Dapper 灏佽02-缁勮SQL
篇首语:本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了Dapper 灏佽02-缁勮SQL相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
鏍囩锛?a href='http://www.mamicode.com/so/1/%e8%bd%ac%e4%b9%89' title='杞箟'>杞箟
inf 鎿嶄綔 sed com open return 鎵ц one鍦?SQLSERVER 閲岋紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄦ墽琛屽懡浠ょ殑鏃跺€欐垜浠槸鍙互杩涜鍙傛暟鍖栦紶閫掔殑銆傝繖涓ソ澶勪富瑕佸彲浠ラ槻姝?strong>娉ㄥ叆銆?/strong>
public class DataParameter { public DataParameter() { } public DataParameter(string name,object value) { this.Name = name; this.Value = value; } public string Name { get; set; } public object Value { get; set; } }
鎴戜滑姝e父鍐欎竴涓?Where 璇彞锛屾瘮濡?nbsp;WHERE Age=23 and name like 鈥?delaywu%鈥?/strong> 銆備粠杩欏彞璇濅腑鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾涓€涓獁here 琛ㄨ揪寮?鏄敱 琛ㄥ瓧娈靛悕 + 鎿嶄綔绗﹀彿 + 鍊?nbsp; 缁勬垚鐨勫熀鏈搷浣溿€?/p>
鎵€浠ユ垜浠垱寤轰竴涓柟娉曟潵鏋勫缓杩欐牱鐨凷QL 涓婇潰鐨勪唬鐮併€傛垜涓昏璇翠竴涓?Like 鐩稿叧鐨勩€傛暟鎹簱閲岄潰鎴戜滑缁忓父浣跨敤 []鏉ヨ浆涔夌壒娈婄殑鍗曡瘝銆俵ike 涓?鎴戜滑鏄杞箟鐨勶紝鍏舵_涔熻鐨勩€?/p>
娴嬭瘯涓€涓嬶細 private static WhereClip BuildWhereChip(string propertyName, object value, QueryOper op, string paramName=null)
if(op !=QueryOper.IsNull && op!=QueryOper.IsNotNull && (value==null || value==DBNull.Value))
return null;
WhereClip where = new WhereClip();
StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder($"{propertyName}{SqlQueryUtils.ToString(op)}");
if (value !=null && value !=DBNull.Value)
if(paramName ==null)
paramName = SqlQueryUtils.GetParmName(propertyName);
where.Parameters.Add(new DataParameter(paramName, value));
where.WhereSql = sbSql.ToString();
return where;
public static string GetParmName(string propertyName)
string paramName = propertyName.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
int lstIdx = paramName.LastIndexOf(鈥?/span>.鈥?/span>);
paramName = paramName.Substring(lstIdx + 1).Trim();
return string.Empty;
return paramName;
GetParmName 杩欎釜鏂规硶涓昏鏄?鍙兘鍦ㄥ啓澶氳〃鏌ヨ鐨勬椂鍊欏嚭鐜?a.Name b.age 杩欑被鐨勬儏鍐点€傝幏寰楀叾鐪熷疄鐨?瀛楁鍚嶇О銆備互鍙奫 ] 杩欎釜淇℃伅鐨勫鐞嗐€?br />鏈変簡鍩虹鐨勬瀯寤烘柟娉曘€傛垜浠彲浠ユ妸鐩稿叧鎿嶇殑绗︾殑 WHERE 閮藉彲浠ョ敓鎴愬嚭鏉ヤ簡銆?/pre>
public static WhereClip Eq(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Eq, paramName);
public static WhereClip NotEq(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.NotEq, paramName);
public static WhereClip IsNull(string propertyName)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, null, QueryOper.IsNull, null);
public static WhereClip IsNotNull(string propertyName)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, null, QueryOper.IsNotNull, null);
public static WhereClip StartWith(string propertyName, string value, string paramName = null)
return Like(propertyName, value.Replace("%", "[%]").Replace("_", "[_]") + 鈥?/span>%鈥?/span>, paramName);
public static WhereClip EndsWith(string propertyName, string value, string paramName = null)
return Like(propertyName, 鈥?/span>%鈥?/span> + value.Replace("%", "[%]").Replace("_", "[_]"), paramName);
public static WhereClip Gt(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Gt, paramName);
public static WhereClip Lt(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Lt, paramName);
public static WhereClip Le(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Le, paramName);
public static WhereClip Ge(string propertyName, object value, string paramName = null)
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Ge, paramName);
public static WhereClip Like(string propertyName, string value, string paramName = null)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return null;
return BuildWhereChip(propertyName, value, QueryOper.Like, paramName);
public static WhereClip Between(string propertyName, object lo, object hi, string paramName=null)
WhereClip where = new WhereClip();
StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder($"{propertyName} between ");
paramName = SqlQueryUtils.GetParmName(propertyName);
string strParamName1 = paramName + "_pmin";
string strParamName2 = paramName + "_pmax";
sbSql.Append($"@{strParamName1} and @{strParamName2} ");
where.Parameters.Add(new DataParameter(strParamName1, lo));
where.Parameters.Add(new DataParameter(strParamName2, hi));
sbSql.Append($"{lo} and {hi}");
where.WhereSql = sbSql.ToString();
return where;
public static WhereClip DapperIn<T>(string propertyName,IEnumerable<T>values,string paramName=null)
if (values == null || !values.Any())
return null;
WhereClip where = new WhereClip();
paramName = SqlQueryUtils.GetParmName(propertyName);
where.Parameters.Add(new DataParameter(paramName, values));
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} in @{paramName} ";
string strIn = string.Join<T>("鈥?鈥?/span>", values);
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} in ({strIn})";
string strIn = string.Join<T>(",", values);
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} in ({strIn})";
return where;
public static WhereClip DapperNotIn<T>(string propertyName, IEnumerable<T> values, string paramName = null)
if (values == null || !values.Any())
return null;
WhereClip where = new WhereClip();
if (paramName == null)
paramName = SqlQueryUtils.GetParmName(propertyName);
if (paramName.Length > 0)
where.Parameters.Add(new DataParameter(paramName, values));
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} not in @{paramName} ";
if (typeof(T).FullName == typeof(string).FullName)
string strIn = string.Join<T>("鈥?鈥?/span>", values);
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} not in (鈥榹strIn}鈥? ";
string strIn = string.Join<T>(",", values);
where.WhereSql = $"{propertyName} not in ({strIn}) ";
return where;
以上是关于Dapper 灏佽02-缁勮SQL的主要内容,如果未能解决你的问题,请参考以下文章
Dapper扩展Dapper.Common框架 Linq To Sql 底层源码.net ORM框架