NBUT 1224 Happiness Hotel 2010辽宁省赛

Posted Annetree的博客


篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了NBUT 1224 Happiness Hotel 2010辽宁省赛相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Time limit 1000 ms

Memory limit 131072 kB

The life of Little A is good, and, he managed to get enough money to run a hotel. The best for him is that he need not go to work outside, just wait for the money to go into his pocket. Little A wants everything to be perfect, he has a wonderful plan that he will keep one most beautiful reception whose size is 1()(which means the reception is 1 square meter). There are other k rooms that have the same area, and the area is x^2(), x is an integer; Little A wants his hotel to be a square. Little A is a good thinker, but not a good maker. As his poor performance on math, he cannot calculate the least area needed to build such a hotel of his will. Now, this task belongs to you, solve this problem to make Little A’s dream of Happy Hotel come true. Please be careful, the whole area should only contain k rooms, and the reception, there should not be any vacant place.



There are several test cases.
Each case contains only one integer k(1<=k<=1000) ,the number of rooms the hotel should have in one line.
Proceed to the end of file.


Output one integer d, means the hotel’s area is d^2(If there is no answer, output “no solution”) .The output of one test case occupied exactly one line.

Sample Input


Sample Output

no solution


  1 #include <iostream>
  2 #include <cmath>
  3 using namespace std;
  5 int can[1005];
  6 int a[10005][605];
  7 int x[6005],y[6005],t[6005];
  8 int h1,h2;
  9 int bb,ee,xx,yx,c,n;
 11 void gui(int ji,int many,int ma,int kk)
 12 {
 13     if (ji<kk)
 14         gui(ji+1,a[ma][(ji-1)%a[ma][600]+1],ma,kk);
 15     else
 16     {
 17         h1=1;
 18         h2=1;
 19         x[1]=many;
 20         y[1]=1;
 21         return;
 22     }
 23     for (int i=1;i<=h1;i++)
 24         t[i]=x[i];
 25     for (int i=1;i<=h2;i++)
 26         x[i]=y[i];
 27     for (int i=1;i<=h1;i++)
 28         y[i]=t[i];
 29     c=h1;
 30     h1=h2;
 31     h2=c;
 32     for (int i=1;i<=h2;i++)
 33     {
 34         if (i<=h1)
 35             x[i]+=many*y[i];
 36         else
 37             x[i]=many*y[i];
 38     }
 39     if (h2>h1)
 40         h1=h2;
 41     for (int i=1;i<h1;i++)
 42     {
 43         if (x[i]>=10)
 44         {
 45             x[i+1]+=x[i]/10;
 46             x[i]%=10;
 47         }
 48     }
 49     while (x[h1]>=10)
 50     {
 51         x[h1+1]=x[h1]/10;
 52         x[h1]%=10;
 53         h1++;
 54     }
 55     x[0]=h1;
 56 }
 58 int main()
 59 {
 61     for (int i=1;i<=31;i++)
 62         can[i*i]=true;
 63     for (int i=1;i<=1000;i++)
 64     if (!can[i])
 65     {
 66         a[i][600]=1;
 67         bb=1;
 68         ee=(int)sqrt((double)i);
 69         a[i][0]=ee;
 70         ee=-ee;
 71         xx=bb;
 72         yx=ee;
 73         xx=-yx;
 74         yx=i-yx*yx;
 75         n=0;
 76         while ((xx-yx)*(xx-yx)<i||xx>=0)
 77         {
 78             xx-=yx;
 79             n++;
 80         }
 81         a[i][1]=n;
 82         c=xx;
 83         xx=yx;
 84         yx=c;
 85         while (xx!=bb||yx!=ee)
 86         {
 87             a[i][600]++;
 88             c=xx;
 89             xx=-yx;
 90             yx=i-yx*yx;
 91             yx=yx/c;
 92             n=0;
 93             while ((xx-yx)*(xx-yx)<i||xx>=0)
 94             {
 95                 xx-=yx;
 96                 n++;
 97             }
 98             a[i][a[i][600]]=n;
 99             c=xx;
100             xx=yx;
101             yx=c;
102         }
103     }
104     int i;
105     while (scanf("%d",&i)!=EOF)
106     {
107         if (!can[i])
108         {
109             if (a[i][600]%2)
110                 gui(1,a[i][0],i,a[i][600]*2);
111             else
112                 gui(1,a[i][0],i,a[i][600]);
113             for (int j=x[0];j>=1;j--)
114                 printf("%d",x[j]);
115             printf("\n");
116         }
117         else
118             printf("no solution\n");
119     }
120     return 0;
121 }


以上是关于NBUT 1224 Happiness Hotel 2010辽宁省赛的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

NBUT 1635 Explosion(最小顶点覆盖)


Hkhv喜欢二进制 NBUT - 1666

NBUT 1221 Intermediary

NBUT 1680 卖瓜(线段树)

NBUT 1434 hdu1754 I Hate It