First, anything is the knowledge management and business management must clarify the above question, first, we must from clarify anything are the knowledge management and the enterprise information management obtain. The US produces and the quality committee (APQC) is as follows to the knowledge management definition: The knowledge management is one kind of strategy which the organization adopts consciously, it guaranteed that the knowledge which can in most need the time which will need most to transmit for the human who most needs, like this may help the people to share the information, and then puts to it through the different way to practice, achieves the enhancement organization achievement finally the goal. The enterprise knowledge management is take the information as the foundation activity, through the organized study creation recessiveness and the dominant knowledge, how and is responsible in the suitable time, the suitable place to have the suitable knowledge. Microsoft president Bill Gates thought: The knowledge management is not starts from the technology, it begins in the commercial goal, the process and to shares the understanding which the information needs. The knowledge management just manages the information flow, for needs it the correct information transmission the person, with the aim of letting them take the action rapidly take the information as the basis. the Chinese and foreign scholar generally believe that the information is enterprise development very important resources, the information takes the resources, besides general may value characteristics and so on use, have, but also has sharing, the historical accumulation, the effectiveness and the multiple reproducibility characteristic. An organic whole which mutually but the system is by certain mutual connections, restricts the independent component which composes, like administrative personnels, production worker, craft, technology, management, method and organizations and agencies, production equipment and so on, for a common goal is the gain profit produces the social need the product, but composes a Production enterprise is a system. Then, must use information this resources, the enterprise message creation management system management system is a very important premise systematically. the enterprise information management system (EIMS) is utilizes modernized the management concept and the method, uses the electronic accounting machine, the software and the network mechanics of communication, carries on the collection, the memory, the processing, the analysis to the business management decision-making process's information, by is auxiliary the enterprise daily handling of traffic until the decision scheme formulation and optimal and so on work, as well as track, surveillance, control, adjustment entire management process man-machine system. looking from already were at present massive the application each kind of enterprise information management system, has the following characteristic generally: 1. besides the general management software and MRP (material resources plan), OA (office automation), WFS (work class system), mostly the software needs to make the massive demand analysis, consulted consultant (most is in profession expert) and enterprise all levels of staffs is summarizing earnestly formerly experienced and in the enterprise development request foundation, made the massive revisions actually according to the enterprise actual quantity body custom make or in the standard edition's foundation according to the enterprise, therefore had the profession expert characteristic and the practical application characteristic. the 2. most systems are from enterprise strategy angle embarking, in the overall situation and the overall considered under the premise designs enterprise's information management system, is from system's and so on enterprise's personnel organization management, product management, system jurisdiction management, sales management, procurement management, production management, quality control angles, considered that strategic between possibility and information relatedness, conditionality, has the systematic characteristic and the integrity. 3. has the historical knowledge accumulation and sharing. Enterprise's information management system can various departments and the various staffs' routine work essential data, saves in the database, and can act according to the jurisdiction convenience consult and the transfer. 4. has the policy-making support. All each kind of data may obtain each kind of analysis result after computer's processing from the different angle, and through the warning reminder's way, enables the policy-maker to obtain the related information in the first time. 5. dynamic characteristic. As a result of information effectiveness and relatedness, when in the system some essential element of information changes, is connected other information with it to change. At the same time, because enterprise's external environment and the internal essential factor in dynamic changes, the system also requests to be able to adapt this kind of change. two, enterprise information management system's function and characteristic and so on may see from above regarding the knowledge management and the enterprise information management system's concept, the enterprise information management system has the very big support and the safeguard function regarding the enterprise knowledge management level's enhancement, concrete manifestation in: the 1. issue knowledge, guaranteed that in organization's each members can share. In does not have the computer, the software and under the network mechanics of communication premise, the enterprise issued that the knowledge the method usually uses document and books methods and so on holds a meeting, to issue, except issue cost Gao Erwai, the knowledge propagation velocity, the dissemination quantity, the renewal, the consult and the consult jurisdiction and so on receives the enormous restriction. But the enterprise information management system effectively has solved these problems, causes the knowledge information transaction cost to reduce greatly, the transaction quality and the efficiency enhance greatly, has displayed the knowledge powerfully in enterprise's production action of force. 2. guaranteed the knowledge obtains timeliness. The information management system has solved between trans-regional, the cross time, the cross unit, trans-departmental, the cross staff's consult barrier, so long as in has under the jurisdiction premise, the knowledge demand might find oneself need rapidly through the system each kind of knowledge. For example the present enterprise information gateway (EIP-EnterpriseInformationPortal) may solve between enterprise's information and the knowledge exchange question, moreover the enterprise information system may with the related network connections, and according to organizes the internal member to carry on automatically to the information demand screens, the classification and the collection, and defers to the member to transmit promptly to the information demand for the human who needs, solves the knowledge time-limited problem. 