English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 发生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 过去式 was or were

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篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 发生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 过去式 was or were相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

In this lesson you will learn to talk about past occurences. 过去进行时




C: Hi, Loki!

L: Hi, Corrine.Good evening!

L: Long time no see.

C: Yeah, How is evething?

L: Oh, I had a holiday last week     # 这里的had 是have 的过去形式

C: How do you feel when you go out for a trip?  # 这里的when 做 当...时候的意思

L: Pretty good!

C: How is weather over there?

L: The weather is always sunny

C: What‘s temperature?

L: 31°, It‘s too hot!

C: Wow,what were you wearing?   # are 的过去时,表示那个时间点你穿的什么衣服

L: I wear T-shirt and shorts

C: Did you see beach last week?            # 老师建议比较Native的说法 Did you go to the beach last week?

L: Yes I did, Sunshine, sea, beach!


 Extra Vocabulary  额外的词汇

pretty good  非常好

boring  无聊

exciting  令人兴奋的;使人激动的

relaxing  令人轻松的

度 degrees




C = (Degrees Celsius)






词汇(Key Word )


  • vi. 绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走
  • n. 旅行;绊倒;差错
  • vt. 绊倒;使犯错
  • n. (Trip)人名;(荷)特里普

perview  课前的复习

  • n. 预览;试映;事先查看
  • vt. 预览;预演;事先查看

review  课后的复习

  • n. 回顾;复习;评论;检讨;检阅
  • vt. 回顾;检查;复审
  • vi. 回顾;复习功课;写评论

went = go(原型) went to the hospital   去了医院

fell = fall(原型) fell off a bicycle      从自行车上掉下来

broke = break(原型)  broke his leg   摔断了腿

cut = cut(原型)   cut his head   伤了头部

had = had(原型) had an accident    出了一个事故



  • vt. 打击;袭击;碰撞;偶然发现;伤…的感情
  • vi. 打;打击;碰撞;偶然碰上
  • n. 打;打击;(演出等)成功;讽刺


  • vt. 伤害;给留下伤痕
  • vi. 结疤;痊愈
  • n. 创伤;伤痕


bandage  创口贴

  • n. 绷带
  • vt. 用绷带包扎



  • conj. 考虑到;既然;当…时;在…时;如果
  • adv. 什么时候,何时;(用于时间的表达方式之后)在那时;其时;当时
  • pron. 那时;什么时侯
  • n. 时间,时候;日期;场合

accident   英 [‘?ks?d?nt]   美 [‘?ks?d?nt]

  • n. 事故;意外;[法] 意外事件;机遇


block  英 [bl?k]   美 [blɑk]

  • n. 块;街区;大厦;障碍物
  • vt. 阻止;阻塞;限制;封盖
  • adj. 成批的,大块的;交通堵塞的
  • n. (Block)人名;(英、法、德、西、葡、芬、罗)布洛克


break  英 [bre?k]   美 [brek]

  • vi. 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱
  • vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始
  • vi. (嗓音)突变;突破;破晓;(价格)突然下跌
  • n. 破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇

guard  [gɑ?d]  美 [ɡɑrd]

  • n. 守卫;警戒;护卫队;防护装置
  • vi. 警惕
  • vt. 保卫;监视
  • n. (Guard)人名;(英)格尔德


  • n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事

housekeeper  英 [‘ha?ski?p?]   美 [‘ha?skip?]

  • n. 女管家;主妇

kick  [k?k]  美 [k?k]

  • vt. 踢;反冲,朝后座
  • n. 踢;反冲,后座力
  • vi. 踢;反冲
  • n. (Kick)人名;(德)基克

occurrence 英 [?‘k?r(?)ns]   美 [?‘k?r?ns]

  • n. 发生;出现;事件;发现


  • adj. 疼痛的,痛心的;剧烈的,极度的;恼火的,发怒的;厉害的,迫切的
  • n. 溃疡,痛处;恨事,伤心事
  • n. (Sore)人名;(法)索尔;(意)索雷





What  happened?  过去一般式    # 一般情况下直接  word+ed

What happened to him/her/you?               # 这里使用的是宾格    他/她/你

She hurt her arm.

She hurt her back.

She had a headache.


A: Did you hear?Paul is in the hospital!

B: What happened?

A: He had an accident.He fell off his bicycle.

B: Oh,no! Is he all right?  # 还可以说 Is he Ok?

A: Well,he broke his leg and cut his head, but he‘s OK.    他摔断了他的腿和伤到了他的头   # 这里的cut his head   头上有伤口的意思

B: OK. Well let‘s visit him tonight.    #  let‘s  =  let us     好的,让我们今晚去探望他吧。 


1. I fell off my bicycle and hit my head. Now I have a headache

2. I have a cold. My nose is blocked

3. I hurt(受伤) my foot kicking the ball  # 过去进行时

4. My back is sore after sitting at my computer all day.  整天都坐在我的电脑面前,我感觉我的后背酸痛

5.I walked to work today. My legs are sore. 


6. It was raining when we left the station.   我们离开车站时正在下雨。  # 过去进行时   这里是陈述句,when是当的意思

7. He was reading a newspaper. 他在看报纸。

8. We were watching TV from six to nine last night.

9. One of the guards(守卫) was sleeping when the general came in。当将军进来时,其中一名守卫正在睡觉。 # 过去进行时   这里是陈述句,when是当的意思     

10.The sun was shining at the beach yesterday. 昨天太阳在海滩上闪耀。

11.The housekeeper was cleaning the room. 管家正在打扫房间。


What are they doing?

They were run on the playground







by xxx 不是动词,虽然中文里面翻译为 乘坐



Be Verb change rule


          >   was



are    >   were



Verb change rule


rule 规则  + ed

happen + ed   happened



unruly  不规则  

hav(原型)e -> had

fall(原型) -> fell  落下;变成;来临;减弱   # 还有秋天的意思,同义词 autumn

do(原型) -> did

break(原型) -> broke     打破,断掉;中断

come(原型) -> came


unchanged  未改变

hurt(原型) -> hurt

cut(原型) -> cut 


以上是关于English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 发生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 过去式 was or were的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

English trip V1 - 22. My Life Teacher:Emily Key: describe talk about past

English trip V1 - 21. I dreamed dream Teacher:Corrine Key: past tense(过去式)

English trip V1 - 6.Accident Happen! 发生意外! Teacher:Corrine Key: 过去式 was or were

English trip V1 - 4.Do you have it? Teacher:Patrick Key: have - has doesn't have

English trip V1 - 23. Big and Bigger Teacher:Corrine Key: adjective comparisons 形容词 比较级

English trip V1 - B 5.Is It Cold Outside? 外面很冷? Teacher:Corrine Key: weather