




When a client wants to send or receive a message from Apache Kafka®, there are two types of connection that must succeed:

The initial connection to a broker (the bootstrap). This returns metadata to the client, including a list of all the brokers in the cluster and their connection endpoints.
The client then connects to one (or more) of the brokers returned in the first step as required. If the broker has not been configured correctly, the connections will fail.

What sometimes happens is that people focus on only step 1 above, and get caught out by step 2. The broker details returned in step 1 are defined by the advertised.listeners setting of the broker(s) and must be resolvable and accessible from the client machine.

To read more about the protocol, see the docs, as well as this previous article that I wrote. If the nuts and bolts of the protocol are the last thing you’re interested in and you just want to write applications with Kafka you should check out Confluent Cloud. It’s a fully managed ​​Apache Kafka service in the cloud, with not an advertised.listeners configuration for you to worry about in sight!

Below, I use a client connecting to Kafka in various permutations of deployment topology. It’s written using Python with librdkafka (confluent_kafka), but the principle applies to clients across all languages. You can find the code on GitHub. It’s very simple and just serves to illustrate the connection process. It’s simplified for clarity, at the expense of good coding and functionality




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