3. promotes the organization or individual recessive knowledge is the dominant knowledge, and guarantees between both's active transition. Before the enterprise does not have the information system, staff's knowledge and the experience only have in own brain, department's knowledge also in this department, the information presents the isolated island condition. Between forgetting, the personnel outflow and the member exchange cause enterprise's knowledge mostly are the recessive knowledge impeded, but cannot transform into the dominant knowledge, organization's knowledge accumulates with difficulty. The organization along with personnel's flowing, the time passage pays tuition unceasingly, the enterprise cannot form the empirical curve, the production efficiency and the competitive power also with difficulty enhances. The information management system enables individual knowledge to precipitate, between member's knowledge obtains shares and blends, the enterprise reduces to staff's excessive dependence, because thus avoids the enterprise certain essential post personnel draining has the beyond redemption aspect. do three, how complete enterprise's knowledge management first, we must pay special attention to enterprise's information management. Knowledge management emphatically in dominant knowledge and recessive knowledge mutual transformation, because the enterprise only then accumulates domestic and foreign and the enterprise the knowledge and the experience are the dominant knowledge, through the classification, the reorganization, the refinement transmits rapidly for needs it the staff, namely transforms as the staff individual knowledge - - - recessive knowledge, and using each work, can the business goal react. The information management mainly concentrates to existing like written, the electronic information codominance knowledge's management, on the information increment chain, must the data promotion be an information, and carries on gathering and the choice, the organization and the procedure, the compression and the refinement, the classification and the guidance to it and so on, to information exterior characteristic processing and organization. In the information management foundation, in the basis enterprise and the staff demand, carries on the refinement, the comparison, the excavation, the analysis, the summary, the judgment and the deduction to the information content and so on carries on the knowledge management. next, must establish the knowledge sharing system. The knowledge management is take shares and the innovation as the main purpose, but the key solution information overload the knowledge deficient question, takes the human and the human has the knowledge process management. If the knowledge does not take with other people sharing, will cause: (1) the core information grasps is implementing in specifically the personnel, the management loses control. (2) the enterprise personnel flow out cause the knowledge property outflow, the massive core technologies is carried off. (3) the knowledge isolated island causes the coordinated difficulty, the efficiency drops. Therefore, in the enterprise information system construction, must insist that take gains the enterprise interior and the exterior knowledge resources as a core; Take the product production process as a core; And transforms take individual knowledge and the team knowledge's mutual exchange as the core; Take the official exchange and the unofficial exchange's mutual trail connection as a core; Take solves the actual problem as a core; Unceasingly rises in value take the value chain as the core and take skill training as a core. is final, takes the knowledge management the informationization construction the platform. The traditional Pyramid type organizational structure and the interpersonal exchange pattern did not suit the modern society to a great extent to the knowledge fast organization, the conformity and the sharing need, the computer network for the knowledge gain, the organization and sharing have created a brand-new platform. The enterprise under the network platform, forms one kind flexible and the change organization and the flattening information transmission channel. From knowledge management's angle, the message creation management system management system, causes the human and the knowledge resources organic synthesis, it the person, the knowledge and the reality work mission conformity gets up, will certainly to bring the actual effect for the business management 参考技术A Introduction to Information Management
Information Management
In 2000, the Institute of Medicine in collaboration with the National Academy of Science published a report titled: “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System”. The authors estimated that 98,000 people die annually as a direct result of medical errors occurring in hospitals. These deaths are not associated with the day-to-day risk of surgery and medical practice in outpatient clinics. Instead, a significant portion of the mortality is a direct result of poor design and utilization of medical records. Medical Records Kill. To put this number of deaths in perspective, more people die annually because of medical errors then as a consequence of car accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. Other examples include:
One in 25 hospital admissions results in an injured patient.
Three percent of adverse effects cause permanent disabling injury; of these one in seven leads to a
patient death.
Preventable medical errors account for 12-15 percent of hospital costs.
About 23,000 hospital patients die each year from injuries linked to medication use.
80% of nurses calculate dosages incorrectly 10 percent of the time, and 40 percent of nurses
make mistakes more than 30 percent of the time.
Approximately 180,000 unnecessary deaths and 1.3 million injuries occur from medical treatment in
the United States.
Nearly all of these events are due to errors in data management or interpretation.
Most of this information is contained in a book titled, To Err is Human: building a safer health system. 2000. Edited by Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS. National Academy Press Washington DC. A recent whitepaper refers extensively to the same ongoing problem.
Building a better system
Information is a broad term and includes all sources of facts and opinions that we use to make decisions (printed, heard, or seen). We are in the midst of a continuous stream of information and are being asked to assimilate and organize these data at a faster and faster rate. This challenge is even more severe to the professional fact finder. As scientists and public, production, and wildlife health practitioners you are active discoverers of facts and ultimately a source of information for the world. In those roles, you must organize resource information and original data so that it is correctly analyzed, and interpreted to be delivered to your eager and demanding consumers.
