Microsoft Word Application Reference Qt 操作word 的操作文档

Posted 咸鱼DoYoung


篇首语:本文由小常识网(小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Microsoft Word Application Reference Qt 操作word 的操作文档相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Microsoft Word Application Reference

The Microsoft Word Application COM object is a QAxObject with the CLSID {000209ff-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}.


  • _Application

Event Interfaces

  • ApplicationEvents
  • ApplicationEvents2
  • ApplicationEvents3
  • ApplicationEvents4

Public Slots:

  • void Activate();
  • void AddAddress(QStringList& TagID, QStringList& Value);
  • void AutomaticChange();
  • int BuildKeyCode(WdKey Arg1, QVariant& Arg2 = 0, QVariant& Arg3 = 0, QVariant& Arg4 = 0);
  • double CentimetersToPoints(double Centimeters);
  • void ChangeFileOpenDirectory(QString Path);
  • bool CheckGrammar(QString String);
  • bool CheckSpelling(QString Word, QVariant& CustomDictionary = 0, QVariant& IgnoreUppercase = 0, QVariant& MainDictionary = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary2 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary3 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary4 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary5 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary6 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary7 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary8 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary9 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary10 = 0);
  • QString CleanString(QString String);
  • IDispatch* CompareDocuments(IDispatch* OriginalDocument, IDispatch* RevisedDocument, WdCompareDestination Destination = 0, WdGranularity Granularity = 0, bool CompareFormatting = 0, bool CompareCaseChanges = 0, bool CompareWhitespace = 0, bool CompareTables = 0, bool CompareHeaders = 0, bool CompareFootnotes = 0, bool CompareTextboxes = 0, bool CompareFields = 0, bool CompareComments = 0, bool CompareMoves = 0, QString RevisedAuthor = 0, bool IgnoreAllComparisonWarnings = 0);
  • void DDEExecute(int Channel, QString Command);
  • int DDEInitiate(QString App, QString Topic);
  • void DDEPoke(int Channel, QString Item, QString Data);
  • QString DDERequest(int Channel, QString Item);
  • void DDETerminate(int Channel);
  • void DDETerminateAll();
  • IDispatch* DefaultWebOptions();
  • void DiscussionSupport(QVariant& Range, QVariant& cid, QVariant& piCSE);
  • bool Dummy2();
  • void Dummy4();
  • IDispatch* FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType FileDialogType);
  • IDispatch* FindKey(int KeyCode, QVariant& KeyCode2 = 0);
  • QString GetAddress(QVariant& Name = 0, QVariant& AddressProperties = 0, QVariant& UseAutoText = 0, QVariant& DisplaySelectDialog = 0, QVariant& SelectDialog = 0, QVariant& CheckNamesDialog = 0, QVariant& RecentAddressesChoice = 0, QVariant& UpdateRecentAddresses = 0);
  • QString GetDefaultTheme(WdDocumentMedium DocumentType);
  • IDispatch* GetSpellingSuggestions(QString Word, QVariant& CustomDictionary = 0, QVariant& IgnoreUppercase = 0, QVariant& MainDictionary = 0, QVariant& SuggestionMode = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary2 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary3 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary4 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary5 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary6 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary7 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary8 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary9 = 0, QVariant& CustomDictionary10 = 0);
  • void GoBack();
  • void GoForward();
  • void Help(QVariant& HelpType);
  • void HelpTool();
  • double InchesToPoints(double Inches);
  • QVariant International(WdInternationalIndex Index);
  • bool IsObjectValid(IDispatch* Object);
  • QString KeyString(int KeyCode, QVariant& KeyCode2 = 0);
  • int Keyboard(int LangId = 0);
  • void KeyboardBidi();
  • void KeyboardLatin();
  • IDispatch* KeysBoundTo(WdKeyCategory KeyCategory, QString Command, QVariant& CommandParameter = 0);
  • double LinesToPoints(double Lines);
  • void ListCommands(bool ListAllCommands);
  • void LoadMasterList(QString FileName);
  • void LookupNameProperties(QString Name);
  • IDispatch* MergeDocuments(IDispatch* OriginalDocument, IDispatch* RevisedDocument, WdCompareDestination Destination = 0, WdGranularity Granularity = 0, bool CompareFormatting = 0, bool CompareCaseChanges = 0, bool CompareWhitespace = 0, bool CompareTables = 0, bool CompareHeaders = 0, bool CompareFootnotes = 0, bool CompareTextboxes = 0, bool CompareFields = 0, bool CompareComments = 0, bool CompareMoves = 0, QString OriginalAuthor = 0, QString RevisedAuthor = 0, WdMergeFormatFrom FormatFrom = 0);
  • double MillimetersToPoints(double Millimeters);
  • int MountVolume(QString Zone, QString Server, QString Volume, QVariant& User = 0, QVariant& UserPassword = 0, QVariant& VolumePassword = 0);
  • void Move(int Left, int Top);
  • IDispatch* NewWindow();
  • void NextLetter();
  • void OnTime(QVariant& When, QString Name, QVariant& Tolerance = 0);
  • void OrganizerCopy(QString Source, QString Destination, QString Name, WdOrganizerObject Object);
  • void OrganizerDelete(QString Source, QString Name, WdOrganizerObject Object);
  • void OrganizerRename(QString Source, QString Name, QString NewName, WdOrganizerObject Object);
  • double PicasToPoints(double Picas);
  • double PixelsToPoints(double Pixels, QVariant& fVertical = 0);
  • double PointsToCentimeters(double Points);
  • double PointsToInches(double Points);
  • double PointsToLines(double Points);
  • double PointsToMillimeters(double Points);
  • double PointsToPicas(double Points);
  • double PointsToPixels(double Points, QVariant& fVertical = 0);
  • void PrintOut(QVariant& Background = 0, QVariant& Append = 0, QVariant& Range = 0, QVariant& OutputFileName = 0, QVariant& From = 0, QVariant& To = 0, QVariant& Item = 0, QVariant& Copies = 0, QVariant& Pages = 0, QVariant& PageType = 0, QVariant& PrintToFile = 0, QVariant& Collate = 0, QVariant& FileName = 0, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX = 0, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomColumn = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomRow = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperWidth = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperHeight = 0);
  • void PrintOut2000(QVariant& Background = 0, QVariant& Append = 0, QVariant& Range = 0, QVariant& OutputFileName = 0, QVariant& From = 0, QVariant& To = 0, QVariant& Item = 0, QVariant& Copies = 0, QVariant& Pages = 0, QVariant& PageType = 0, QVariant& PrintToFile = 0, QVariant& Collate = 0, QVariant& FileName = 0, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX = 0, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomColumn = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomRow = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperWidth = 0, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperHeight = 0);
  • void PrintOutOld(QVariant& Background = 0, QVariant& Append = 0, QVariant& Range = 0, QVariant& OutputFileName = 0, QVariant& From = 0, QVariant& To = 0, QVariant& Item = 0, QVariant& Copies = 0, QVariant& Pages = 0, QVariant& PageType = 0, QVariant& PrintToFile = 0, QVariant& Collate = 0, QVariant& FileName = 0, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX = 0, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint = 0);
  • QString ProductCode();
  • void PutFocusInMailHeader();
  • void Quit(QVariant& SaveChanges = 0, QVariant& OriginalFormat = 0, QVariant& RouteDocument = 0);
  • bool Repeat(QVariant& Times = 0);
  • void ResetIgnoreAll();
  • void Resize(int Width, int Height);
  • QVariant Run(QString MacroName, QVariant& varg1 = 0, QVariant& varg2 = 0, QVariant& varg3 = 0, QVariant& varg4 = 0, QVariant& varg5 = 0, QVariant& varg6 = 0, QVariant& varg7 = 0, QVariant& varg8 = 0, QVariant& varg9 = 0, QVariant& varg10 = 0, QVariant& varg11 = 0, QVariant& varg12 = 0, QVariant& varg13 = 0, QVariant& varg14 = 0, QVariant& varg15 = 0, QVariant& varg16 = 0, QVariant& varg17 = 0, QVariant& varg18 = 0, QVariant& varg19 = 0, QVariant& varg20 = 0, QVariant& varg21 = 0, QVariant& varg22 = 0, QVariant& varg23 = 0, QVariant& varg24 = 0, QVariant& varg25 = 0, QVariant& varg26 = 0, QVariant& varg27 = 0, QVariant& varg28 = 0, QVariant& varg29 = 0, QVariant& varg30 = 0);
  • void RunOld(QString MacroName);
  • void ScreenRefresh();
  • void SendFax();
  • void SetActivePrinter(QString ActivePrinter);
  • void SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity);
  • void SetBrowseExtraFileTypes(QString BrowseExtraFileTypes);
  • void SetCaption(QString Caption);
  • void SetChartDataPointTrack(bool ChartDataPointTrack);
  • void SetCheckLanguage(bool CheckLanguage);
  • void SetCustomizationContext(IDispatch* CustomizationContext);
  • void SetDefaultLegalBlackline(bool DefaultLegalBlackline);
  • void SetDefaultSaveFormat(QString DefaultSaveFormat);
  • void SetDefaultTableSeparator(QString DefaultTableSeparator);
  • void SetDefaultTheme(QString Name, WdDocumentMedium DocumentType);
  • void SetDisplayAlerts(WdAlertLevel DisplayAlerts);
  • void SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips(bool DisplayAutoCompleteTips);
  • void SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel);
  • void SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool DisplayRecentFiles);
  • void SetDisplayScreenTips(bool DisplayScreenTips);
  • void SetDisplayScrollBars(bool DisplayScrollBars);
  • void SetDisplayStatusBar(bool DisplayStatusBar);
  • void SetDontResetInsertionPointProperties(bool DontResetInsertionPointProperties);
  • void SetEmailTemplate(QString EmailTemplate);
  • void SetEnableCancelKey(WdEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey);
  • void SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall);
  • void SetFileValidation(Office::MsoFileValidationMode FileValidation);
  • void SetHeight(int Height);
  • void SetLeft(int Left);
  • void SetOpenAttachmentsInFullScreen(bool OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen);
  • void SetPrintPreview(bool PrintPreview);
  • void SetRestrictLinkedStyles(bool RestrictLinkedStyles);
  • void SetScreenUpdating(bool ScreenUpdating);
  • void SetShowAnimation(bool ShowAnimation);
  • void SetShowStartupDialog(bool ShowStartupDialog);
  • void SetShowStylePreviews(bool ShowStylePreviews);
  • void SetShowVisualBasicEditor(bool ShowVisualBasicEditor);
  • void SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar);
  • void SetStartupPath(QString StartupPath);
  • void SetStatusBar(QString StatusBar);
  • void SetTop(int Top);
  • void SetUserAddress(QString UserAddress);
  • void SetUserInitials(QString UserInitials);
  • void SetUserName(QString UserName);
  • void SetVisible(bool Visible);
  • void SetWidth(int Width);
  • void SetWindowState(WdWindowState WindowState);
  • void ShowClipboard();
  • void ShowMe();
  • void SubstituteFont(QString UnavailableFont, QString SubstituteFont);
  • IDispatch* SynonymInfo(QString Word, QVariant& LanguageID = 0);
  • void ThreeWayMerge(IDispatch* LocalDocument, IDispatch* ServerDocument, IDispatch* BaseDocument, bool FavorSource);
  • void ToggleKeyboard();



