windbg for CLR

Posted ahuoheng


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了windbg for CLR相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

0:003> .load C:\\WINDOWS\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727\\sos.dll


0:003> !help


SOS is a debugger extension DLL designed to aid in the debugging of managed

programs. Functions are listed by category, then roughly in order of

importance. Shortcut names for popular functions are listed in parenthesis.

Type "!help <functionname>" for detailed info on that function.

Object Inspection                  Examining code and stacks

-----------------------------      -----------------------------

DumpObj (do)                       Threads

DumpArray (da)                     CLRStack

DumpStackObjects (dso)             IP2MD

DumpHeap                           U

DumpVC                             DumpStack

GCRoot                             EEStack

ObjSize                            GCInfo

FinalizeQueue                      EHInfo

PrintException (pe)                COMState

TraverseHeap                       BPMD

Examining CLR data structures      Diagnostic Utilities

-----------------------------      -----------------------------

DumpDomain                         VerifyHeap

EEHeap                             DumpLog

Name2EE                            FindAppDomain

SyncBlk                            SaveModule

DumpMT                             GCHandles

DumpClass                          GCHandleLeaks

DumpMD                             VMMap

Token2EE                           VMStat

EEVersion                          ProcInfo

DumpModule                         StopOnException (soe)

ThreadPool                         MinidumpMode


DumpMethodSig                      Other

DumpRuntimeTypes                   -----------------------------

DumpSig                            FAQ



0:003> !dumpdomain


System Domain: 7a38bb38

LowFrequencyHeap: 7a38bb5c

HighFrequencyHeap: 7a38bbb8

StubHeap: 7a38bc14

Stage: OPEN

Name: None


Shared Domain: 7a38c110

LowFrequencyHeap: 7a38c134

HighFrequencyHeap: 7a38c190

StubHeap: 7a38c1ec

Stage: OPEN

Name: None

Assembly: 00161548


Domain 1: 00154808

LowFrequencyHeap: 0015482c

HighFrequencyHeap: 00154888

StubHeap: 001548e4

Stage: OPEN

SecurityDescriptor: 0014a5a8

Name: dotnetForWindbg.exe

Assembly: 00161548 [C:\\WINDOWS\\assembly\\GAC_32\\mscorlib\\\\mscorlib.dll]

ClassLoader: 0014ea40

SecurityDescriptor: 0014d2e0

 Module Name

790c2000 C:\\WINDOWS\\assembly\\GAC_32\\mscorlib\\\\mscorlib.dll

Assembly: 001695e0 [D:\\debug\\dotnetForWindbg.exe]

ClassLoader: 00169668

SecurityDescriptor: 00168ef0

 Module Name

00a52c14 D:\\debug\\dotnetForWindbg.exe

0:003> !threads

ThreadCount: 2

UnstartedThread: 0

BackgroundThread: 1

PendingThread: 0

DeadThread: 0

Hosted Runtime: no

                                      PreEmptive   GC Alloc           Lock

       ID OSID ThreadOBJ    State     GC       Context       Domain   Count APT Exception

   0    1 990 0014a600   200a020 Enabled 013a39a8:013a3fe8 00154808     0 MTA

   2    2 e18 0015d740      b220 Enabled 00000000:00000000 00154808     0 MTA (Finalizer)

0:003> ~*e!clrstack

OS Thread Id: 0x990 (0)

ESP       EIP    

0012f424 7c82ed54 [HelperMethodFrame: 0012f424] System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32)

0012f478 793d80f5 System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Int32)

0012f47c 00d700ba dotnetForWindbg.Program.Main(System.String[])

0012f69c 79e88f63 [GCFrame: 0012f69c]

OS Thread Id: 0xe38 (1)

Unable to walk the managed stack. The current thread is likely not a

managed thread. You can run !threads to get a list of managed threads in

the process

OS Thread Id: 0xe18 (2)

Failed to start stack walk: 80004005

OS Thread Id: 0x5e8 (3)

Unable to walk the managed stack. The current thread is likely not a

managed thread. You can run !threads to get a list of managed threads in

the process

0:000> !threadpool

CPU utilization 0%

Worker Thread: Total: 0 Running: 0 Idle: 0 MaxLimit: 0 MinLimit: 0

Work Request in Queue: 0


Number of Timers: 0


Completion Port Thread:Total: 0 Free: 0 MaxFree: 0 CurrentLimit: 0 MaxLimit: 1000 MinLimit: 0

0:000> !GCHandles

GC Handle Statistics:

Strong Handles: 14

Pinned Handles: 4

Async Pinned Handles: 0

Ref Count Handles: 0

Weak Long Handles: 0

Weak Short Handles: 1

Other Handles: 0


      MT    Count    TotalSize Class Name

790f9c18        1           12 System.Object

790fc79c        1           24 System.Reflection.Assembly

790fb668        1           28 System.SharedStatics

790fac70        1           72 System.ExecutionEngineException

790fabcc        1           72 System.StackOverflowException

790fab28        1           72 System.OutOfMemoryException

790fb8c8        1          100 System.AppDomain

790fb238        2          104 System.Threading.Thread

790fd824        4          144 System.Security.PermissionSet

790fad14       2          144 System.Threading.ThreadAbortException

79124228        4         8736 System.Object[]

Total 19 objects

0:000> !EEHeap

Loader Heap:


System Domain: 7a38bb38

LowFrequencyHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

HighFrequencyHeap: 00a42000(8000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

StubHeap: 00a4a000(2000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

Virtual Call Stub Heap:

 IndcellHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 LookupHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 ResolveHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 DispatchHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 CacheEntryHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Total size: 0x2000(8192)bytes


Shared Domain: 7a38c110

LowFrequencyHeap: 00a70000(2000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

HighFrequencyHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

StubHeap: 00a7a000(2000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

Virtual Call Stub Heap:

 IndcellHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 LookupHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 ResolveHeap: 00a8b000(5000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

 DispatchHeap: 00a87000(4000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

 CacheEntryHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Total size: 0x4000(16384)bytes


Domain 1: 154808

LowFrequencyHeap: 00a50000(2000:2000) Size: 0x2000(8192)bytes.

