
Posted qianbo_insist



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  lrgb:   input 24bits rgb buffer
  srgb:   output 24bits rgb buffer
  width:  input width
  height: input height
  xscale: changed vector
  yscale: changed vector 
uint8_t * scale(unsigned char *inrgb, int width, int height,
	float xscale, //摄像头画面x轴缩放
	float yscale, //摄像头画面Y轴缩放
	int &outw,
	int &outh,
	uint8_t * deskrgb, //叠加的大画布 
	int outrgbpitch   //大画布的pitch,一行占用像素,rgb24是 w*3

	int in = 0, out = 0;
	int ox, oy;     //the pixel site is after changed
	int rx, ry;     //the pixel site is before changed
	int temp = 0;   //turn site(x,y) to memory storage
	outw = width * xscale;      //after changed width
	outh = height * yscale;    //after changed height

	int pitch = outw * outh * 3;
	int memlen = pitch * outh;
	unsigned char *outrgb = new uint8_t[memlen];

										//rx = ox/xscale + 0.5;// out--to--input
										//ry = oy/yscale + 0.5;// out--to--input
	for (oy = 0; oy < outh; oy++)
		ry = (int)(oy / yscale + 0.5);
		if (ry >= height)
		temp = ry * width * 3;//origion pixel site of which width

		for (ox = 0; ox < outw; ox++)
			rx = (int)(ox / xscale + 0.5);
			if (rx >= width)
			in = temp + rx * 3;//change site(x,y) to storage

outrgb[out + 0] = inrgb[in + 0];
outrgb[out + 1] = inrgb[in + 1];
outrgb[out + 2] = inrgb[in + 2];
out += 3;
		//outrgb += outrgbpitch;

	return outrgb;

//如果是摄像头是4:3 则取摄像头画面的16:9 
void merge_rgb(uint8_t *desk, int sw, int sh, uint8_t *came,

	int cw,  //摄像头画面宽度
	int ch,  //摄像头画面高度
	float xscale, //摄像头画面x轴缩放
	float yscale) //摄像头画面y轴缩放

	int pitch = cw * 3;
	uint8_t * src = came + pitch *(ch - 1); //camera 的 最后一行

	int right_distance = cw*xscale * 3 + 20 * 3;
	uint8_t * dst = desk + (sw * 3 * 50 - right_distance);

	int tempdh = cw * 9 / 16;
	if (tempdh > ch)
		tempdh = ch;
	uint8_t *src1 = came + pitch *(ch - tempdh);
	int outw, outh;
	uint8_t * out = scale(src1, cw, tempdh, xscale, yscale, outw, outh, desk, sw * 3);

	src = out + outw * 3 * (outh - 1);

	//取其中的dw ,dh 的小画面

	//uint8_t * dst = desk + sw * 3 / 2 - dw * 3 / 2;
//#pragma omp parallel
//#pragma omp for
	for (int i = 0; i < outh; i++)
#if 1
		memcpy(dst, src, outw * 3);
		for (int j = 0; j < dw * 3; j++)
			*(dst + j) = *(dst + j)*0.3 + *(src + j)*0.7;
		src -= outw * 3;
		dst += sw * 3;

int read_capture_mode()

	string lpPath = "./config_camera.ini";
	//int quality = GetPrivateProfileIntA("quality", "value", 31, lpPath.c_str());
	//int hencode = GetPrivateProfileIntA("hardware encode", "hencode", 0, lpPath.c_str());
	//int deskw = GetPrivateProfileIntA("desktop", "w", 0, lpPath.c_str());
	//int deskh = GetPrivateProfileIntA("desktop", "h", 0, lpPath.c_str());
	//char server[32];
	//GetPrivateProfileStringA("server", "ip", "", server, 32, lpPath.c_str());
	int ret = 0;
	char capture[32];
	GetPrivateProfileStringA("capture", "video", "oneframe", capture, 32, lpPath.c_str());
	string s = capture;
	if (s.compare("oneframe") == 0)
		return 0;
	else if (s.compare("amcap_sample") == 0)
		return 1;
	return 0;


在 iOS 中以圆形格式裁剪和缩放图像

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