Member Type Documentation


  • wdAlertsNone =0
  • wdAlertsMessageBox =-2
  • wdAlertsAll =-1


  • wdLeft =0
  • wdCenter =1
  • wdRight =2


  • wdMargin =0
  • wdIndent =1


  • wdAnimationNone =0
  • wdAnimationLasVegasLights =1
  • wdAnimationBlinkingBackground =2
  • wdAnimationSparkleText =3
  • wdAnimationMarchingBlackAnts =4
  • wdAnimationMarchingRedAnts =5
  • wdAnimationShimmer =6


  • wdSessionStartSet =1
  • wdTemplateSet =2


  • wdNone =0
  • wdInitialAlef =1
  • wdFinalYaa =2
  • wdBoth =3


  • wdNumeralArabic =0
  • wdNumeralHindi =1
  • wdNumeralContext =2
  • wdNumeralSystem =3


  • wdTiled =0
  • wdIcons =1


  • wdAutoFitFixed =0
  • wdAutoFitContent =1
  • wdAutoFitWindow =2


  • wdAutoExec =0
  • wdAutoNew =1
  • wdAutoOpen =2
  • wdAutoClose =3
  • wdAutoExit =4
  • wdAutoSync =5


  • wdAutoVersionOff =0
  • wdAutoVersionOnClose =1


  • wdBaselineAlignTop =0
  • wdBaselineAlignCenter =1
  • wdBaselineAlignBaseline =2
  • wdBaselineAlignFarEast50 =3
  • wdBaselineAlignAuto =4


  • wdSortByName =0
  • wdSortByLocation =1


  • wdBorderDistanceFromText =0
  • wdBorderDistanceFromPageEdge =1


  • wdBorderTop =-1
  • wdBorderLeft =-2
  • wdBorderBottom =-3
  • wdBorderRight =-4
  • wdBorderHorizontal =-5
  • wdBorderVertical =-6
  • wdBorderDiagonalDown =-7
  • wdBorderDiagonalUp =-8


  • emptyenum =0


  • wdSectionBreakNextPage =2
  • wdSectionBreakContinuous =3
  • wdSectionBreakEvenPage =4
  • wdSectionBreakOddPage =5
  • wdLineBreak =6
  • wdPageBreak =7
  • wdColumnBreak =8
  • wdLineBreakClearLeft =9
  • wdLineBreakClearRight =10
  • wdTextWrappingBreak =11


  • wdBrowsePage =1
  • wdBrowseSection =2
  • wdBrowseComment =3
  • wdBrowseFootnote =4
  • wdBrowseEndnote =5
  • wdBrowseField =6
  • wdBrowseTable =7
  • wdBrowseGraphic =8
  • wdBrowseHeading =9
  • wdBrowseEdit =10
  • wdBrowseFind =11
  • wdBrowseGoTo =12


  • wdBrowserLevelV4 =0
  • wdBrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer5 =1
  • wdBrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer6 =2


  • wdTypeQuickParts =1
  • wdTypeCoverPage =2
  • wdTypeEquations =3
  • wdTypeFooters =4
  • wdTypeHeaders =5
  • wdTypePageNumber =6
  • wdTypeTables =7
  • wdTypeWatermarks =8
  • wdTypeAutoText =9
  • wdTypeTextBox =10
  • wdTypePageNumberTop =11
  • wdTypePageNumberBottom =12
  • wdTypePageNumberPage =13
  • wdTypeTableOfContents =14
  • wdTypeCustomQuickParts =15
  • wdTypeCustomCoverPage =16
  • wdTypeCustomEquations =17
  • wdTypeCustomFooters =18
  • wdTypeCustomHeaders =19
  • wdTypeCustomPageNumber =20
  • wdTypeCustomTables =21
  • wdTypeCustomWatermarks =22
  • wdTypeCustomAutoText =23
  • wdTypeCustomTextBox =24
  • wdTypeCustomPageNumberTop =25
  • wdTypeCustomPageNumberBottom =26
  • wdTypeCustomPageNumberPage =27
  • wdTypeCustomTableOfContents =28
  • wdTypeCustom1 =29
  • wdTypeCustom2 =30
  • wdTypeCustom3 =31
  • wdTypeCustom4 =32
  • wdTypeCustom5 =33
  • wdTypeBibliography =34
  • wdTypeCustomBibliography =35