HighFrequencyHeap: 00a52000(8000:2000) Size: 0x2000(8192)bytes.

StubHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Virtual Call Stub Heap:

 IndcellHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 LookupHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 ResolveHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 DispatchHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

 CacheEntryHeap: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Total size: 0x4000(16384)bytes


Jit code heap:

LoaderCodeHeap: 00d70000(10000:1000) Size: 0x1000(4096)bytes.

Total size: 0x1000(4096)bytes


Module Thunk heaps:

Module 790c2000: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Module 00a52c14: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Total size: 0x0(0)bytes


Module Lookup Table heaps:

Module 790c2000: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Module 00a52c14: Size: 0x0(0)bytes.

Total size: 0x0(0)bytes


Total LoaderHeap size: 0xb000(45056)bytes


Number of GC Heaps: 1

generation 0 starts at 0x013a1018

generation 1 starts at 0x013a100c

generation 2 starts at 0x013a1000

ephemeral segment allocation context: none

 segment    begin allocated     size

0015f300 790d6358 790f5800 0x0001f4a8(128168)

013a0000 013a1000 013a3ff4 0x00002ff4(12276)

Large object heap starts at 0x023a1000

 segment    begin allocated     size

023a0000 023a1000 023a3250 0x00002250(8784)

Total Size   0x246ec(149228)


GC Heap Size   0x246ec(149228)

 SOSEX - Copyright 2007-2011 by Steve Johnson -

To report bugs or offer feedback about SOSEX, please email

Quick Ref:


bpsc      (Deprecated.  Use !mbp instead)

dlk       (no parameters)                                Displays deadlocks between SyncBlocks and/or ReaderWriterLocks

dumpgen   <GenNum> [-free] [-stat] [-type <TYPE_NAME>]   Dumps the contents of the specified generation


finq      [GenNum] [-stat]                               Displays objects in the finalization queue

frq       [-stat]                                        Displays objects in the Freachable queue

gcgen     <ObjectAddr>                                   Displays the GC generation of the specified object

gch       [HandleType]...                                Lists all GCHandles, optionally filtered by specified handle types

help      [CommandName]                                  Display this screen or details about the specified command

mbc       <SOSEX breakpoint ID | *>                      Clears the specified or all managed breakpoints

mbd       <SOSEX breakpoint ID | *>                      Disables the specified or all managed breakpoints

mbe       <SOSEX breakpoint ID | *>                      Enables the specified or all managed breakpoints

mbl       [SOSEX breakpoint ID]                          Prints the specified or all managed breakpoints

mbm       <Type/MethodFilter> [ILOffset] [Options]       Sets a managed breakpoint on methods matching the specified filter

mbp       <SourceFile> <nLineNum> [ColNum] [Options]     Sets a managed breakpoint at the specified source code location

mdso      [Options]                                      Dumps object references on the stack and in CPU registers in the current context

mdt       [TypeName | VarName | MT] [ADDR] [Options]     Displays the fields of an object or type, optionally recursively

mdv       [nFrameNum]                                    Displays arguments and locals for a managed frame

mfrag     [-stat]                                        Reports free blocks in Gen2, the type of object following the free block, and fragmentation statistics

mframe    [nFrameNum]                                    Displays or sets the current managed frame for the !mdt and !mdv commands

mgu       // TODO: Document

mk        [FrameCount] [-l] [-p] [-a]                    Prints a stack trace of managed and unmanaged frames

mln       [expression]                                   Displays the type of managed data located at the specified address or the current instruction pointer

mlocks    (no parameters)                                Lists all managed lock objects and CriticalSections and their owning threads

mt        (no parameters)                                Steps into the managed method at the current position

mu        [address] [-s] [-il] [-n]                      Displays a disassembly around the current instruction with interleaved source, IL and asm code

muf       [MD Address | Code Address] [-s] [-il] [-n]    Displays a disassembly with interleaved source, IL and asm code

mwaits    (no parameters)                                Lists all waiting threads and, if known, the locks they are waiting on

mx        <Filter String>                                Displays managed type/field/method names matching the specified filter string

refs      <ObjectAddr>                                   Displays all references from and to the specified object

rwlock    [ObjectAddr]                                   Displays all RWLocks or, if provided a RWLock address, details of the specified lock

sosexhelp [CommandName]                                  Display this screen or details about the specified command

strings   [Options]                                      Lists all strings on managed heaps that match the specified criteria

ListGcHandles - See gch



以上是关于windbg for CLR的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章



WinDbg探究CLR底层 - 应用程序域


什么是 WinDbg <unknown> 内存?
