS 
   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of ratings by users for a subset of products.
   * The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank matrices of a given rank
   * (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run iteratively with a configurable
   * level of parallelism.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
   * @param blocks     level of parallelism to split computation into
   * @param seed       random seed for initial matrix factorization model
  def train(
      ratings: RDD[Rating],
      rank: Int,
      iterations: Int,
      lambda: Double,
      blocks: Int,
      seed: Long
    ): MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    new ALS(blocks, blocks, rank, iterations, lambda, false, 1.0, seed).run(ratings)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of ratings by users for a subset of products.
   * The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank matrices of a given rank
   * (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run iteratively with a configurable
   * level of parallelism.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
   * @param blocks     level of parallelism to split computation into
  def train(
      ratings: RDD[Rating],
      rank: Int,
      iterations: Int,
      lambda: Double,
      blocks: Int
    ): MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    new ALS(blocks, blocks, rank, iterations, lambda, false, 1.0).run(ratings)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of ratings by users for a subset of products.
   * The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank matrices of a given rank
   * (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run iteratively with a level of
   * parallelism automatically based on the number of partitions in `ratings`.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
  def train(ratings: RDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int, lambda: Double)
    : MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    train(ratings, rank, iterations, lambda, -1)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of ratings by users for a subset of products.
   * The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank matrices of a given rank
   * (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run iteratively with a level of
   * parallelism automatically based on the number of partitions in `ratings`.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
  def train(ratings: RDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int)
    : MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    train(ratings, rank, iterations, 0.01, -1)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of 'implicit preferences' given by users
   * to some products, in the form of (userID, productID, preference) pairs. We approximate the
   * ratings matrix as the product of two lower-rank matrices of a given rank (number of features).
   * To solve for these features, we run a given number of iterations of ALS. This is done using
   * a level of parallelism given by `blocks`.
   * @param ratings    RDD of (userID, productID, rating) pairs
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
   * @param blocks     level of parallelism to split computation into
   * @param alpha      confidence parameter
   * @param seed       random seed for initial matrix factorization model
  def trainImplicit(
      ratings: RDD[Rating],
      rank: Int,
      iterations: Int,
      lambda: Double,
      blocks: Int,
      alpha: Double,
      seed: Long
    ): MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    new ALS(blocks, blocks, rank, iterations, lambda, true, alpha, seed).run(ratings)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of 'implicit preferences' of users for a
   * subset of products. The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank
   * matrices of a given rank (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run
   * iteratively with a configurable level of parallelism.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
   * @param blocks     level of parallelism to split computation into
   * @param alpha      confidence parameter
  def trainImplicit(
      ratings: RDD[Rating],
      rank: Int,
      iterations: Int,
      lambda: Double,
      blocks: Int,
      alpha: Double
    ): MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    new ALS(blocks, blocks, rank, iterations, lambda, true, alpha).run(ratings)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of 'implicit preferences' of users for a
   * subset of products. The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank
   * matrices of a given rank (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run
   * iteratively with a level of parallelism determined automatically based on the number of
   * partitions in `ratings`.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
   * @param lambda     regularization parameter
   * @param alpha      confidence parameter
  def trainImplicit(ratings: RDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int, lambda: Double, alpha: Double)
    : MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    trainImplicit(ratings, rank, iterations, lambda, -1, alpha)

   * Train a matrix factorization model given an RDD of 'implicit preferences' of users for a
   * subset of products. The ratings matrix is approximated as the product of two lower-rank
   * matrices of a given rank (number of features). To solve for these features, ALS is run
   * iteratively with a level of parallelism determined automatically based on the number of
   * partitions in `ratings`.
   * @param ratings    RDD of [[Rating]] objects with userID, productID, and rating
   * @param rank       number of features to use
   * @param iterations number of iterations of ALS
  def trainImplicit(ratings: RDD[Rating], rank: Int, iterations: Int)
    : MatrixFactorizationModel = 
    trainImplicit(ratings, rank, iterations, 0.01, -1, 1.0)

以上是关于Spark 实战的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

Spark 实战




Spark笔记(1) :余弦相似度计算