  • wdPropertyTitle =1
  • wdPropertySubject =2
  • wdPropertyAuthor =3
  • wdPropertyKeywords =4
  • wdPropertyComments =5
  • wdPropertyTemplate =6
  • wdPropertyLastAuthor =7
  • wdPropertyRevision =8
  • wdPropertyAppName =9
  • wdPropertyTimeLastPrinted =10
  • wdPropertyTimeCreated =11
  • wdPropertyTimeLastSaved =12
  • wdPropertyVBATotalEdit =13
  • wdPropertyPages =14
  • wdPropertyWords =15
  • wdPropertyCharacters =16
  • wdPropertySecurity =17
  • wdPropertyCategory =18
  • wdPropertyFormat =19
  • wdPropertyManager =20
  • wdPropertyCompany =21
  • wdPropertyBytes =22
  • wdPropertyLines =23
  • wdPropertyParas =24
  • wdPropertySlides =25
  • wdPropertyNotes =26
  • wdPropertyHiddenSlides =27
  • wdPropertyMMClips =28
  • wdPropertyHyperlinkBase =29
  • wdPropertyCharsWSpaces =30


  • wdStyleNormal =-1
  • wdStyleEnvelopeAddress =-37
  • wdStyleEnvelopeReturn =-38
  • wdStyleBodyText =-67
  • wdStyleHeading1 =-2
  • wdStyleHeading2 =-3
  • wdStyleHeading3 =-4
  • wdStyleHeading4 =-5
  • wdStyleHeading5 =-6
  • wdStyleHeading6 =-7
  • wdStyleHeading7 =-8
  • wdStyleHeading8 =-9
  • wdStyleHeading9 =-10
  • wdStyleIndex1 =-11
  • wdStyleIndex2 =-12
  • wdStyleIndex3 =-13
  • wdStyleIndex4 =-14
  • wdStyleIndex5 =-15
  • wdStyleIndex6 =-16
  • wdStyleIndex7 =-17
  • wdStyleIndex8 =-18
  • wdStyleIndex9 =-19
  • wdStyleTOC1 =-20
  • wdStyleTOC2 =-21
  • wdStyleTOC3 =-22
  • wdStyleTOC4 =-23
  • wdStyleTOC5 =-24
  • wdStyleTOC6 =-25
  • wdStyleTOC7 =-26
  • wdStyleTOC8 =-27
  • wdStyleTOC9 =-28
  • wdStyleNormalIndent =-29
  • wdStyleFootnoteText =-30
  • wdStyleCommentText =-31
  • wdStyleHeader =-32
  • wdStyleFooter =-33
  • wdStyleIndexHeading =-34
  • wdStyleCaption =-35
  • wdStyleTableOfFigures =-36
  • wdStyleFootnoteReference =-39
  • wdStyleCommentReference =-40
  • wdStyleLineNumber =-41
  • wdStylePageNumber =-42
  • wdStyleEndnoteReference =-43
  • wdStyleEndnoteText =-44
  • wdStyleTableOfAuthorities =-45
  • wdStyleMacroText =-46
  • wdStyleTOAHeading =-47
  • wdStyleList =-48
  • wdStyleListBullet =-49
  • wdStyleListNumber =-50
  • wdStyleList2 =-51
  • wdStyleList3 =-52
  • wdStyleList4 =-53
  • wdStyleList5 =-54
  • wdStyleListBullet2 =-55
  • wdStyleListBullet3 =-56
  • wdStyleListBullet4 =-57
  • wdStyleListBullet5 =-58
  • wdStyleListNumber2 =-59
  • wdStyleListNumber3 =-60
  • wdStyleListNumber4 =-61
  • wdStyleListNumber5 =-62
  • wdStyleTitle =-63
  • wdStyleClosing =-64
  • wdStyleSignature =-65
  • wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont =-66
  • wdStyleBodyTextIndent =-68
  • wdStyleListContinue =-69
  • wdStyleListContinue2 =-70
  • wdStyleListContinue3 =-71
  • wdStyleListContinue4 =-72
  • wdStyleListContinue5 =-73
  • wdStyleMessageHeader =-74
  • wdStyleSubtitle =-75
  • wdStyleSalutation =-76
  • wdStyleDate =-77
  • wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent =-78
  • wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent2 =-79
  • wdStyleNoteHeading =-80
  • wdStyleBodyText2 =-81
  • wdStyleBodyText3 =-82
  • wdStyleBodyTextIndent2 =-83
  • wdStyleBodyTextIndent3 =-84
  • wdStyleBlockQuotation =-85
  • wdStyleHyperlink =-86
  • wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed =-87
  • wdStyleStrong =-88
  • wdStyleEmphasis =-89
  • wdStyleNavPane =-90
  • wdStylePlainText =-91
  • wdStylehtmlNormal =-95
  • wdStyleHtmlAcronym =-96
  • wdStyleHtmlAddress =-97
  • wdStyleHtmlCite =-98
  • wdStyleHtmlCode =-99
  • wdStyleHtmlDfn =-100
  • wdStyleHtmlKbd =-101
  • wdStyleHtmlPre =-102
  • wdStyleHtmlSamp =-103
  • wdStyleHtmlTt =-104
  • wdStyleHtmlVar =-105
  • wdStyleNormalTable =-106
  • wdStyleNormalObject =-158
  • wdStyleTableLightShading =-159
  • wdStyleTableLightList =-160
  • wdStyleTableLightGrid =-161
  • wdStyleTableMediumShading1 =-162
  • wdStyleTableMediumShading2 =-163
  • wdStyleTableMediumList1 =-164
  • wdStyleTableMediumList2 =-165
  • wdStyleTableMediumGrid1 =-166
  • wdStyleTableMediumGrid2 =-167
  • wdStyleTableMediumGrid3 =-168
  • wdStyleTableDarkList =-169
  • wdStyleTableColorfulShading =-170
  • wdStyleTableColorfulList =-171
  • wdStyleTableColorfulGrid =-172
  • wdStyleTableLightShadingAccent1 =-173
  • wdStyleTableLightListAccent1 =-174
  • wdStyleTableLightGridAccent1 =-175
  • wdStyleTableMediumShading1Accent1 =-176
  • wdStyleTableMediumShading2Accent1 =-177
  • wdStyleTableMediumList1Accent1 =-178
  • wdStyleListParagraph =-180
  • wdStyleQuote =-181
  • wdStyleIntenseQuote =-182
  • wdStyleSubtleEmphasis =-261
  • wdStyleIntenseEmphasis =-262
  • wdStyleSubtleReference =-263
  • wdStyleIntenseReference =-264
  • wdStyleBookTitle =-265
  • wdStyleBibliography =-266
  • wdStyleTocHeading =-267


  • wdCalendarWestern =0
  • wdCalendarArabic =1
  • wdCalendarHebrew =2
  • wdCalendarTaiwan =3
  • wdCalendarJapan =4
  • wdCalendarThai =5
  • wdCalendarKorean =6
  • wdCalendarSakaEra =7
  • wdCalendarTranslitEnglish =8
  • wdCalendarTranslitFrench =9
  • wdCalendarUmalqura =13


  • wdCalendarTypeBidi =99
  • wdCalendarTypeGregorian =100


  • wdCaptionFigure =-1
  • wdCaptionTable =-2
  • wdCaptionEquation =-3


  • wdCaptionNumberStyleArabic =0
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleUppercaseRoman =1
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleLowercaseRoman =2
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleUppercaseLetter =3
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleLowercaseLetter =4
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicFullWidth =14
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleKanji =10
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleKanjiDigit =11
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleKanjiTraditional =16
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleNumberInCircle =18
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleGanada =24
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleChosung =25
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleZodiac1 =30
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleZodiac2 =31
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHanjaRead =41
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHanjaReadDigit =42
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleTradChinNum2 =34
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleTradChinNum3 =35
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleSimpChinNum2 =38
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleSimpChinNum3 =39
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHebrewLetter1 =45
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicLetter1 =46
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHebrewLetter2 =47
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicLetter2 =48
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiLetter1 =49
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiLetter2 =50
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiArabic =51
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiCardinalText =52
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiLetter =53
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiArabic =54
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiCardinalText =55
  • wdCaptionNumberStyleVietCardinalText =56


