



Sub SendMail()
Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMail = myOlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objMail
    .To = "收件人邮箱地址"
    .Subject = "邮件主题"
    .Body = "邮件正文内容"
    .Attachments.Add "附件完整路径,如:D:\\1.docx"
End With
End Sub


参考技术A Option Base 1
Private mysuj, mysender, attaname
Dim attaCount As Integer
Private tempStr As String
Private mycnt22 As Integer


Sub autoforwardmich(item As Outlook.MailItem)

attaname = ""
Dim ifcontain

Dim myattachment
mysuj = item.Subject '得到邮件题目

mysender = item.SenderEmailAddress '过滤发件人用

Rem 得到抄送

Dim myRecipients As Outlook.Recipients

Set myRecipients = item.Recipients

Dim n333
For n333 = 1 To myRecipients.Count
Select Case myRecipients(n333).Type

Case Is = olCC

strCCAddress = myRecipients(n333).Address & "; "

End Select
Next n333
Rem MsgBox strCCAddress

Rem 得到抄送

Dim n2 As Integer
n2 = 0
Dim myattArray()
For Each myattachment In item.Attachments
If myattachment.Size > 0 Then
Rem 新添加
If myattachment.FileName Like "*.jpg" Or myattachment.FileName Like "*.png" Or myattachment.FileName Like "*.gif" Then


Rem 新添加

n2 = n2 + 1
ReDim Preserve myattArray(1 To n2)
myattArray(n2) = myattachment.FileName

attaname = attaname & "<<" & myattachment.FileName & ">> " 'attaname 得到了所有附件名称

End If
End If
Next myattachment 'attaname 包含了所有附件的名称过滤字符用
attaCount = 0
If n2 = 0 Then
attaCount = 0
attaCount = n2
End If

If attaname = "" Or Len(attaname) = 0 Or Len(attaname) < 0 Then
Exit Sub

Dim attaubound
attaubound = UBound(myattArray, 1) '得到了附件数组的上线附件数组完成


Dim mi55
Dim dedupbase()

Dim xx
nn4 = 0 '定义一次不可动
For xx = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx)), "EN", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "EN"
Exit For
End If
Next xx

For xx2 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx2)), "RU", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "RU"
Exit For
End If
Next xx2

For xx3 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx3)), "IT", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "IT"
Exit For
End If
Next xx3

For xx4 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx4)), "FR", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "FR"
Exit For
End If
Next xx4

For xx5 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx5)), "DE", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "DE"
Exit For
End If
Next xx5

For xx6 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx6)), "JP", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "JP"
Exit For
End If
Next xx6

For xx7 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx7)), "ES", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "ES"
Exit For
End If
Next xx7

For xx8 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx8)), "PO", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "PO"
Exit For
End If
Next xx8

For xx9 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx9)), "KO", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "KO"
Exit For
End If
Next xx9

For xx10 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx10)), "KE", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "KE"
Exit For
End If
Next xx10

For xx11 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx11)), "BR", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "BR"
Exit For
End If
Next xx11

For xx12 = 1 To UBound(myattArray)
If InStr(1, UCase(myattArray(xx12)), "PT", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
nn4 = nn4 + 1
ReDim Preserve dedupbase(1 To nn4)
dedupbase(nn4) = "PT"
Exit For
End If
Next xx12

Dim checkifright As String
checkifright = Join(dedupbase, ",")
If Len(checkifright) > 0 Then


Dim d As Object
Dim mi33()
Dim nx

Dim x12

Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "EN", "pizng@aia.us; luy5@aina.com"
d.Add "RU", "eow@aina.com; mowtiketing@aiin.com"
d.Add "IT", "mancala@aina.com"
d.Add "FR", "huagng@arcom"
d.Add "ES", "ma2@aina.es"
d.Add "PO", "jry@aina.com.br"
d.Add "KO", "aichxt@naer.com"
d.Add "KE", "aihaxt@navr.com"
d.Add "PT", "jey@aia.com.br"
d.Add "BR", "jey@ara.com.br"
nx = 0
For x12 = 1 To UBound(dedupbase, 1) Step 1

If d.Exists(UCase(dedupbase(x12))) Then
nx = nx + 1
ReDim Preserve mi33(1 To nx)
mi33(nx) = d(UCase(dedupbase(x12)))