The health industry (of which we are card carrying members) has grappled with the issue of data integrity for decades and the discipline of Information Management has grown to deal with it . There are professional schools training people to work as specialists in this industry (see our main page). A professional organization, the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA www.ahima.org ) is devoted to the challenges of collecting information in hospital settings. The United States Animal Health Association and American Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories have a joint committee devoted to Animal Health Information Systems. The United States Department of Agriculture has The Center for Economics and Animal Health and the National Animal Health Monitoring System completely devoted to the methodologies of collecting, organizing and analyzing animal health data. As this course progresses and as you proceed through the MPVM curriculum, you will take the lessons learned from these groups and their experience and apply them to smaller scale work. Please note that I have focused on monitoring efforts and not at all on research. From an epidemiologic perspective, these efforts are related but they are not identical and there are specifics to research that need to be addressed in a different manner than from monitoring efforts.
The Skills of Information Management
A survey of professionals (both employees and employers) identified 20 skills that were the most important for Information Management specialists. While some of the skills were important technology and computer skills many of them were skills directly related to understanding data. These skills included: defining data elements, understanding how the database or application will meet the needs of the end user, being able to integrate analysis into a database, perform data retrieval, ability to create and use if/then statements, ability to manage data quality, ability to create calculations within a data query, ability to communicate effectively, ability to listen and understand client requests, and an ability to create conceptual models.
Data Quality Management Model
Information or data is a fragile commodity and all steps in the data process need to be carefully mamaged. and the process AHIMA recently published a model for Data Quality Management (www.ahima.org/journal/pb/98.06.html). It is a simple model that will serve as our guide for the class.
Details of the Model
Although we often focus our efforts on the analysis and the subsequent reports it is absolutely, unequivocally essential that significant energy be devoted to obtaining and maintaining good quality data that will be used in analysis. Everyone has heard ‘garbage in – garbage out’. Translated, if the data going into the analysis is bad then the information resulting from the analysis -- no matter how sophisticated and no matter how clever -- will be wrong. This problem is the classic epidemiologic and statistical issue of "Bias".
Application--This defines the reason, approach, and the methods for collecting the data
Collection--This is the process of data collection
Warehousing--How the collected data will be stored and accessed
Analysis--Organizing, summarizing, and reporting the data
The Characteristics of High Quality Data
Accessibility—The data are available and useable.
Consistency—Over the time the data are collected and stored, the data were collected in the same manner. In practice this means that the definitions, formats, and storage media were the same or compatible.
Currency—The data has value to the target audience
Granularity—The dimensions or specificity of the data--crude to fine; an example is the difference between a weight category (crude) and the actual weight (fine)
Precision—The data are collected with the same measuring tool (biased or not) resulting in low variation data.
Accuracy—The data are collected with few biases and are a representation of the true state you are measuring.
Comprehensiveness—The data contain sufficient detail to answer the monitoring or research question.
Definition—The meaning and intent of the data are clearly defined
Relevancy—The data pertain directly to the question.
Timeliness—The data are temporally related to the question.
You will hear the following many times in the course of the MPVM year, but understanding and clearly defining the data application is the key to successfully utilizing the information you collect. Application design is the process of carefully defining: 1) the purpose of the research or monitoring effort and 2) the specific monitoring or research question to be answered. Application design is often an iterative process that includes the following:.
1. Based on an observation or belief, pose a question that can be answered.
Examples include:
Antibiotic resistance in the human population is a direct consequence of the use of antibiotics in animal feeds
Increased levels of estrogen in the environment decrease the fertility of free-roaming ungulates
Removing horses from watersheds can decrease Cryptosporidial infections in people
The primary source of salmonellosis in humans is from meat and poultry
The incidence of catastrophic diseases observed in poultry has increased steadily in the last year
The incidence of debilitating heart conditions in household cats has diminished in the last 5-years
2. Investigate the problem/question by doing a literature and grant search. This will entail library work, web searches,or contacting colleagues or experts in the field.
3. Read the literature and summarize the information and test your question against published information
4. Restate the question or need to more specifically target the data application.
5. Choose an approach to answer the question
6. Define the specific data sets that will be needed to answer the question
While the basic steps of the process are clear cut, there are many ways to achieve the outcome. In many cases, the process is individual and may require little interaction with others. More frequently the process requires that you work within or part of a group. When this occurs, the success of your project lies not only with the quality of the idea but also with your ability to understand group dynamics and the processes of groups.
Carefully dealing with these first steps will define the nature of the other three steps in the data quality model and ensure that the correct data are collected and brought to bear on the question.

前言: 人们为什么越学越焦虑、越学越浮躁,懂得很多道理,却依旧过不好现在(别说是一生了)?

1946年,美国学者埃德加.戴尔(Edgar Dale)提出了「学习金字塔」(Cone of Learning)的理论,之后美国缅因州国家训练实验室也做了相同的实验,并发布了「学习金字塔」报告。
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