  • emptyenum5 =0


  • wdCaptionPositionAbove =0
  • wdCaptionPositionBelow =1


  • wdCellColorByAuthor =-1
  • wdCellColorNoHighlight =0
  • wdCellColorPink =1
  • wdCellColorLightBlue =2
  • wdCellColorLightYellow =3
  • wdCellColorLightPurple =4
  • wdCellColorLightOrange =5
  • wdCellColorLightGreen =6
  • wdCellColorLightGray =7


  • wdCellAlignVerticalTop =0
  • wdCellAlignVerticalCenter =1
  • wdCellAlignVerticalBottom =3


  • wdNextCase =-1
  • wdLowerCase =0
  • wdUpperCase =1
  • wdTitleWord =2
  • wdTitleSentence =4
  • wdToggleCase =5
  • wdHalfWidth =6
  • wdFullWidth =7
  • wdKatakana =8
  • wdHiragana =9


  • emptyenum1 =0


  • wdWidthHalfWidth =6
  • wdWidthFullWidth =7


  • wdCheckInMinorVersion =0
  • wdCheckInMajorVersion =1
  • wdCheckInOverwriteVersion =2


  • wdNeverConvert =0
  • wdAlwaysConvert =1
  • wdAskToNotConvert =2
  • wdAskToConvert =3


  • wdCollapseStart =1
  • wdCollapseEnd =0


  • wdColorAutomatic =-16777216
  • wdColorBlack =0
  • wdColorBlue =16711680
  • wdColorTurquoise =16776960
  • wdColorBrightGreen =65280
  • wdColorPink =16711935
  • wdColorRed =255
  • wdColorYellow =65535
  • wdColorWhite =16777215
  • wdColorDarkBlue =8388608
  • wdColorTeal =8421376
  • wdColorGreen =32768
  • wdColorViolet =8388736
  • wdColorDarkRed =128
  • wdColorDarkYellow =32896
  • wdColorBrown =13209
  • wdColorOliveGreen =13107
  • wdColorDarkGreen =13056
  • wdColorDarkTeal =6697728
  • wdColorIndigo =10040115
  • wdColorOrange =26367
  • wdColorBlueGray =10053222
  • wdColorLightOrange =39423
  • wdColorLime =52377
  • wdColorSeaGreen =6723891
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  • xlWhite =16777215
  • xlWhiteSmoke =16119285


  • xlColumns =2
  • xlRows =1


  • xlScaleLinear =-4132
  • xlScaleLogarithmic =-4133


  • xlSeriesColorGradientStyleSequential =0
  • xlSeriesColorGradientStyleDiverging =1


  • xlSeriesNameLevelNone =-3
  • xlSeriesNameLevelCustom =-2
  • xlSeriesNameLevelAll =-1


  • xlSizeIsWidth =2
  • xlSizeIsArea =1


  • xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic =-4105
  • xlTickLabelOrientationDownward =-4170
  • xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal =-4128
  • xlTickLabelOrientationUpward =-4171
  • xlTickLabelOrientationVertical =-4166


  • xlTickLabelPositionHigh =-4127
  • xlTickLabelPositionLow =-4134
  • xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis =4
  • xlTickLabelPositionNone =-4142


  • xlTickMarkCross =4
  • xlTickMarkInside =2
  • xlTickMarkNone =-4142
  • xlTickMarkOutside =3


  • xlDays =0
  • xlMonths =1
  • xlYears =2


  • xlExponential =5
  • xlLinear =-4132
  • xlLogarithmic =-4133
  • xlMovingAvg =6
  • xlPolynomial =3
  • xlPower =4


  • xlUnderlineStyleDouble =-4119
  • xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting =5
  • xlUnderlineStyleNone =-4142
  • xlUnderlineStyleSingle =2
  • xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting =4


  • xlVAlignBottom =-4107
  • xlVAlignCenter =-4108
  • xlVAlignDistributed =-4117
  • xlVAlignJustify =-4130
  • xlVAlignTop =-4160


  • xlValueNone =0
  • xlValueAscending =1
  • xlValueDescending =2

Member Function Documentation

void Activate () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Activate()));

Or call the function directly:


void AddAddress (QStringList& TagID, QStringList& Value) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QStringList&, QStringList&)), object, SLOT(AddAddress(QStringList&, QStringList&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("AddAddress(QStringList&, QStringList&)", params);

void AutomaticChange () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(AutomaticChange()));

Or call the function directly:


int BuildKeyCode (WdKey Arg1, QVariant& Arg2, QVariant& Arg3, QVariant& Arg4) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdKey, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(BuildKeyCode(WdKey, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	int result = object->dynamicCall("BuildKeyCode(WdKey, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params).toInt();

double CentimetersToPoints (double Centimeters) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(CentimetersToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("CentimetersToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

void ChangeFileOpenDirectory (QString Path) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(ChangeFileOpenDirectory(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ChangeFileOpenDirectory(QString)", params);

bool CheckGrammar (QString String) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(CheckGrammar(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	bool result = object->dynamicCall("CheckGrammar(QString)", params).toBool();

bool CheckSpelling (QString Word, QVariant& CustomDictionary, QVariant& IgnoreUppercase, QVariant& MainDictionary, QVariant& CustomDictionary2, QVariant& CustomDictionary3, QVariant& CustomDictionary4, QVariant& CustomDictionary5, QVariant& CustomDictionary6, QVariant& CustomDictionary7, QVariant& CustomDictionary8, QVariant& CustomDictionary9, QVariant& CustomDictionary10) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(CheckSpelling(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	bool result = object->dynamicCall("CheckSpelling(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params).toBool();

QString CleanString (QString String) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(CleanString(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QString result = object->dynamicCall("CleanString(QString)", params).toString();

IDispatch* CompareDocuments (IDispatch* OriginalDocument, IDispatch* RevisedDocument, WdCompareDestination Destination, WdGranularity Granularity, bool CompareFormatting, bool CompareCaseChanges, bool CompareWhitespace, bool CompareTables, bool CompareHeaders, bool CompareFootnotes, bool CompareTextboxes, bool CompareFields, bool CompareComments, bool CompareMoves, QString RevisedAuthor, bool IgnoreAllComparisonWarnings) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, bool)), object, SLOT(CompareDocuments(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("CompareDocuments(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, bool)", params);

void DDEExecute (int Channel, QString Command) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QString)), object, SLOT(DDEExecute(int, QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("DDEExecute(int, QString)", params);

int DDEInitiate (QString App, QString Topic) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString)), object, SLOT(DDEInitiate(QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	int result = object->dynamicCall("DDEInitiate(QString, QString)", params).toInt();

void DDEPoke (int Channel, QString Item, QString Data) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QString, QString)), object, SLOT(DDEPoke(int, QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("DDEPoke(int, QString, QString)", params);

QString DDERequest (int Channel, QString Item) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QString)), object, SLOT(DDERequest(int, QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QString result = object->dynamicCall("DDERequest(int, QString)", params).toString();

void DDETerminate (int Channel) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(DDETerminate(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("DDETerminate(int)", params);

void DDETerminateAll () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(DDETerminateAll()));

Or call the function directly:


IDispatch* DefaultWebOptions () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(DefaultWebOptions()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("DefaultWebOptions()");

void DiscussionSupport (QVariant& Range, QVariant& cid, QVariant& piCSE) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(DiscussionSupport(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("DiscussionSupport(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

bool Dummy2 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy2()));

Or call the function directly:

	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Dummy2()").toBool();

void Dummy4 () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(Dummy4()));

Or call the function directly:


IDispatch* FileDialog (Office::MsoFileDialogType FileDialogType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoFileDialogType)), object, SLOT(FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("FileDialog(Office::MsoFileDialogType)", params);

IDispatch* FindKey (int KeyCode, QVariant& KeyCode2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(FindKey(int, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("FindKey(int, QVariant&)", params);

QString GetAddress (QVariant& Name, QVariant& AddressProperties, QVariant& UseAutoText, QVariant& DisplaySelectDialog, QVariant& SelectDialog, QVariant& CheckNamesDialog, QVariant& RecentAddressesChoice, QVariant& UpdateRecentAddresses) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(GetAddress(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QString result = object->dynamicCall("GetAddress(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params).toString();