End If
Next x12

'mi33() 里面有邮件地址可以发送了



Dim mi2 As Integer

Dim mi3 As Integer
Dim mi4 As String
Dim mi5 As Integer

mi3 = Len(mysuj)

mi2 = InStr(1, mysuj, "<ID", vbBinaryCompare)
mi5 = InStr(1, mysuj, ">", vbBinaryCompare)
If Len(mi2) > 0 And Len(mi5) > 0 Then

mi4 = Mid(mysuj, Int(mi2) + 3, (Int(mi5) - Int(mi2)) - 3)
MsgBox "ID被破坏,需要手工转发校验"
Exit Sub

End If

Dim myFwd As Outlook.MailItem
Set myFwd = item.Forward

Dim myattachments As Outlook.Attachments

Set myattachments = myFwd.Attachments

Dim n As Integer
Dim nn As Integer

Dim mich, mich2, mich4, dimaddfile

Dim xlsfile, ar(), nnn%
On Error GoTo 105:
xlsfile = Dir("D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\" & mi4 & "\*.*")

Do Until Len(xlsfile) = 0

nnn = nnn + 1
ReDim Preserve ar(1 To nnn)
ar(nnn) = xlsfile
xlsfile = Dir


mich4 = UBound(ar, 1)

Dim mmc()
n = 0
For mich = 1 To mich4 Step 1

mich2 = InStr(1, UCase(ar(mich)), "CN", vbBinaryCompare)

If mich2 > 0 Then
n = n + 1

ReDim Preserve mmc(1 To n)

mmc(n) = ar(mich)

End If

Next mich

Dim mich9, micha, mx2, n1
Dim mmca()

Rem 自动加载英语稿子开始
For micha = 1 To mich4 Step 1

mich9 = InStr(1, UCase(ar(micha)), "EN", vbBinaryCompare)

If mich9 > 0 Then

n1 = n1 + 1

ReDim Preserve mmca(1 To n1)

mmca(n1) = ar(micha)

End If

Next micha

Rem 自动加载英语稿子结束

' mi33(nx)

tempStr = Join(mi33, ",")
If Len(tempStr) > 0 Then

Dim xyz
For xyz = 1 To UBound(mi33, 1)

myFwd.Recipients.Add mi33(xyz)

Call 校验发送奖金计算(mi33(xyz))
Rem If InStr(1, mi33(xyz), "ping.zhang", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
Rem myFwd.Recipients.Add "luc15@aina.com"
Rem End If
If Len(strCCAddress) > 0 Then
myFwd.CC = "lixia16@ana.com" & ";" & strCCAddress

Rem myFwd.Recipients.Add strCCAddress
End If

Next xyz

myFwd.Subject = "New verify work_" & item.Subject
myFwd.Body = "Dear:All" & Chr(10) & "Here comes the New verification work please help check translaton house's work." & Chr(10) & "== Convention:Because the VBA code will aoto archive your work,as a result the Subject(SubjectID) could never be changed, and if the attachment is OK, then just no attach it when replaying all this mail,and if the attachment(s) need to make improvement,then just attach the improved attachment(s)then replying all this mail. === " & Chr(10) & "Best Regards" & Chr(10) & " E-commerce Overseas Sites" & Chr(10) & "Mich" & Chr(10) & DateTime.Now & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & item.Body

Rem 抄送开始
Rem myFwd.CC = item.CC
Rem Dim RecipientTo As Object

Rem Set RecipientTo = myFwd.Recipients.Add("nang@ana.com")
Rem RecipientTo.Type = olTo
Rem myFwd.Recipients.Add RecipientTo

Rem 抄送结束

MsgBox "是否自动发送EN英语或多语言校验,系统将自动加中文稿"
Dim mx

Dim mxcheck1
mxcheck1 = Join(mmc, ",")
If Len(mxcheck1) > 0 Then

For mx = 1 To UBound(mmc, 1)

myFwd.Attachments.Add ("D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\" & mi4 & "\" & mmc(mx))

Next mx
End If

Rem 判断是否需要加载英语稿子
Dim ifaden As Integer
ifaden = InStr(1, UCase(attaname), "EN", vbBinaryCompare)
If ifaden < 0 Or ifaden = 0 Or ifaden = Null Then

Dim michencheck
michencheck = Join(mmca, ",")
If Len(michencheck) > 0 Then
For mx2 = 1 To UBound(mmca, 1)

myFwd.Attachments.Add ("D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\" & mi4 & "\" & mmca(mx2))