QString GetDefaultTheme (WdDocumentMedium DocumentType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdDocumentMedium)), object, SLOT(GetDefaultTheme(WdDocumentMedium)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QString result = object->dynamicCall("GetDefaultTheme(WdDocumentMedium)", params).toString();

IDispatch* GetSpellingSuggestions (QString Word, QVariant& CustomDictionary, QVariant& IgnoreUppercase, QVariant& MainDictionary, QVariant& SuggestionMode, QVariant& CustomDictionary2, QVariant& CustomDictionary3, QVariant& CustomDictionary4, QVariant& CustomDictionary5, QVariant& CustomDictionary6, QVariant& CustomDictionary7, QVariant& CustomDictionary8, QVariant& CustomDictionary9, QVariant& CustomDictionary10) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(GetSpellingSuggestions(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("GetSpellingSuggestions(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

void GoBack () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoBack()));

Or call the function directly:


void GoForward () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(GoForward()));

Or call the function directly:


void Help (QVariant& HelpType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Help(QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Help(QVariant&)", params);

void HelpTool () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(HelpTool()));

Or call the function directly:


double InchesToPoints (double Inches) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(InchesToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("InchesToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

QVariant International (WdInternationalIndex Index) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdInternationalIndex)), object, SLOT(International(WdInternationalIndex)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("International(WdInternationalIndex)", params);

bool IsObjectValid (IDispatch* Object) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*)), object, SLOT(IsObjectValid(IDispatch*)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	bool result = object->dynamicCall("IsObjectValid(IDispatch*)", params).toBool();

QString KeyString (int KeyCode, QVariant& KeyCode2) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(KeyString(int, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QString result = object->dynamicCall("KeyString(int, QVariant&)", params).toString();

int Keyboard (int LangId) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(Keyboard(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	int result = object->dynamicCall("Keyboard(int)", params).toInt();

void KeyboardBidi () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(KeyboardBidi()));

Or call the function directly:


void KeyboardLatin () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(KeyboardLatin()));

Or call the function directly:


IDispatch* KeysBoundTo (WdKeyCategory KeyCategory, QString Command, QVariant& CommandParameter) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdKeyCategory, QString, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(KeysBoundTo(WdKeyCategory, QString, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("KeysBoundTo(WdKeyCategory, QString, QVariant&)", params);

double LinesToPoints (double Lines) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(LinesToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("LinesToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

void ListCommands (bool ListAllCommands) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(ListCommands(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ListCommands(bool)", params);

void LoadMasterList (QString FileName) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(LoadMasterList(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("LoadMasterList(QString)", params);

void LookupNameProperties (QString Name) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(LookupNameProperties(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("LookupNameProperties(QString)", params);

IDispatch* MergeDocuments (IDispatch* OriginalDocument, IDispatch* RevisedDocument, WdCompareDestination Destination, WdGranularity Granularity, bool CompareFormatting, bool CompareCaseChanges, bool CompareWhitespace, bool CompareTables, bool CompareHeaders, bool CompareFootnotes, bool CompareTextboxes, bool CompareFields, bool CompareComments, bool CompareMoves, QString OriginalAuthor, QString RevisedAuthor, WdMergeFormatFrom FormatFrom) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, QString, WdMergeFormatFrom)), object, SLOT(MergeDocuments(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, QString, WdMergeFormatFrom)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("MergeDocuments(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, WdCompareDestination, WdGranularity, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, QString, QString, WdMergeFormatFrom)", params);

double MillimetersToPoints (double Millimeters) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(MillimetersToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("MillimetersToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

int MountVolume (QString Zone, QString Server, QString Volume, QVariant& User, QVariant& UserPassword, QVariant& VolumePassword) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString, QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(MountVolume(QString, QString, QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	int result = object->dynamicCall("MountVolume(QString, QString, QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params).toInt();

void Move (int Left, int Top) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, int)), object, SLOT(Move(int, int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Move(int, int)", params);

IDispatch* NewWindow () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(NewWindow()));

Or call the function directly:

	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("NewWindow()");

void NextLetter () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(NextLetter()));

Or call the function directly:


void OnTime (QVariant& When, QString Name, QVariant& Tolerance) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QString, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(OnTime(QVariant&, QString, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("OnTime(QVariant&, QString, QVariant&)", params);

void OrganizerCopy (QString Source, QString Destination, QString Name, WdOrganizerObject Object) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)), object, SLOT(OrganizerCopy(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("OrganizerCopy(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)", params);

void OrganizerDelete (QString Source, QString Name, WdOrganizerObject Object) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)), object, SLOT(OrganizerDelete(QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("OrganizerDelete(QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)", params);

void OrganizerRename (QString Source, QString Name, QString NewName, WdOrganizerObject Object) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)), object, SLOT(OrganizerRename(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("OrganizerRename(QString, QString, QString, WdOrganizerObject)", params);

double PicasToPoints (double Picas) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PicasToPoints(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PicasToPoints(double)", params).toDouble();

double PixelsToPoints (double Pixels, QVariant& fVertical) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(PixelsToPoints(double, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PixelsToPoints(double, QVariant&)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToCentimeters (double Points) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PointsToCentimeters(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToCentimeters(double)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToInches (double Points) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PointsToInches(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToInches(double)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToLines (double Points) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PointsToLines(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToLines(double)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToMillimeters (double Points) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PointsToMillimeters(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToMillimeters(double)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToPicas (double Points) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double)), object, SLOT(PointsToPicas(double)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToPicas(double)", params).toDouble();

double PointsToPixels (double Points, QVariant& fVertical) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(double, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(PointsToPixels(double, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	double result = object->dynamicCall("PointsToPixels(double, QVariant&)", params).toDouble();

void PrintOut (QVariant& Background, QVariant& Append, QVariant& Range, QVariant& OutputFileName, QVariant& From, QVariant& To, QVariant& Item, QVariant& Copies, QVariant& Pages, QVariant& PageType, QVariant& PrintToFile, QVariant& Collate, QVariant& FileName, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint, QVariant& PrintZoomColumn, QVariant& PrintZoomRow, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperWidth, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperHeight) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(PrintOut(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("PrintOut(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

void PrintOut2000 (QVariant& Background, QVariant& Append, QVariant& Range, QVariant& OutputFileName, QVariant& From, QVariant& To, QVariant& Item, QVariant& Copies, QVariant& Pages, QVariant& PageType, QVariant& PrintToFile, QVariant& Collate, QVariant& FileName, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint, QVariant& PrintZoomColumn, QVariant& PrintZoomRow, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperWidth, QVariant& PrintZoomPaperHeight) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(PrintOut2000(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("PrintOut2000(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

void PrintOutOld (QVariant& Background, QVariant& Append, QVariant& Range, QVariant& OutputFileName, QVariant& From, QVariant& To, QVariant& Item, QVariant& Copies, QVariant& Pages, QVariant& PageType, QVariant& PrintToFile, QVariant& Collate, QVariant& FileName, QVariant& ActivePrinterMacGX, QVariant& ManualDuplexPrint) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(PrintOutOld(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("PrintOutOld(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

QString ProductCode () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ProductCode()));

Or call the function directly:

	QString result = object->dynamicCall("ProductCode()").toString();

void PutFocusInMailHeader () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(PutFocusInMailHeader()));

Or call the function directly:


void Quit (QVariant& SaveChanges, QVariant& OriginalFormat, QVariant& RouteDocument) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Quit(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Quit(QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

bool Repeat (QVariant& Times) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Repeat(QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	bool result = object->dynamicCall("Repeat(QVariant&)", params).toBool();

void ResetIgnoreAll () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ResetIgnoreAll()));

Or call the function directly:


void Resize (int Width, int Height) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int, int)), object, SLOT(Resize(int, int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("Resize(int, int)", params);

QVariant Run (QString MacroName, QVariant& varg1, QVariant& varg2, QVariant& varg3, QVariant& varg4, QVariant& varg5, QVariant& varg6, QVariant& varg7, QVariant& varg8, QVariant& varg9, QVariant& varg10, QVariant& varg11, QVariant& varg12, QVariant& varg13, QVariant& varg14, QVariant& varg15, QVariant& varg16, QVariant& varg17, QVariant& varg18, QVariant& varg19, QVariant& varg20, QVariant& varg21, QVariant& varg22, QVariant& varg23, QVariant& varg24, QVariant& varg25, QVariant& varg26, QVariant& varg27, QVariant& varg28, QVariant& varg29, QVariant& varg30) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(Run(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QVariant result = object->dynamicCall("Run(QString, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&, QVariant&)", params);

void RunOld (QString MacroName) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(RunOld(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("RunOld(QString)", params);

void ScreenRefresh () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ScreenRefresh()));

Or call the function directly:


void SendFax () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(SendFax()));

Or call the function directly:


void SetActivePrinter (QString ActivePrinter) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetActivePrinter(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetActivePrinter(QString)", params);

void SetAutomationSecurity (Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)), object, SLOT(SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetAutomationSecurity(Office::MsoAutomationSecurity)", params);

void SetBrowseExtraFileTypes (QString BrowseExtraFileTypes) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetBrowseExtraFileTypes(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetBrowseExtraFileTypes(QString)", params);

void SetCaption (QString Caption) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetCaption(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetCaption(QString)", params);

void SetChartDataPointTrack (bool ChartDataPointTrack) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetChartDataPointTrack(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetChartDataPointTrack(bool)", params);

void SetCheckLanguage (bool CheckLanguage) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetCheckLanguage(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetCheckLanguage(bool)", params);

void SetCustomizationContext (IDispatch* CustomizationContext) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*)), object, SLOT(SetCustomizationContext(IDispatch*)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetCustomizationContext(IDispatch*)", params);

void SetDefaultLegalBlackline (bool DefaultLegalBlackline) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultLegalBlackline(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultLegalBlackline(bool)", params);

void SetDefaultSaveFormat (QString DefaultSaveFormat) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultSaveFormat(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultSaveFormat(QString)", params);

void SetDefaultTableSeparator (QString DefaultTableSeparator) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultTableSeparator(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultTableSeparator(QString)", params);

void SetDefaultTheme (QString Name, WdDocumentMedium DocumentType) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, WdDocumentMedium)), object, SLOT(SetDefaultTheme(QString, WdDocumentMedium)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDefaultTheme(QString, WdDocumentMedium)", params);

void SetDisplayAlerts (WdAlertLevel DisplayAlerts) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdAlertLevel)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayAlerts(WdAlertLevel)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayAlerts(WdAlertLevel)", params);

void SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips (bool DisplayAutoCompleteTips) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel (bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayRecentFiles (bool DisplayRecentFiles) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayRecentFiles(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayScreenTips (bool DisplayScreenTips) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayScreenTips(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayScreenTips(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayScrollBars (bool DisplayScrollBars) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayScrollBars(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayScrollBars(bool)", params);

void SetDisplayStatusBar (bool DisplayStatusBar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDisplayStatusBar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDisplayStatusBar(bool)", params);

void SetDontResetInsertionPointProperties (bool DontResetInsertionPointProperties) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetDontResetInsertionPointProperties(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetDontResetInsertionPointProperties(bool)", params);

void SetEmailTemplate (QString EmailTemplate) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetEmailTemplate(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetEmailTemplate(QString)", params);

void SetEnableCancelKey (WdEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdEnableCancelKey)), object, SLOT(SetEnableCancelKey(WdEnableCancelKey)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetEnableCancelKey(WdEnableCancelKey)", params);

void SetFeatureInstall (Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)), object, SLOT(SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetFeatureInstall(Office::MsoFeatureInstall)", params);

void SetFileValidation (Office::MsoFileValidationMode FileValidation) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(Office::MsoFileValidationMode)), object, SLOT(SetFileValidation(Office::MsoFileValidationMode)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetFileValidation(Office::MsoFileValidationMode)", params);

void SetHeight (int Height) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetHeight(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetHeight(int)", params);

void SetLeft (int Left) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetLeft(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetLeft(int)", params);

void SetOpenAttachmentsInFullScreen (bool OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetOpenAttachmentsInFullScreen(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetOpenAttachmentsInFullScreen(bool)", params);

void SetPrintPreview (bool PrintPreview) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetPrintPreview(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetPrintPreview(bool)", params);

void SetRestrictLinkedStyles (bool RestrictLinkedStyles) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetRestrictLinkedStyles(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetRestrictLinkedStyles(bool)", params);

void SetScreenUpdating (bool ScreenUpdating) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetScreenUpdating(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetScreenUpdating(bool)", params);

void SetShowAnimation (bool ShowAnimation) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowAnimation(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetShowAnimation(bool)", params);

void SetShowStartupDialog (bool ShowStartupDialog) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowStartupDialog(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetShowStartupDialog(bool)", params);

void SetShowStylePreviews (bool ShowStylePreviews) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowStylePreviews(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetShowStylePreviews(bool)", params);

void SetShowVisualBasicEditor (bool ShowVisualBasicEditor) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowVisualBasicEditor(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetShowVisualBasicEditor(bool)", params);

void SetShowWindowsInTaskbar (bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetShowWindowsInTaskbar(bool)", params);

void SetStartupPath (QString StartupPath) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetStartupPath(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetStartupPath(QString)", params);

void SetStatusBar (QString StatusBar) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetStatusBar(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetStatusBar(QString)", params);

void SetTop (int Top) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetTop(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetTop(int)", params);

void SetUserAddress (QString UserAddress) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetUserAddress(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetUserAddress(QString)", params);

void SetUserInitials (QString UserInitials) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetUserInitials(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetUserInitials(QString)", params);

void SetUserName (QString UserName) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString)), object, SLOT(SetUserName(QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetUserName(QString)", params);

void SetVisible (bool Visible) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(bool)), object, SLOT(SetVisible(bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetVisible(bool)", params);

void SetWidth (int Width) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(int)), object, SLOT(SetWidth(int)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetWidth(int)", params);

void SetWindowState (WdWindowState WindowState) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(WdWindowState)), object, SLOT(SetWindowState(WdWindowState)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SetWindowState(WdWindowState)", params);

void ShowClipboard () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ShowClipboard()));

Or call the function directly:


void ShowMe () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ShowMe()));

Or call the function directly:


void SubstituteFont (QString UnavailableFont, QString SubstituteFont) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QString)), object, SLOT(SubstituteFont(QString, QString)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("SubstituteFont(QString, QString)", params);

IDispatch* SynonymInfo (QString Word, QVariant& LanguageID) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(QString, QVariant&)), object, SLOT(SynonymInfo(QString, QVariant&)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	QAxObject * result = object->querySubObject("SynonymInfo(QString, QVariant&)", params);

void ThreeWayMerge (IDispatch* LocalDocument, IDispatch* ServerDocument, IDispatch* BaseDocument, bool FavorSource) [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool)), object, SLOT(ThreeWayMerge(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool)));

Or call the function directly:

	QVariantList params = ...
	object->dynamicCall("ThreeWayMerge(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, IDispatch*, bool)", params);

void ToggleKeyboard () [slot]

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Connect a signal to this slot:

	QObject::connect(sender, SIGNAL(someSignal()), object, SLOT(ToggleKeyboard()));