Next mx2
End If
End If

Rem myFwd.Send


Set item = Nothing
Set myFwd = Nothing
Set myattachment = Nothing
attaname = ""
mysuj = ""

tempStr = ""

End If

End If
mycnt22 = 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "存盘失败,需要手工存盘"
Exit Sub

End If
mycnt22 = 0
End Sub

Sub 自动写发英语校验log()

Dim mi2 As Integer

Dim mi3 As Integer
Dim mi4 As String
Dim mi5 As Integer

mi3 = Len(mysuj)

mi2 = InStr(1, mysuj, "<ID", vbBinaryCompare)
mi5 = InStr(1, mysuj, ">", vbBinaryCompare)
mi4 = Mid(mysuj, Int(mi2) + 3, (Int(mi5) - Int(mi2)) - 3)

Dim mi222 As Integer

Dim mi333 As Integer
Dim mi444 As String
Dim mi555 As Integer
Dim mi666 As Integer
Dim mi777 As Integer

Dim mi888 As String

mi333 = Len(mysuj)

mi222 = InStr(1, mysuj, "<ID", vbBinaryCompare)
mi555 = InStr(1, mysuj, ">", vbBinaryCompare)
mi444 = Mid(mysuj, Int(mi222) + 3, (Int(mi555) - Int(mi222)) - 3)
mi666 = InStr(10, mi444, "_", vbBinaryCompare)
mi777 = InStr(mi666 + 1, mi444, "_", vbBinaryCompare)

mi888 = Mid(mi444, mi666 + 1, (mi777 - mi666) - 1)

Open "D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\" & mi4 & "\log.txt" For Append As #9

Write #9, mi888, "校验已经自动发送", mysender, tempStr, attaname, Now()

Close #9

End Sub

Sub 校验发送奖金计算(rpt)

Dim mi2 As Integer

Dim mi3 As Integer
Dim mi4 As String
Dim mi5 As Integer

mi3 = Len(mysuj)

mi2 = InStr(1, mysuj, "<ID", vbBinaryCompare)
mi5 = InStr(1, mysuj, ">", vbBinaryCompare)
mi4 = Mid(mysuj, Int(mi2) + 3, (Int(mi5) - Int(mi2)) - 3)

Dim mi222 As Integer

Dim mi333 As Integer
Dim mi444 As String
Dim mi555 As Integer
Dim mi666 As Integer
Dim mi777 As Integer

Dim mi888 As String

mi333 = Len(mysuj)

mi222 = InStr(1, mysuj, "<ID", vbBinaryCompare)
mi555 = InStr(1, mysuj, ">", vbBinaryCompare)
mi444 = Mid(mysuj, Int(mi222) + 3, (Int(mi555) - Int(mi222)) - 3)
mi666 = InStr(10, mi444, "_", vbBinaryCompare)
mi777 = InStr(mi666 + 1, mi444, "_", vbBinaryCompare)

mi888 = Mid(mi444, mi666 + 1, (mi777 - mi666) - 1)

Open "D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\" & mi4 & "\SendMailBonusLog.txt" For Append As #9

Write #9, mi888, "校验已经自动发送", rpt, mysender, attaname, attaCount, Now()

Close #9

Open "D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\境外奖金计算\SendMailBonusLog.txt" For Append As #79

Write #79, mi888, "校验已经自动发送", rpt, "发送奖励计算", mysender, attaname, attaCount, Now()

Close #79

发送数据写入EXCEL mi888, "校验已经自动发送", rpt, "发送奖励计算", mysender, attaname, attaCount, Now()
mycnt22 = mycnt22 + 1
End Sub

Rem mi888, "校验已经自动发送", rpt, "发送奖励计算", mysender, attaname, attaCount, Now()

Sub 发送数据写入EXCEL(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
Set Conn = CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;extended properties=Excel 12.0;data source=" & "D:\工作总结\20160429翻译工作接管\境外奖金计算" & "/奖励计算数据库.xls"
rst.Open "select * from [发出$]", Conn, , adLockOptimistic
rst.fields("日期") = CDate(Format(Now(), yyyy - mm - dd))
rst.fields("项目名称") = Mid(a, 1, 200)
rst.fields("动作") = b
rst.fields("校验发送收件人") = Mid(c, 1, 200)
rst.fields("奖励标识") = d
rst.fields("发件人") = Mid(e, 1, 200)
rst.fields("所有语言附件名称") = Mid(f, 1, 200)
rst.fields("所有语言附件数") = CInt(g)
rst.fields("时间戳") = h
rst.fields("邮件数") = CInt(1)