Or call the function directly:


void AddRef () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(AddRef()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void DocumentBeforeClose (IDispatch* Doc, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentBeforeClose(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void DocumentBeforePrint (IDispatch* Doc, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentBeforePrint(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void DocumentBeforeSave (IDispatch* Doc, bool& SaveAsUI, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentBeforeSave(IDispatch*, bool&, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&, bool&)));

void DocumentChange () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentChange()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void DocumentOpen (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentOpen(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void DocumentSync (IDispatch* Doc, Office::MsoSyncEventType SyncEventType) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(DocumentSync(IDispatch*, Office::MsoSyncEventType)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, Office::MsoSyncEventType)));

void EPostageInsert (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(EPostageInsert(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void EPostageInsertEx (IDispatch* Doc, int cpDeliveryAddrStart, int cpDeliveryAddrEnd, int cpReturnAddrStart, int cpReturnAddrEnd, int xaWidth, int yaHeight, QString bstrPrinterName, QString bstrPaperFeed, bool fPrint, bool& fCancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(EPostageInsertEx(IDispatch*, int, int, int, int, int, int, QString, QString, bool, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, int, int, int, int, int, int, QString, QString, bool, bool&)));

void EPostagePropertyDialog (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(EPostagePropertyDialog(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void GetIDsOfNames (GUID* riid, int** rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, int& rgdispid) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetIDsOfNames(GUID*, int**, uint, uint, int&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(GUID*, int**, uint, uint, int&)));

void GetTypeInfo (uint itinfo, uint lcid, void** pptinfo) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetTypeInfo(uint, uint, void**)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(uint, uint, void**)));

void GetTypeInfoCount (uint& pctinfo) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(GetTypeInfoCount(uint&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(uint&)));

void Invoke (int dispidMember, GUID* riid, uint lcid, uint wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, QVariant& pvarResult, EXCEPINFO*& pexcepinfo, uint& puArgErr) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Invoke(int, GUID*, uint, uint, DISPPARAMS*, QVariant&, EXCEPINFO*&, uint&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, GUID*, uint, uint, DISPPARAMS*, QVariant&, EXCEPINFO*&, uint&)));

void MailMergeAfterMerge (IDispatch* Doc, IDispatch* DocResult) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeAfterMerge(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void MailMergeAfterRecordMerge (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeAfterRecordMerge(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void MailMergeBeforeMerge (IDispatch* Doc, int StartRecord, int EndRecord, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeBeforeMerge(IDispatch*, int, int, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, int, int, bool&)));

void MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge (IDispatch* Doc, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void MailMergeDataSourceLoad (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeDataSourceLoad(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void MailMergeDataSourceValidate (IDispatch* Doc, bool& Handled) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeDataSourceValidate(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void MailMergeDataSourceValidate2 (IDispatch* Doc, bool& Handled) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeDataSourceValidate2(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void MailMergeWizardSendToCustom (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeWizardSendToCustom(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void MailMergeWizardStateChange (IDispatch* Doc, int& FromState, int& ToState, bool& Handled) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(MailMergeWizardStateChange(IDispatch*, int&, int&, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, int&, int&, bool&)));

void NewDocument (IDispatch* Doc) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(NewDocument(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void ProtectedViewWindowActivate (IDispatch* PvWindow) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowActivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void ProtectedViewWindowBeforeClose (IDispatch* PvWindow, int CloseReason, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowBeforeClose(IDispatch*, int, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, int, bool&)));

void ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEdit (IDispatch* PvWindow, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEdit(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void ProtectedViewWindowDeactivate (IDispatch* PvWindow) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowDeactivate(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void ProtectedViewWindowOpen (IDispatch* PvWindow) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowOpen(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void ProtectedViewWindowSize (IDispatch* PvWindow) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(ProtectedViewWindowSize(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void QueryInterface (GUID* riid, void** ppvObj) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(QueryInterface(GUID*, void**)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(GUID*, void**)));

void Quit () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Quit()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void Release () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Release()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void Startup () [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(Startup()), receiver, SLOT(someSlot()));

void WindowActivate (IDispatch* Doc, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowActivate(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WindowBeforeDoubleClick (IDispatch* Sel, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowBeforeDoubleClick(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void WindowBeforeRightClick (IDispatch* Sel, bool& Cancel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowBeforeRightClick(IDispatch*, bool&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, bool&)));

void WindowDeactivate (IDispatch* Doc, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowDeactivate(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void WindowSelectionChange (IDispatch* Sel) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSelectionChange(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void WindowSize (IDispatch* Doc, IDispatch* Wn) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(WindowSize(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*)));

void XMLSelectionChange (IDispatch* Sel, IDispatch* OldXMLNode, IDispatch* NewXMLNode, int& Reason) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(XMLSelectionChange(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, IDispatch*, int&)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*, IDispatch*, IDispatch*, int&)));

void XMLValidationError (IDispatch* XMLNode) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(XMLValidationError(IDispatch*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(IDispatch*)));

void exception (int code, QString source, QString disc, QString help) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(exception(int, QString, QString, QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(int, QString, QString, QString)));

void propertyChanged (QString name) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(propertyChanged(QString)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString)));

void signal (QString name, int argc, void* argv) [signal]

Connect a slot to this signal:

	QObject::connect(object, SIGNAL(signal(QString, int, void*)), receiver, SLOT(someSlot(QString, int, void*)));

Property Documentation

QString objectName

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("objectName").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("objectName", newValue);
Or using the setObjectName slot.

IDispatch* ActiveDocument

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveDocument").toIDispatch*();

int ActiveEncryptionSession

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("ActiveEncryptionSession").toInt();

QString ActivePrinter

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("ActivePrinter").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ActivePrinter", newValue);
Or using the SetActivePrinter slot.

IDispatch* ActiveProtectedViewWindow

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveProtectedViewWindow").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* ActiveWindow

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("ActiveWindow").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AddIns

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("AddIns").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AnswerWizard

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("AnswerWizard").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Application

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Application").toIDispatch*();

bool ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ArbitraryXMLSupportAvailable").toBool();

IDispatch* Assistance

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Assistance").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Assistant

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Assistant").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AutoCaptions

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("AutoCaptions").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AutoCorrect

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("AutoCorrect").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* AutoCorrectEmail

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("AutoCorrectEmail").toIDispatch*();

Office::MsoAutomationSecurity AutomationSecurity

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type. Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:

	Office::MsoAutomationSecurity newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("AutomationSecurity", newValue);
Or using the SetAutomationSecurity slot.

int BackgroundPrintingStatus

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("BackgroundPrintingStatus").toInt();

int BackgroundSavingStatus

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("BackgroundSavingStatus").toInt();

IDispatch* Bibliography

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Bibliography").toIDispatch*();

QString BrowseExtraFileTypes

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("BrowseExtraFileTypes").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("BrowseExtraFileTypes", newValue);
Or using the SetBrowseExtraFileTypes slot.

IDispatch* Browser

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Browser").toIDispatch*();

QString Build

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Build").toString();

QString BuildFeatureCrew

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("BuildFeatureCrew").toString();

QString BuildFull

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("BuildFull").toString();

IDispatch* COMAddIns

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("COMAddIns").toIDispatch*();

bool CapsLock

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("CapsLock").toBool();

QString Caption

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Caption").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Caption", newValue);
Or using the SetCaption slot.

IDispatch* CaptionLabels

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("CaptionLabels").toIDispatch*();

bool ChartDataPointTrack

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ChartDataPointTrack").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ChartDataPointTrack", newValue);
Or using the SetChartDataPointTrack slot.

bool CheckLanguage

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("CheckLanguage").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("CheckLanguage", newValue);
Or using the SetCheckLanguage slot.

IDispatch* CommandBars

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("CommandBars").toIDispatch*();

int Creator

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Creator").toInt();

IDispatch* CustomDictionaries

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("CustomDictionaries").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* CustomizationContext

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("CustomizationContext").toIDispatch*();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	IDispatch* newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("CustomizationContext", newValue);
Or using the SetCustomizationContext slot.

bool DefaultLegalBlackline

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DefaultLegalBlackline").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DefaultLegalBlackline", newValue);
Or using the SetDefaultLegalBlackline slot.

QString DefaultSaveFormat

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("DefaultSaveFormat").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DefaultSaveFormat", newValue);
Or using the SetDefaultSaveFormat slot.

QString DefaultTableSeparator

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("DefaultTableSeparator").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DefaultTableSeparator", newValue);
Or using the SetDefaultTableSeparator slot.

IDispatch* Dialogs

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Dialogs").toIDispatch*();

WdAlertLevel DisplayAlerts

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("DisplayAlerts").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
	object->setProperty("DisplayAlerts", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayAlerts slot.