Set rst = Nothing
Set Conn = Nothing

If (mycnt22 <= 2) Then
MsgBox "已输入到数据库"
End If
End Sub

Function test()

Rem 得到抄送
Dim myRecipients As Outlook.Recipients

Set myRecipients = item.Recipients
intToCount = 0
intCCCount = 0

For n333 = 1 To myRecipients.Count
Select Case myRecipients(n333).Type
Rem Case Is = olTo
Rem intToCount = intToCount + 1
Rem If intToCount > 1 Then
Rem strToAddress = strToAddress & "; "
Rem End If
Rem strToAddress = strToAddress & ExchangeUser(myRecipients(n).Address, 1)
Case Is = olCC
intCCCount = intCCCount + 1
If intCCCount > 1 Then
strCCAddress = strCCAddress & "; "
End If
Rem strCCAddress = strCCAddress & ExchangeUser(myRecipients(n).Address, 1)
End Select
Next n333

Rem 得到抄送
End Function
参考技术B 不好意思,我不是回答,我是想问,不想发送附件,为什么把 .Attachments.Add的附件路径改为空,“”,会出错;把这句删除也会出错。怎么修改呢? 参考技术C 这个东西网上代码不计其数,你可以找找

在 Excel 中使用 VBA 创建的电子邮件未发送

【中文标题】在 Excel 中使用 VBA 创建的电子邮件未发送【英文标题】:Email created using VBA in Excel not sending 【发布时间】:2017-07-22 21:41:33 【问题描述】:

我在 Excel 中有一些 VBA 代码,可以通过 Outlook 创建和发送自动电子邮件。但是,除非我手动打开 Outlook 以触发“发送/接收”,否则不会发送实际消息。下面是我用来创建电子邮件的代码。我认为我只需要一行代码来触发发送/接收代码。但是我应该指出,在这段代码中 Outlook 没有打开。所以解决问题的一种方法可能是在这段代码之前打开outlook,然后在代码之后关闭它。

Function RDB_Mail_PDF_Outlook(FileNamePDF As String, StrTo As String, _
                              StrCC As String, StrBCC As String, StrSubject As String, _
                              Signature As Boolean, Send As Boolean, StrBody As String)
    Dim OutApp As Object
    Dim OutMail As Object

    Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)

    On Error Resume Next
    With OutMail
        If Signature = True Then .Display
        .To = StrTo
        .CC = StrCC
        .BCC = StrBCC
        .Subject = StrSubject
        .HTMLBody = StrBody & "<br>" & .HTMLBody
        .Attachments.Add FileNamePDF
        If Send = True Then

        End If
    End With
    On Error GoTo 0
        SendReceiveAll = True
    Set OutMail = Nothing
    Set OutApp = Nothing
End Function


调用函数时,请确保将 Send 参数设置为 True。 设置为真。也许我需要检查 Outlook 中的某些设置或选项? 另外,我添加了 sendreceiveall =true 代码行。在我添加该行之前,它的执行方式相同。 注释掉(或临时删除)On Error Resume Next,然后再试一次。你有错误吗? 【参考方案1】:

这是意料之中的 - 消息提交是一个异步过程,Outlook 在它有机会发送消息之前关闭。

将 OutApp 变量设为全局变量,以便在您的子程序完成时不会释放它,然后调用 OutApp.Session.SendAndReceive


谢谢德米特里。我尝试了一些与您的建议相关的事情,但似乎没有奏效。我一定对在哪里添加你所说的关于 OutApp.Session.Sendandreceive 的代码感到困惑。该代码应位于何处。还有,让 OutApp 成为全局变量的最佳位置在哪里?在我的代码的开头还是在函数的开头?并确认我应该通过编码“public”而不是“Dim”来使其全球化,正确吗?先谢谢了!!!!!! 在全局级别上在您的函数之外声明 OutApp。调用 Send 后调用 SendAndReceive。



从excel vba发送outlook邮件

Excel VBA:如何在 Outlook 中向组发送电子邮件?

如何更改通过 Excel VBA 代码通过 Outlook 发送的电子邮件的字体格式?


在 Excel 中使用 VBA 创建的电子邮件未发送