See also WdAlertLevel.

bool DisplayAutoCompleteTips

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayAutoCompleteTips").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayAutoCompleteTips", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayAutoCompleteTips slot.

bool DisplayDocumentInformationPanel

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayDocumentInformationPanel").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayDocumentInformationPanel", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayDocumentInformationPanel slot.

bool DisplayRecentFiles

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayRecentFiles").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayRecentFiles", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayRecentFiles slot.

bool DisplayScreenTips

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayScreenTips").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayScreenTips", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayScreenTips slot.

bool DisplayScrollBars

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayScrollBars").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayScrollBars", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayScrollBars slot.

bool DisplayStatusBar

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DisplayStatusBar").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DisplayStatusBar", newValue);
Or using the SetDisplayStatusBar slot.

IDispatch* Documents

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Documents").toIDispatch*();

bool DontResetInsertionPointProperties

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("DontResetInsertionPointProperties").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("DontResetInsertionPointProperties", newValue);
Or using the SetDontResetInsertionPointProperties slot.

bool Dummy1

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Dummy1").toBool();

IDispatch* EmailOptions

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("EmailOptions").toIDispatch*();

QString EmailTemplate

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("EmailTemplate").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("EmailTemplate", newValue);
Or using the SetEmailTemplate slot.

WdEnableCancelKey EnableCancelKey

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("EnableCancelKey").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
	object->setProperty("EnableCancelKey", newValue);
Or using the SetEnableCancelKey slot.

See also WdEnableCancelKey.

Office::MsoFeatureInstall FeatureInstall

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type. Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:

	Office::MsoFeatureInstall newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("FeatureInstall", newValue);
Or using the SetFeatureInstall slot.

IDispatch* FileConverters

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("FileConverters").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* FileSearch

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("FileSearch").toIDispatch*();

Office::MsoFileValidationMode FileValidation

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type. Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:

	Office::MsoFileValidationMode newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("FileValidation", newValue);
Or using the SetFileValidation slot.

bool FocusInMailHeader

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("FocusInMailHeader").toBool();

IDispatch* FontNames

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("FontNames").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* HangulHanjaDictionaries

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("HangulHanjaDictionaries").toIDispatch*();

int Height

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Height").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Height", newValue);
Or using the SetHeight slot.

bool IsSandboxed

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("IsSandboxed").toBool();

IDispatch* KeyBindings

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("KeyBindings").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* LandscapeFontNames

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("LandscapeFontNames").toIDispatch*();

Office::MsoLanguageID Language

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

This property is of an unsupported type.

IDispatch* LanguageSettings

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("LanguageSettings").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Languages

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Languages").toIDispatch*();

int Left

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Left").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Left", newValue);
Or using the SetLeft slot.

IDispatch* ListGalleries

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("ListGalleries").toIDispatch*();

bool MAPIAvailable

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("MAPIAvailable").toBool();

IDispatch* MacroContainer

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("MacroContainer").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* MailMessage

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("MailMessage").toIDispatch*();

WdMailSystem MailSystem

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("MailSystem").toInt();

See also WdMailSystem.

IDispatch* MailingLabel

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("MailingLabel").toIDispatch*();

bool MathCoprocessorAvailable

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("MathCoprocessorAvailable").toBool();

bool MouseAvailable

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("MouseAvailable").toBool();

QString Name

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Name").toString();

IDispatch* NewDocument

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("NewDocument").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* NormalTemplate

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("NormalTemplate").toIDispatch*();

bool NumLock

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("NumLock").toBool();

IDispatch* OMathAutoCorrect

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("OMathAutoCorrect").toIDispatch*();

bool OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("OpenAttachmentsInFullScreen", newValue);
Or using the SetOpenAttachmentsInFullScreen slot.

IDispatch* Options

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Options").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Parent

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Parent").toIDispatch*();

QString Path

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Path").toString();

QString PathSeparator

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("PathSeparator").toString();

IDispatch* PickerDialog

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("PickerDialog").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* PortraitFontNames

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("PortraitFontNames").toIDispatch*();

bool PrintPreview

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("PrintPreview").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("PrintPreview", newValue);
Or using the SetPrintPreview slot.

IDispatch* ProtectedViewWindows

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("ProtectedViewWindows").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* RecentFiles

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("RecentFiles").toIDispatch*();

bool RestrictLinkedStyles

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("RestrictLinkedStyles").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("RestrictLinkedStyles", newValue);
Or using the SetRestrictLinkedStyles slot.

bool ScreenUpdating

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ScreenUpdating").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ScreenUpdating", newValue);
Or using the SetScreenUpdating slot.

IDispatch* Selection

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Selection").toIDispatch*();

bool ShowAnimation

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ShowAnimation").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ShowAnimation", newValue);
Or using the SetShowAnimation slot.

bool ShowStartupDialog

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ShowStartupDialog").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ShowStartupDialog", newValue);
Or using the SetShowStartupDialog slot.

bool ShowStylePreviews

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ShowStylePreviews").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ShowStylePreviews", newValue);
Or using the SetShowStylePreviews slot.

bool ShowVisualBasicEditor

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ShowVisualBasicEditor").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ShowVisualBasicEditor", newValue);
Or using the SetShowVisualBasicEditor slot.

bool ShowWindowsInTaskbar

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("ShowWindowsInTaskbar").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("ShowWindowsInTaskbar", newValue);
Or using the SetShowWindowsInTaskbar slot.

IDispatch* SmartArtColors

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartArtColors").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* SmartArtLayouts

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartArtLayouts").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* SmartArtQuickStyles

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartArtQuickStyles").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* SmartTagRecognizers

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartTagRecognizers").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* SmartTagTypes

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("SmartTagTypes").toIDispatch*();

bool SpecialMode

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("SpecialMode").toBool();

QString StartupPath

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("StartupPath").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("StartupPath", newValue);
Or using the SetStartupPath slot.

QString StatusBar

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("StatusBar").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("StatusBar", newValue);
Or using the SetStatusBar slot.

IDispatch* System

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("System").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* TaskPanes

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("TaskPanes").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Tasks

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Tasks").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* Templates

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Templates").toIDispatch*();

int Top

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Top").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Top", newValue);
Or using the SetTop slot.

IDispatch* UndoRecord

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("UndoRecord").toIDispatch*();

int UsableHeight

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("UsableHeight").toInt();

int UsableWidth

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("UsableWidth").toInt();

QString UserAddress

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("UserAddress").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("UserAddress", newValue);
Or using the SetUserAddress slot.

bool UserControl

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("UserControl").toBool();

QString UserInitials

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("UserInitials").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("UserInitials", newValue);
Or using the SetUserInitials slot.

QString UserName

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("UserName").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("UserName", newValue);
Or using the SetUserName slot.

IDispatch* VBE

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("VBE").toIDispatch*();

QString Version

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("Version").toString();

bool Visible

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	bool val = object->property("Visible").toBool();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	bool newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Visible", newValue);
Or using the SetVisible slot.

int Width

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("Width").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("Width", newValue);
Or using the SetWidth slot.

WdWindowState WindowState

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	int val = object->property("WindowState").toInt();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	int newValue = ... // string representation of values also supported
	object->setProperty("WindowState", newValue);
Or using the SetWindowState slot.

See also WdWindowState.

IDispatch* Windows

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("Windows").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* WordBasic

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("WordBasic").toIDispatch*();

IDispatch* XMLNamespaces

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	IDispatch* val = object->property("XMLNamespaces").toIDispatch*();

QString control

For more information, see help context 158334979 in C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16VBAWD10.CHM.

Read this property‘s value using QObject::property:

	QString val = object->property("control").toString();
Set this property‘ value using QObject::setProperty:
	QString newValue = ...
	object->setProperty("control", newValue);
Or using the setControl slot.

以上是关于Microsoft Word Application Reference Qt 操作word 的操作文档的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章

C# Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word怎么获取页数和字数?

Microsoft Interops Word 将注释插入表格单元格崩溃 Word

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访问 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll?

使用Python将Microsoft Word文档转换为PDF

Microsoft Word Application Reference Qt 操作word 的操作文档